Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Unfurling Love by Priscilla Van Sutphin

Unfurling Love" 
Dec.23rd, 2015 

An old hymn was going through my mind. There is love vast 
as the ocean, were the words. The still small voice said 
'unfurling love'. " I am coming on the wings of the cold 
winter wind, and I am blowing on my garden of reknown. I am 
blowing a cool Northern wind that will replenish My people, 
and destroy the bondages. 
And as this wind blows, another right behind it, from the 
south, just as one storm follows another. This Kingdom wind 
will blow despite all the violence in the world, and 
overtake those who are mine, and those 
Who are called elect. 

As it is unfurled, your hearts will be revived, and 
replenished with hope and love to the degree, you will once 
again find worship easy, and flowing with it, My presence 
will overtake you and transform you, no matter how much you 
have gone through, no matter how many mistakes you feel 
you've made, because My grace is greater than all the 
opposition that has surrounded and even overcome many. 

The Spirit of Elijah is being loosed, and families will be 
transformed. Grown children will forgive and be drawn back 
into your arms, and also into My arms. I am a good Father, 
who gives good gifts to My children. Thus will I restore, 
and restore, and restore many many hearts this Christmas 
and in the new year. It has actually already begun in small 
circles, but the ripples will cause an outpouring that will 
overtake neighborhoods, towns, cities, and 
provinces/counties all over the world. 

This is NOT just a fading wind of My Spirit. It is MY 
KINGDOM WIND, and it will not be abated, for I have a 
harvest to reap, before the great and terrible day of the 
Lord that will come beyond it. The earth will be covered 
with the knowledge of the Lord from sea to shining sea.  
The strongholds that have been so hard to break in the past 
will fall down. Just as Gideon tore down the statue in the 
darkness of night, will My Gideons destroy the enemy forces 
that have brought darkness to this world. Many angelic 
hosts have been being loosed, and now even more to contend 
with that which has been opposing and contending with you. 

Why do the nations rage and the people plot vain things I 
have said? They think I will do nothing. The enemy has been 
wearing down the saints, but I have a great resuscitation 
in mind. And My will is above anything he can do. He has an 
end times army, but I have angels I have reserved for the 
day of MY POWER as well. They are now being loosed to bring 
My Kingdom to the earth and startling and amazing miracles 
will abound. 

Do not think that there is anyone I cannot touch. But know 
that you need to depend on ME, for who to speak to, who to 
pray with, who to touch. BE VERY DEPENDENT on Me. Ask Me, 
and you will hear My voice behind you, saying do this, or 
do that, for I AM EMMANUEL, God with you. Follow My lead 
beloveds. This is not a time to be independent. Be 
dependent, like a child on your heavenly Father, listen for 
My lead. You will avoid many traps of the enemy that he has 
planned if you will be MORE dependent on Me. I know his 
"end times game plan". I know every strategy. So go into 
your closet and seek My face, and I will release to you all 
you need to know. 

I have many conduits of My grace I am loosing in this hour 
who have endured great discomforts, pain and shaming, 
rejection and cruelties, whom I will use to subdue the 
proud and arrogant in heart. You cannot be defensive and 
prideful if you want to be in this army. I AM YOUR DEFENSE.  
and I will supply your every need. Do NOT think to squander 
blessings on selfish gain because I am correcting that 
characteristic in others who've gone before you as I come.  
You will have all you need to do what I've given you to do.  
But the abundance I pour out is to bless others beaten 
down, and not just yourselves. I will remove the 
candlestick for those who refuse to care for the poor 
around them, yet take in tithes and offerings, without 
using them for those in need. 

Behold I do a NEW THING, it will spring forth suddenly! You 
will look back in wonder at what I have done. Rejoice NOW, 
REJOICE even in your sufferings, and rejoice in all 
circumstances to quench the drone of the enemy's taunts and 
harrassment. Realize that I AM LOVE, and I will love you 
forever. I will now ARISE and nothing will be the same.  
Darkness is arising, but My Light in you will drive back 
darkness! Ask and you will receive, knock and the door 
will be opened. My manifest love will overtake you and 
every chain you have tried to loose on your own, will be 
broken and your soul will find it's rest in ME." 

Blessings & Hugs, Priscilla


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