Wednesday, July 27, 2016



by Kevin
By Lana Vawser 

Over the past few weeks after the Lord had me purchase a teddy bear dressed as Wonder Woman, He began to speak to me in more detail about this being the season where He is leading His daughters deeper into throne room encounters to behold His wonder and awe. I saw the Lord building a deep childlike intimacy and awe in women all across the body of Christ and major transformation, positioning and promotion was being released over them right now. The Lord showed me that He is doing a major work across the body of Christ in both men and women but there was a divine highlight upon women right now for the end time harvest. He is doing deep, quick works in His daughters and there is a sudden rising up and positioning of women happening all across the body of Christ as they are a key to this end time revival.  
The Lord is raising up women from the place of living in wonder of Him in this season as WONDER WOMEN! Fearless warriors possessed by Him, His love and hope and moving out into the world in the name and authority of Jesus to push back the kingdom of darkness and release the justice and victory of God. 
As I sat with the Lord on this I felt the Lord saying that some of the greatest breakthroughs that we have ever seen in seeing darkness overcome, breakthrough exploding and justice prevailing is going to be seen through the WONDER WOMEN WARRIORS rising up now to take back what the enemy has stolen. 
They are also rising up to release a deliverance and healing anointing in the body of Christ and the world unlike what we have ever seen before. From the place of living in WONDER before Him, He is waking up the warriors within suddenly. 
This transformatory move of His Spirit amongst women right now is going to leave many in awe and wonder of Jesus! The sudden placing, favour, positioning and promotion of His Wonder Women Warriors is going to release a spearhead breakthrough and shift into the body of Christ and then into the world that will usher in a demonstration of some of the most WONDEROUS signs and wonders we have ever seen but bursting forth from the message of INTIMACY being proclaimed loudly. The increase of the signs and wonders and glorious favour and demonstration of His power through these Warrior Wonder Women as they happened, I saw them turn and always point to Jesus! 
In a purity, not false humility, they did not allow the glory to rest on them, but JESUS! With wide eyed wonder at every move of His Spirit and word from His heart they would proclaim "LOOK AT HIM" and an impartation of the wonder, awe and beauty of Jesus was released into the atmosphere and all around them. 
I saw as He was suddenly raising up these Wonder Women Warriors that they knew what it was to live deep in the place of intimacy. Their fearlessness, courage, strength and the wonder-filled demonstrations of His power came not from their own strength but a deep awareness of who He is. A deep reality of living deeply in His heart and a burning passion and fire for His name. A conviction in their heart bursting forth that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE in Him (Matthew 19:26) and that it is not in their might or power but by HIS SPIRIT. (Zechariah 4:6) 
In these throneroom encounters women are being radically healed, transformed and suddenly risen up and positioned. I saw DEEP ROOTS of fear and intimidation that have held them down for years and generations being dealt with by His power and love and a FIERCE FEARLESSNESS being birthed with them. 
MAJOR healing, even OVERNIGHT healings will take place for many women in this season. What has held them down, contained them, drained them and hidden them,being broken and melted away by His love! 
There has been a major attack on women in this season with fear and massive intimidation. Screaming at them to hide, but their greatest season to arise is upon them and perfect love is casting out the fear as they stand in wonder and revelation of their GOOD, GOOD Father!!  Where the enemy has taken ground, after ground in many women's lives, Jesus is bringing a turning, a healing, an awakening causing a season shift to see these women catapulted up and out to TAKE BACK AND GAIN MORE ground than ever! 
I also felt the Lord saying where many women have laid down their swords and shrunk back, He is suddenly healing and awakening them, to pick up their sword again and charge the enemy without fear  and some of the loudest demonstrations of the victory, breakthrough and perfect justice of God was going to be seen. 
The anointing that is being released over women right now is going to see them placed on the worlds stage. 
When I asked the Lord about this, I felt the Him saying that it is time for women to arise and the WONDEROUS work He is doing amongst them will cause them to be seen by the world. The Esther moment, being positioned before Kings and Queens! Being called for!  
I saw these Wonder Women crying out to the Lord for His pure strategy, and He was releasing wisdom from heaven to them. These were such strategic keys of wisdom for whatever sphere of influence they had (whatever role and stage of life they found themselves in) that as they put the wisdom, strategy and creativity of heaven into action, there were portals of encounter being released everywhere they were to encounter the GOD OF WONDERS!!! From homes, to businesses, to schools/universities, to government... On every scale, portals of encounter being opened up to encounter our beautiful Jesus, the God of wonder! The Lord is raising up these wonder women to restore HIS wonder in the world and the Church! 
Not only are women rising up suddenly and going out, but some of the loudest and most powerful voices of JUSTICE, LOVE, WISDOM, HEALING and TRUTH will be released through them. Door upon door of favour will open in the world for these Wonder Women Warriors to go in and stare the enemy, injustice and evil in the face and not shrink back but stand in the authority of Jesus and proclaim His truth and release His love and see the darkness overcome! 
These Wonder Women, women of INCREDIBLE STRENGTH, HIS STRENGTH are about to be put in the most incredible, unbelievable places. 
I felt the Lord kept highlighting Margaret Thatcher (England's former Prime Minister) and that a similar strength was being awakened upon women to change, shift and impact nations. These Wonder Women would move out with a strength birthed in Him that would see these women unmovable and unshakeable and standing for truth and justice. 
In this season He is moving them out now completely immersed in His love. A strength in Him unable to be shaken but also a deep softness and sensitivity to Him and His leading. Carrying such compassion and love. A deep relationship with Jesus that can see them sit at His feet as a child, and also sit with someone on a street who is homeless and weep with them and release love and compassion but also be one who can stand on the worlds stage in strength and unshakeable and be a voice to assist in shifting and shaping a nation. 
Where many may be offended at the placing and promotion of these women, I felt the Lord saying "Watch this space for My Glory is about to invade!!". A glorious move of His Spirit and Glory will invade! Heaven will invade earth in a new and fresh way! There is a vindication being released from the heart of the Father over women in this season and they will again pick up many of their "laid down" influence, giftings, mantles and anointings. 
In the place of wonder before Him, He is roaring, "WOMEN WHO LIVE IN WONDER BEFORE ME, ARISE AS MY WONDER WOMEN!!"

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