Thursday, December 28, 2017

A ‘Slingshot’ Impartation of Encouragement for 2018 [Episode 38]

A ‘Slingshot’ Impartation of Encouragement for 2018 [Episode 38]: Can you believe how much has happened in 2017? It had its share of challenges and suffering, so I want to impart to you a blast of encouragement for your life and for the good things God has in store in 2018! Although 2017 was a wild ride on Earth, it was extra rich with   …Read Full Post

Monday, December 11, 2017


Abuse and Rage (extreme anger the kind of anger that sees RED )


     Over the years I have worked with alot of people who have rage operating in their life. It is a destructive force that send them far away from family, friends and God. It isolates people and the whole world is at fault and their enemy. It goes far beyond that too. It justifies their behavior and literally BLINDS THEIR CONSCIENCE.

     This is why God speaks about not letting the sun go down on your anger without addressing it. We can still be mad however we have to bring it out into the light before sundown. Literally.
It Blinds the conscience (RAGE) because the pain is so intense it is like a fire than can not be put out.

     Satan depends on the anger being fanned into this so he can get a foothold and takeover.
Trauma to a person is designed by Satan to get the foothold needed to gain entrance to the person's hurt to fester the wound to the point of boiling RAGE to take over the persons being.

     It can manifest into many things however the goal is to keep the fear and hurt going so the person's soul becomes unreachable by family, friends and most importantly GOD. These people are so hard to reach because they are so blinded by the TRAUMA and HURT.  Often these people were exploited by someone else, anyone else,  in the form of predatory behavior to gain something for the  predators themselves. And of course these people who are exploited were done while they themselves were so VULNERABLE.

     A PREDATOR  plunders and destroys. They knowingly set out to do this. They set out intentionally to plunder and destroy.

This if not healed and delivered becomes a generational curse. These victims often become
not believed and feel helpless. They ARE experiencing real FEAR from what has transpired in they lives.

Because the Anger and Co-dependency is so strong it is hard to reach their inner man to help them release all that has been attached wrongly to their soul.

Our identity is not to be based on these things. The foundation should be Love and Freedom.

 We operate out of the things that were attached to our souls. Good things are right foundations, Bad things wrong foundations.

Generationally these get passed down if not delivered  and healed.

These demonic forces will suck the life out of you (co-dependency). You will be exhausted trying to live up to a false identity.

Everything in your life will go wrong.

Unexplained illness, unexplained accidents, deep depression which will cause you to push everyone away.

The demons attached through these traumas ( which look for an opening in your person or a crack in your wholeness to gain a foot hold) will ALWAYS KEEP YOU LOOKING FOR THE NEGATIVE AND WHAT IS WRONG AND ALWAYS USE FEAR TO DRIVE THEIR POINT HOME.

So ask God today to deliver you and heal you so you can live free and whole.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Restore Families Nate and Christy Johnston -Breaking off the Demonic on your Family

