My Bride, will take your breath away when she comes your way.
She will come and change the landscape.
The landscape of your mind.
Beauty not conceived of the human experience.
More than you can know.
She will take your breath away!
She will push you into overtime of your heart to Love.
She will dance with her King, the dance of the Bride and the Bridegroom.
She will leave you knowing my imprint is in her and on her.
She will be in the forefront and now presented as my wife.
My Bride.
My unfailing Love brought her through.
Her response was YES!
YES to my offer of LOVE!
My covenant.
My Love.
She is ever on my mind, she is never far.
I am about to reveal My Glory through her.
She will be known.
She has bore my scars.
She suffered my sufferings and will share My glory.
She will rule and reign with me.
She will be My queen.
Beloved look to her being displayed, for she has suffered much for the Kingdom.
She is ready to do my will on the earth.
Rejoice for My Bride has readied herself for My Glory.
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