Monday, December 7, 2015

Be aware and Prepared from Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer

Be Aware and Prepared given through Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer

Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!  I say to you this day that the time has come for an even greater change to come over the earth.  Time draws nigh, and the time for My Son draws ever nearer.  
I am talking of My end time celebration, when the heavens open over everyone at the same time, regardless of your time zone.  Remember, I don’t work in time zones, because I have My own zone.  Though no man knows the day or time of the arrival of My Son, do not be afraid, because I know.  I know.  I know.  I know, and I haven’t told that secret to anyone.  Not even to Jesus Himself!  Even though I know He could keep a secret of this magnitude that affects all of mankind and the whole earth all at the same time.  There are those who claim to know the day and time and allude to it in their writings or as they speak, but I tell you there is no person, who is above Jesus, and I promise you, were I to tell anyone, He would be the One. 
It is wise to be prepared, but it is not wise to be afraid of what it coming, unless it is a holy fear that you have of Me.  Unholy fear runs amuck over the earth.  Understand even as the spirits of fear and other spirits run all over the place, they are looking for an entry point or opening into each person.  It is part of the end time games that are being played by the enemy.  He knows that each person that allows fear or other spirits to enter them, they will bring with them seven other demons or spirits that also enter or come along for the ride to harass, torment, and torture you, until you have had enough of them and are delivered from them, or you fall to them and their influence over your life. 
One that is sure to enter with fear is confusion, because it then keeps you from thinking clearly and as long as you aren’t thinking clearly, you won’t think of evacuating spirits or getting deliverance, you just continue being more confused as time passes on.  You become frustrated and stagnant, because you aren’t moving forward, and often are instead moving backwards.  The enemy knows the ways of man well, and it is well documented in My Word of the ways that he has tried to interfere in My plans and purposes for man since the beginning of time.  
I am on your side, remember that.  I will give you wise counsel, but you would be wise to have a relationship with Me, so that you hear Me clearly, and not your own heart.  Too many are steered the wrong way, because they listen to their emotions / fears / their own heart, and not My Heart.  Time is so precious now, as the days continue to grow closer to the end.  I say again, it is more important than you think, to have a relationship with Me.  Understand also, I don’t mean five minutes a day, although that may be where some of you need to start.  I mean a real relationship with Me, Your Father, Your Best Friend that we talk with each other on a consistent basis daily, not just when you need help.  You need to seek My Face, not My Hands.  Do you understand what I mean?  Think of Me, as your roommate or companion that never leaves you, even when you go out, and you think you are alone.  Well, I hate to break the news, I’m right beside you then too.  That is the choice I have made for each of My Beloveds.  For you are My Beloved and I have made the choice that I will never leave you.  
Your choices though may be something different.  Remember I gave you the power of choice, so that you can choose between right and wrong.  So if I’ve truly told you to do something, My protection, and whatever you need, will be with you.  You will be safe and I will bless you because of your obedience to Me.  It will be for you to continue to be obedient to Me, so that you can get to where you need to be to complete My Calling on your life.
But know also, if I’ve not told you to do something, and you are waiting for an answer, then you need to continue to wait for the answer.  Going ahead of Me, means you go on your own, and it means you are not moving in obedience to Me.  I will still go with you, but you are not moving in My ways, and you may find yourself in trouble, because there are consequences for the choices you make, that aren’t Mine.  Obedience to Me may save your life or the lives of those you love in the days ahead, so again, it is important to stay on the right track with Me.  You need to be making the “best” choices or My choices in the days ahead, regardless of what your heart is telling you, there will be times, when you won’t have time for a second chance.  Your heart can be your greatest enemy at times.  Understand, the enemy does and will use your heart to destroy you, if at all possible.  
Understand again, fear and confusion are two of the end time spirits that are being poured out profusely now and silly as it might seem, they are being embraced by many, due to the choices being made by humans.  So be ever alert to the enemy’s plans.  He is not for you.  He wants your demise and destruction and will do whatever he has to do to get it.  He does not love you, nor does he do anything for you, without you paying the price for it in one way or another at some point in your life, or the life of someone you love, so that it will still affect you.  Remember, if he can’t get to you, he will try to get to you through those you love, be it family, friends, prayer partners, pets or whatever you love most.  He loves to watch as My Beloveds suffer.  He is an expert at the survival skills of manipulation and control, and at doing whatever he has to do to get his way. So beware. Again, it is better to be prepared and aware, than to be unaware and destroyed. 
Many do not see through My eyes, and many do not care to see through My eyes, nor understand My heart, because they do not fully understand My ways or My heart and walk in fear of knowing too much.  But I say to you, if you know the plans and purposes of the enemy you can then ask Me what to do about the enemy’s plans and purposes.  Next you can follow through in obedience to do whatever I tell you to do.  Again, then you are not caught unawares, so that you have to play catch-up, and try to recover what was lost during the enemy’s attack, because you failed to do anything to protect yourself and those you love, due to disobedience, or from doing it your way, again due to disobedience, or from being paralyzed with fear.  
Surely you understand now how important a relationship with Me is for you.  So ask me for the enemy’s plans and purposes and I will reveal it to you.  But be prepared to ask Me what to do about it, and then to follow through in obedience to My instructions.  Do not be too fearful to act upon My instructions and do not move out by yourself, thinking that you know how to deal with the enemy, because that is pride and rebellion working in you, thinking that you know best for you.  I am the only One who knows what is best for you.  Remember, I do not work like humans do, nor do I do the same thing twice, so that there will be times that I will tell you to do something, that will make no sense to you whatsoever at the time.  But at a later time, you will see the value in My plan and with your obedience, you will see the fruit of your labor.  I have already won this war in the end and I am not about to lose any of the smaller wars in between, if you will only follow the path I have laid out before you and not go your own way.  Then WE can complete My assignments for you as ONE, so that you will accomplish My plans and purposes for you to achieve the calling I have placed on your life. 
I know that it is hard for you to understand the capacity of My unconditional love for you.  However, I do love each of you and I will fight for you to help you win the war that is within each of you, that is trying to keep you from becoming fully Mine.  You only have to ask Me.  Remember you have not, because you ask not (James 4:2).  Come, get to know Me for who I am, so that I can reveal My secrets to you about you and about Me.  Wouldn’t you like to know Me more?  


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