Nate and Christy Johnston

We sent this out to our email subscribers yesterday but felt I was meant to share it here also. 
Last night we were worshiping when we both felt strongly we were meant to pray for our families and then for families we knew. Some serious intercession began after not very long and then unexpectedly I had a very confronting vision of a demonic spirit that has come against family lines by opposing their mandate and doing anything to get them to veer off course, which has created so much heartache and pain for many generations in families all over the world. This demonic assignment has been the sole cause for cyclic dysfunction, marital chaos and division, control and narcissism, perversion, and addiction and abuse in countless families to rob the billion soil harvest the enemy knew was coming! 
I saw how it had been operating to create messes that only perpetuated and got worse in every generation. Then the Lord said simply “RESTORE!” so we began to prophesy the same thing. 
“But this is a people plundered and looted, all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prisons. They have become plunder, with no one to rescue them; they have been made loot, with no one to say, "Restore!” Isaiah 42:22
Then the Lord said “Claim the blood” so we began covering families in the blood in our prayer and I saw people beginning to break free as the enemy was reminded of Jesus’ claim to them through the blood. 
As I am typing this I am trembling. I can feel the level of pain and anguish that has come to so many in this area. I see the sons and daughters that are away from the lord and it’s grieving you, the husbands and wives that fell prey to the enemies entices. The loneliness, fear, and betrayal. The home no one else sees that don’t match your Instagram life, there is an unknown tension, something missing, your kids reacting from what they are sensing, and you spiraling further into despondency not knowing where to turn. 
Enter Jesus... Let these be His words and remove us from the equation. He wants you to know that HE HAS THIS! That’s right. Yes, it’s been hard and long but it’s time for a season of RESTORATION in the family! 
I asked the Lord what He was doing in the family and he showed me a vision of a beautiful ring that was being shined up. It wasn't a new ring, it was a vintage piece but was just tarnished and needed some care, and when I saw the finished product and I was in awe of how it looked suddenly brand new! 
Then I heard the Lord say “I am resetting the family stone”, which is a phrase referring to the family member that is the one who brings the whole family together. Instantly I knew He was referring to himself! He wants to heal and restore our families back to their former and originally intended glory and be the centerpiece of our lives! Wow! 
"My dear Christian friends, companions in following this call to the heights, take a good hard look at Jesus. He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe" Hebrews 3:1 (MSG)
From now and into 2018 I believe is a significant marker for the family. Your and my family, and the family of God. I saw the word "JUBILEE" attached to the word family and knew this was further confirming that we are stepping into a season of serious, heavy-duty restoration. Even as I write this I am seeing clocks and dates in planners which i believe signifies the aligning of the times. God is getting his family ready!!
So whatever family situation you find yourself in, know that God is about to show up and do what you never expected He would do in your family. 
Pray this with us today..
Jesus, I give you my family. I give to you every difficult situation I can’t manage, control, or fix on my own. I hand over to your every unforgiveness, bitterness, and heartache I have taken on, and I choose today to BLESS my family and see the best for them. I cover my family in the blood of Jesus and I claim them for you Lord right now, and I every destiny derailing assignment that has been sent ends NOW! My family are blessed to the thousandth generation and WILL fulfill the call of God on their lives. Today I choose to let go of every deep place of disappointment once and for all and pick up new hope that you are restoring my family because that is who you are and that is what you do.. in Jesus na

I am Second Videos Ryan Ries

You are going to come out of this. By Lonnie Mackley

"You're Going To Come Out Of This!" by Lonnie Mackley Dec. 9th, 2017

 I just felt led to encourage many of you today that feel like you have one foot in the grave and that your heart feels so broken that it can never be fixed. You’ve been experiencing such trials that even death seems to look attractive compared to what you have been going through. But rest assured there is a method in what seems to be only madness, and God is going to bring you out of all of this no matter how weary and overwhelmed you may feel right now. The Lord has not abandoned nor forsaken you and even though you may not feel much of His presence or hear His voice very clearly right now I can assure you He is still with you and He will use everything you have gone through for His glory. This is not the end for you; this is actually a new beginning! Soon you will be healed and restored where you will feel like you are in your 20’s again. Your pain and troubles will finally end! PS 107:20 He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. You see, the devil knows that all of the sons of God throughout the world who have gone through the wilderness are about to be empowered by God’s Spirit, so He has been throwing everything He can at you right now to discourage, distract, and depress you into thinking that life is over and you have just missed the boat because you have failed in some way; Sooo not true! You are on the very brink of the greatest time of your life where you will be fully restored and blessed in every way, and all the humiliation you have gone through to get here will be forgotten! God loves you dearly and He is very proud of you and He has seen all of the suffering and misery you have gone through every day for so long. This grueling transition is about to end and life is going to begin anew for you. You will indeed come out of this time and receive a glorious new anointing for this last harvest of souls! PS 71:20 Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. 21 You will increase my honor and comfort me once again.

Spirit Connection Webcast December Doug Addison

Spirit Connection Webcast: Live on the first Wednesday of each month - 6PM Pacific Time / 9PM Eastern Time Doug will do prophetic teaching and Q&A through the live chat, the first Wednesday of each month at 6PM Pacific Time. In the Spirit Connection Webcast Doug Addison shares timely prophetic words and does prophetic teaching. He also does   …Read Full Post

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Spirit Connection Webcast

Spirit Connection Webcast: Live on the first Wednesday of each month - 6PM Pacific Time / 9PM Eastern Time Doug will do prophetic teaching and Q&A through the live chat, the first Wednesday of each month at 6PM Pacific Time. In the Spirit Connection Webcast Doug Addison shares timely prophetic words and does prophetic teaching. He also does   …Read Full Post

Monday, October 23, 2017

Prophetic Coastal Earthquake - Pastor Jim Bakker

Skillet - "Lions" [Official Lyric Video]

Skillet -“Stars” (The Shack Version) [Official Music Video]

Fireflight - Unbreakable

Switchfoot - Afterlife (Lyric Video)


