Saturday, November 14, 2015


MORE of ME! given through Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer

I say unto you this day much change is around you and even in you as My Heart arises in My People, My Remnant.  You have heard My call.  You have heard the call to arms.  Even in the Heavens the angels stand at ready alert for the battle that comes.  I know there are some of you who fear and are in dread of this, yet others are anticipating it, with delight, to see the enemy overcome, like he was at the cross.  
There are many days you have wondered and you have thought when will it be the end?  When will it be the war of all wars?  When will My Lord and Savior come as the trumpets blasts resound through the air that they can be heard by every ear.  When? 
I say again, only I know.  Not even Jesus knows the day or hour, so why would I tell anyone else?  There are many who say, oh, it will be this time or that.  But I say again, no one knows the day or time, but Me.  
So settle yourselves, for it does no good to be anxious, to worry, or be fearful about what is coming.  Do not open doors to yourself that are meant to be closed.  Do not give the evil one entry to your house within or around you.  Am I not the One in control?  You have heard it before; I am in control, so since I am in control you have nothing to fear.  For I will take care of My own.  I will take care of those who love Me and seek Me and have a relationship with Me.  I will take care of those who follow Me and many others.  It is My heart for all to know Me as Lord and Savior, so do you not think that My Grace will not cover much?  Do you remember the thief at the cross?  
Luke 23: 41-43 We deserve to die for our evil deeds, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.  Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.”  
(43) And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” 
I know your heart and what you are to Me now, and what you will be in the days ahead.  Remember, I created you and knew you before you were born.  So I knew you in the beginning, I know you in the middle and I will know you at the end, and the choices you make.  So choose wisely, My children, choose wisely. 
There will be many who will say they knew Me, who will say they did mighty deeds through Me, and they may have, but I don’t know them.  

Time spent with Me in this hour is so important for each of you.  Even now I am downloading strategies, gifts, and revelations for My people.  If you do not get these, you will not be ready for the battle.  
Many of you have already been engaged in battle on one or more fronts and are becoming battle weary.  It is so important that you spend time with Me as much as possible, so that you maintain your rest in Me.  

Do you remember David playing his harp for Saul?  
1 Samuel 16:23   And whenever the tormenting spirit from God troubled Saul, David would play the harp.  Then Saul would feel better, and the tormenting spirit would go away. 
To combat evil spirits of weariness, heaviness, oppression, condemnation, accusation, intimidation, bullying, unworthiness, anxiety, worry, fear, torture, torment, harassment, pain, harm, suffering, deaf and dumb, religion, legalism, perversion, lies, deceit, jezebel, ahab, hopelessness, despair, sorrow, death, destruction, suicide, and others that are trying to push their ways into your life it is important to spend time worshipping Me.  Playing worship music wherever you are will help you, just as David playing for Saul helped him.  But it is important to come home to a peaceful haven or your piece of Heaven on earth, so play worship music where you live while you are gone, either cds or a Christian radio station on low, will help you come into a home of peace and those things trying to come in from work, will drop off at the door, because they don’t want to stay around where worship music to Me is being played, as those spirits don’t worship Me. 
Even as the worship music begins to fill your spirit, so will the things of this world, quiet or leave you, just as they did for Saul.  You are to rule and reign where you are, use the tools that I have given you to do that.  You are not defenseless.  I would not do that to you.  That is why it is important to spend time with Me and My Word, so I can teach you and show you the strategies within it, that will help to protect you. 
I have so much to give you and teach you, My Beloveds, but you have to be willing to sit with Me to learn.  Spend time with Me, I need every part of you to be engaged in what I need to teach and impart to you.  Otherwise you may have to go through the lesson more than once on the battlefield before you learn the strategy, which may cause you to be hurt, as a consequence, and as I said, go through extended / remedial lessons, so that you learn what I need to teach you, so you will be ready.  Wouldn’t you rather learn it in My arms, while you are with Me, rather than the hard way through experience?  I know for some of you experience is how you learn, but you could shorten your learning time, by spending time with Me.  You know through Me, all things are possible.  So don’t you know that spending time with Me, not only means worship and My Word, but dreams, visions, signs, wonders, miracles, translating (Angel Express anyone?), healing, deliverance, and so much more?  I am a God of Wonders and I am excited about what is coming aren’t you?  I have done expediated or fast track learning for some, and can for you, but you have to be willing to listen and be obedient to whatever I tell you to do. 

I want you to be so ready for the enemy that when he comes into your sphere of influence, you know beforehand, so there is no surprise to his coming.  Not only will you know beforehand you will be more than ready, so he will give up even as he gazes on you, because He will see My Glory covering you and He will see Me, because you will have transformed into My likeness.  So he will know his battle is futile and that he needs to leave quickly, before he is no more.  
I am One you cannot afford to be without.  I am One who you will want to have in your life, a full measure, overflowing, so that there is no room for anything else, but Me in you.  All it takes is a little more time with Me.  Keep seeking Me every day, so that I can fill you with more of Me.  So that when the enemy looks at you, he no longer sees you, he sees Me in your stead. 


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