Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Other side of the Door by Linda Patterson

The Other Side of the Door – 2016 by Linda Patterson

In a vision, I saw a door starting to open in the spirit with 2016 engraved on it. As this door was opening, I saw a throng of people moving towards the door. They were God's Remnant people, His end-time army advancing forward. There were people running, sprinting; I saw others limping towards this door; still others were on their knees and they were crawling desperate to make it through.
Some of these, chosen of God, were pressing forward with hope, with a glint in their eye that on the other side of the door they would find destiny. They were clinging to a vision of times past, a promise that had been written on their heart. Others were striding confidently, believing that as they crossed the threshold it would be a year of smooth sailing for them. Many moved with purpose, confident that on the other side of the door, a great breakthrough awaited them.

I heard the Lord say, "Yes, My beloved, a season of change awaits you as you cross
the threshold, for truly you will see the fulfillment of many promises I have given. Breakthrough and acceleration belong to those who have been faithful and true to Me, My Word and their calling.

My Beloved, you know that through the dark days and the troubled times of the past, I had never left your side. Prepare, for even in this season that you are entering into the strong winds will blow as storms arise. 

Look up, for there is yet another door in the heavens for you to go through. I am calling you to come up here, My beloved, for this will be your place of retreat and safety. It is here that I hold you tightly, and I shield you from the coming storm, I cover you in My glory, for you are Mine and I am yours.”

Isaiah 60: 1-2
"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."

Song of Solomon 7:10
"I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me."


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