Monday, December 11, 2017

Abuse and Rage (extreme anger the kind of anger that sees RED )


     Over the years I have worked with alot of people who have rage operating in their life. It is a destructive force that send them far away from family, friends and God. It isolates people and the whole world is at fault and their enemy. It goes far beyond that too. It justifies their behavior and literally BLINDS THEIR CONSCIENCE.

     This is why God speaks about not letting the sun go down on your anger without addressing it. We can still be mad however we have to bring it out into the light before sundown. Literally.
It Blinds the conscience (RAGE) because the pain is so intense it is like a fire than can not be put out.

     Satan depends on the anger being fanned into this so he can get a foothold and takeover.
Trauma to a person is designed by Satan to get the foothold needed to gain entrance to the person's hurt to fester the wound to the point of boiling RAGE to take over the persons being.

     It can manifest into many things however the goal is to keep the fear and hurt going so the person's soul becomes unreachable by family, friends and most importantly GOD. These people are so hard to reach because they are so blinded by the TRAUMA and HURT.  Often these people were exploited by someone else, anyone else,  in the form of predatory behavior to gain something for the  predators themselves. And of course these people who are exploited were done while they themselves were so VULNERABLE.

     A PREDATOR  plunders and destroys. They knowingly set out to do this. They set out intentionally to plunder and destroy.

This if not healed and delivered becomes a generational curse. These victims often become
not believed and feel helpless. They ARE experiencing real FEAR from what has transpired in they lives.

Because the Anger and Co-dependency is so strong it is hard to reach their inner man to help them release all that has been attached wrongly to their soul.

Our identity is not to be based on these things. The foundation should be Love and Freedom.

 We operate out of the things that were attached to our souls. Good things are right foundations, Bad things wrong foundations.

Generationally these get passed down if not delivered  and healed.

These demonic forces will suck the life out of you (co-dependency). You will be exhausted trying to live up to a false identity.

Everything in your life will go wrong.

Unexplained illness, unexplained accidents, deep depression which will cause you to push everyone away.

The demons attached through these traumas ( which look for an opening in your person or a crack in your wholeness to gain a foot hold) will ALWAYS KEEP YOU LOOKING FOR THE NEGATIVE AND WHAT IS WRONG AND ALWAYS USE FEAR TO DRIVE THEIR POINT HOME.

So ask God today to deliver you and heal you so you can live free and whole.

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