Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I hear the whisper of your heart by Sharon Luzzi

December 22, 2015 

My people are mourning over what looks like is dying. 
Rest assured that I am not only resurrecting new things, I am bringing forth 
that which is promised. 
Your timing is not my timing. 
I am not a man that I should lie. 
I have not forgotten. 
I have put things in motion for your promises. 
Throw off the grave clothes. 
Stop mourning and grieving. 
In all manner and ways your promises are manifesting. 
Keep your hearts fixed on My Heart. 
Fixed on me. 
I am the Almighty One who answers your prayers. 
You have not been forgotten. 
Fine wine is a delicate process. 
Love far outweighs wine. 
Love takes time. 
True Love takes time. 
My gifts and Blessings are very carefully planned. 
Very carefully processed. 
Far above what you can imagine or think of. 
I am working on your deepest hearts desires. 
Nothing will be left undone. 
You will not be disappointed. 
Even things you thought that were not going to come to pass or work out. 
My will be done. 
I am your Father who delights in giving you the desire of your heart. 
Yes I know and see your heart. 
Nothing is too hard for me or impossible. 
Do not think that I have not heard even the whisper in your heart. 
I also know the crying out.I desire to gain intimacy with you. 
My desire is to be intimate with you 
To have a relationship with you where you are no longer afraid. 
I have come to give you peace. 

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