Monday, November 9, 2015


Cleaning House given through Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer

Have you not seen and heard the news?  I am coming!  I am coming!  Look in the skies, see it in the earth.  Wars and rumors of wars are coming forth all over the earth.  Do you not see the book of Revelation in the earth before you?  Do you not know that time is short and My time will soon be upon you?  Prepare.  Prepare.  Prepare, for soon, I will be among you.  
Do you know My heart?  Have you prepared your heart?  Have you forgiven all those who you need to forgive?  Have you let go of the past, for with it is unforgiveness.  Do you not know My heart for you?  Have you not seen the signs, wonders, and miracles that are already happening on the earth?  For people are being raised from the dead, even as I did so, so is it happening at this time on the earth, on every continent, but Antarctica.  My time soon comes when you will do even things I didn’t do while on the earth.  John 14:12   The truth is, anyone who believes in Me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with My Father.
Believe, so that you can receive.  For I have much to give and much will come forth in My people and across the lands of the earth.  Signs, wonders, and miracles are now coming forth, have you not seen them?  My servants go forth now.  But, I tell you, the Hidden Ones, I am releasing even now and in the days ahead, will carry even more authority and do even more for My Kingdom. They have been hidden, for such a time as this. Esther 4:14   Much is about to change around you, as they come forth in the lands of the earth.  
For even as time comes to an end, so does time accelerate.  Have you not noticed how fast time seems to go?  What used to take years, may now only take a year, a month, a day, or maybe even seconds or parts of a second.  Therefore it is important that you use time wisely.  There is not time to waste.  
It is important that you spend time with Me, above all else.  I will be your lifeline in the days ahead for all things.  I was your beginning.  I am your middle and your end, if you choose wisely.  Will you choose wisely, or will you still hang onto the things from the past with unforgiveness?
It is time to clean house, and I don’t just mean where you live.  I mean yourself, from inside to outside.  It is time to come as clean as you can at this time.  It is time to pray, fast, and come before Me.  Seek Me as to those who you still need to forgive or what I need to forgive you for.  For, there are none who are free and clear.  There are none who have a clean house, only I am capable of that.  
Come on, come spend the day or days with Me, or all night or nights if you choose.  Get a pencil and paper, so that we can make a list of all those you need to forgive or what I need to forgive you for.  Put on some worship music and spend time with Me.  I mean Me.  I don’t mean, between watching TV, or between reading a book, or between feeding your children or your pets.  I mean spend time with Me, just Me, with no one else or nothing else to distract you.  Turn the phone off or to silent, so that you can give Me your undivided attention.   
Are you ready?  
Make sure the worship music is on and you are listening to it and letting it soak into your spirit.  Let it get in deep, so that I can do some cleaning and rearranging in your spiritual house, because that is what is going to happen when we start digging out the unforgiveness.  You do know, it isn’t in there all by itself?  It likes to have friends in too, you know, like bitterness, and anger.  They are all spirits or wannabe-friends, cause they all wannabe-friends with you, so they can continue staying in your spiritual house.  In fact, if they have been inside for a while, like a few years, they have gotten to know you really well, and may be known as familiar spirits or familiar wannabe-friends.  The kind that if they are from your childhood, you may have talked to them as imaginary friends, or they may have been the voice you heard that talked you out of doing what you were supposed to be doing and talked you into doing what got you in trouble or should have gotten you in trouble, if you’d been found out.  If they are those kinds of spirits or friends, then their numbers have grown through the years of their habitation and they have probably invited other spirits or friends to join them, like manipulation, control and rebellion or maybe shame, rejection, and unworthiness.  For some, it will be all of them and possibly more spirits.  
So you need to really just let the music get into your spirit, so that we can begin the process of evicting some of those spirits or wannabe-friends who are holding you back.  Those who are keeping you from coming forward into My Light even more.  You do know, I want all of you.  I am selfish in this, in that, I WANT ALL OF YOU!!!
So when you feel like the music is in you deeply, then seek Me, and say, 
Father, let me know Your truth in my head, let me accept Your truth in my heart, and let me be obedient to You, Lord, to do as you reveal to me, as You expose those things that are holding me back from You, Lord, in Jesus Name.  Amen. 
Then, begin to ask me, “Lord, who do I need to forgive?  Lord, remind me of times when I misunderstood someone and help me to understand, so I might forgive.  Lord, remind me when I got mad, because someone didn’t meet my expectations.  Lord, remind me of when I hurt someone, even if I didn’t realize it, please remind me, so I can seek forgiveness.  Lord what have I done that I need to seek forgiveness for?  Please bring it to my remembrance.”  Any or all of these will do, or you can make up your own, so that I know you want to hear Me and understand and do whatever it is, I tell you to do.  Then do what I tell you to do.  
I know it isn’t easy, because obedience is the hardest thing to do, because I have given man free will.  But, understand this, obedience is the highest order of praise that you can give Me, because it is the hardest thing for man to do.  So I understand the fight you are in, because literally to be obedient, you are fighting those parts of yourself who are against Me.  But know, the more submitted you are to Me, the easier it will be for you to be obedient, because it will become a way of life, because of your love for Me. 
Do not think that this will take only a few minutes of your time.  Remember, you are spending time with Me and time with Me, is always well spent.  It is not only a onetime event, because each of you are like an onion to be peeled.  So, that as each layer comes off, there is always a time and season for the next layer to come out or off.  Some spirits are deeper than others and may take longer to get rid of, but in the end you will be freer than you were previous to your time with Me, when we cleaned your spiritual house within you.  I love you and want you free of all encumbrances from the past or present so that you can come on the new path I have waiting for you.   So when you are free, you will be ready for My next adventure with you.  


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