Monday, November 9, 2015

Hear my Heart Beating

Hear My Heart Beating given through Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer 

Change.  Change.  Change.  I tell you that this is a day of increasing change that is coming across the land.  Even as the shaking and breaking continues in this land, so does it in the lands of the earth.  I the Lord, will have a bride that is spotless and clean.  
It will take the shaking and breaking, to break down those who worship false gods and those who believe that they are in control and promote perversion to all.  Even as the spirit of jezebel continues to rise up in the world, do you not see it through the manipulation, control, witchcraft, lust, perversion, lies, deceit, death and destruction that continues to rise up in the world?  Divide and conquer is the theme he/she lives by as the spirit of jezebel is within both men and women, as well as principalities over governments and nations. 
There are many even now who have given up, who believe that I do not exist, who have turned their backs on Me, because it is easier to do nothing, than to continue to worship Me or to pray.  Even the spirit of complacency knows this, as it continues to try to roll over everything in its path.
I saw a very large rolling pin, with the word “COMPLACENCY” written across it going over the land
flattening the surface and those things on it.  As it flattened it also covered the land and those things 
on it with a wrapping (it seemed like a mixture between press & seal and saran wrap, because it 
stuck to whatever it was put on, but was so tightly stretched over it, that things pushing against it 
bounced back off to the surface of the ground) as it stretched over the land and people.  So, that 
those under it would have a hard time getting up and out from under it.  Then, the evil one will have an easy and smooth route to follow going over the top of the wrapping. 
Once you give up and become complacent, the enemy believes that you will no longer have the will to rise up to oppose him.  He takes advantage of this and he continues to win more to his side.  
Do you not know that it is I who am in control?  I won the race, through My Son, dying on the cross for your sins.  But that does not mean it will be easy for you.  Those of you going through hard things now or trials and tribulations, know it is not easy, but that is no reason to give up.  It is important that you listen to Me and follow My directions, and not the directions of your own heart.  Remember it is your own heart who lies to you, to help get you to where you want to go. But is it where I would have you go?  (Prov 3:5   Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;  Prov 28:6  He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but whoever walks wisely will be delivered; and Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?)  Choice can be a dangerous thing, when it is the wrong choice you make, because you haven’t followed Me.  There are consequences and rewards for the choices people make.  Make sure that you have sought Me and heard My choice, before you move, so that you are not as one walking blindly into a trap.  Know My Voice and My Ways better than you know yourself.  Seek Me.  Seek Me.  Seek Me.  
I am for you, but you must not give in to the enemy.  You must grab onto My robe, just as the woman with the issue of blood did, as My virtue poured out over her, because she did not give up, she believed she would be healed if only she could touch the hem of My garment.  (Mark 5:25-34).  You have not, because you ask not.  Seek Me. Seek Me.  Seek Me, for I am the One with all the answers.  I am the only One who knows all and who knows you frontwards, backwards and inside out.  I was the One who created you and all that you are.  I am the One who loves you most, more than any other person or thing, I LOVE YOU MOST.  There is no other who loves you more or who can give you more.  I am the only One who can give you eternal life in Heaven.  I promise you, you do not want to spend eternity in hell, with the fallen one, who seeks to destroy all that I have created.  He forgets, I already won this race.  Do not allow him to help you forget as well.  
Time draws short.  Even now, things are accelerating around you and increasing in size.  Make sure that it is your love and heart for Me that are accelerating and increasing as well.  It is better to come with Me, than to go against Me.  With Me, you are in My arms.  Against Me, you are in the enemy’s embrace.  It is as easy as that.  I don’t embrace luke warm, I spit it out. Follow My Word and My Way.  The Ten Commandments that I gave to My people have not changed, they are still the same and I still expect you to follow them, regardless of political correctness.  I didn’t make you to be like everyone else.  I created you to follow Me, all the days of your life.  Will you do it?  Will you follow Me, and let go of the ways of man and embrace Me fully, for who I am?  Will you follow Me with your whole heart, instead of just pieces of your heart or only the parts that “look good” today?  I want your life, all of it.  Are you ready to commit yourself to Me, fully and completely with abandonment, so that the enemy will no longer be able to hold you back?  So that you are truly free in Me?  That is My Heart for you, to be totally free in Me.  Give up the past and the past’s ways that have kept you from Me.  Come, run into My arms, so that I can hold you close to My Heart.  Do you hear My Heart beating?  That is how close you need to be to Me, so that you can hear My Heart beating, because as you hear My Heart, so will your heart begin to beat as Mine.   


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