Monday, November 30, 2015

Behold My Bride

A Love Poem from the Bridegroom by Christine Beadsworth

Psalm 45 says 'my tongue is the pen of a ready writer' and if we will listen carefully, our Beloved is always penning love letters to His Bride.This one I heard in Nov 2013 touched my heart afresh this morning: 
My love shelters, My love leads
My love strengthens, My love feeds
My love carries, My love woos
My love calls you, What will you choose?

The hustle and bustle of markets and malls?
the pastimes that thrill you, the pleasures that call?
Or will you follow wherever I lead,
outside the city where souls are in need?
Will you share My dishonor and shun men’s' acclaim?
Will you live for My glory and lift up My name?
Will you follow the path that is scattered with thorns
where the voice of man mocks you, where sin's weight is borne?
For the Love that is calling is Love sent to die,
Who, for love of the lost, gladly was crucified,
will you drink of the cup that was poured out through Me?
Will you lay down your life, filled with joy, willingly?

I wait for your words of surrender, “I will”
and two become one as My Word is fulfilled!
The day of My gladness of heart has now come!
the Father has found one well fit for the Son,
Unveiling her born from the cleft in My side,
I say to the world, “Behold now My Bride!”


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