When Shame Becomes Rage

Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
In an article in the Psychotherapy Networker, therapist Ronald Potter-Efron describes the different types of shame. Like guilt, shame is one of those emotions that feels so terrible that some people try to avoid it at all costs. It’s driven by a flooding of adrenalin. Here is how it works. 
We have a conscience and know our values and what ways of acting in which we believe. When we do something different than what we believe in, our conscience nags us to tell us we have done wrong. That is the feeling of guilt. Guilt is situation specific. It has a message to try to get you to stop doing something you find distasteful. It nags, “You did something wrong. Stop doing it.” Guilt can be productive in helping you change your behavior. If you deny what you did wrong and deny the guilty feelings, you cement it in further. You may even use anger to make guilt go away and get the person who is confronting you to back off. Owning your mistakes and inappropriate behavior, apologizing for them and stopping the behavior is the best way to reduce guilt. 
Shame is a message about the self esteem that hits in the pit of the stomach. It is global in nature and says, “You are bad. You are different.” It happens when you feel threatened to the very core of who you are. Shame rears its ugly head when there is a threat and you feel helpless, humiliated and dehumanized. If you lose control when you are angry, you have learned to substitute the emotion of rage to take yourself out of the bad feelings of being a victim. 
Rage is a much stronger emotion than anger. When you rage, you lose self control and adrenalin and cortisol prepare you to fight. You heat up and go from zero to one hundred twenty miles an hour in ten seconds in a run-away giant semi. And you are not in control of the wheel. Someone very nasty has the pedal to the metal and ugly things are coming out of the mouth which you will feel bad about later. You have been hijacked! You have lost yourself because rage has taken you over when you felt a threat to your self esteem. 
The threat is to your sense of who you are and comes out of frustration and shame. According to Potter-Efron four different threats produce four different kinds of hormonal-driven rage that come from different types of shame. 
Survival Rage – when you are physically attacked and might be hurt. 
Impotent Rage – when you feel threatened and feel utterly helpless and not able to deal with the situation so you rage instead. 
Attachment Rage – when you feel threatened because you might be abandoned or rejected by someone you care about. This type may have developed if you had a rejecting type parent who used withdrawal and threats to discipline you. 
Shame Rage – when you feel humiliated, embarrassed, or ridiculed and your self esteem takes a drop and you rage to cut off these bad feelings. This type typically develops if you’ve had a critical, abusing parent or partner or were bullied as a child. 
Other kinds of shame specific to certain situations where you feel like you are less than others. 
I’m Not Trash Shame Rage – if your family was poor or lived in a run down place or your parents were dysfunctional alcoholics or different in some undesirable way, you probably were embarrassed by them as a child. As an adult, you get angry when you are reminded of how you are different from others. 
Loss of Function Shame Rage – loss of your identity as a person because you are less than the person you used to be. You may have lost stamina, memory or are disabled and can’t work. 
Guilt Piling Up Shame Rage – secretly you feel downright ashamed of yourself because you have not lived up to your values and principles and have become a person you don’t respect. When criticized about your behavior, you resort to rage to get the other person to leave you alone. 

Break the Threat-Hormonal Arousal-Shame-Rage Cycle

Potter-Efron says to challenge the five core messages that you get from shame which send you into self-loathing and feeling worthless. 1.) You’re no good. 2.) You aren’t good enough. 3.) You’re unlovable. 4.) You don’t belong. 5.) You shouldn’t be. These are lies that were thrown on you by someone else and your own feelings of helplessness. 
Cutting off shame instead of allowing the feeling to come up and be worked through and turning it to rage only keeps the cycle going. As long as you disrupt the feelings of shame, they will stay with you. The best idea is to bring them out into the light and learn to work them through. Understand the dynamics that send you from feeing threatened to rage so that you don’t feel the shame. Read about shame, bullying and scapegoating. Make a personal challenge to break destructive patterns in your life. Figure out what types of shame you have. 
What triggers your impotent, helpless feelings and what sets you off? Become aware of what’s happening within to become the master of your feelings instead of letting them master you. Learn to observe the process of feeling a threat (a trigger that threatens self esteem) and the quick shift to rage. Step back and watch how you lose your control and give away your power to do something productive when you feel threatened. 
When a vulnerable feelings of disappointment and frustration comes up say, “This is a feeling. It’s only a feeling. Feelings are meant to be felt. That’s why they are called feelings. I choose to breathe through this feeling rather than act it out.” 
Allow yourself to feel the emotion of guilt and own up to what you did wrong. Taking responsibility for your own actions can become a way to gain self esteem. Allow yourself to feel the emotion of shame. Leave the upsetting situation and hang out with the feelings of shame. To defuse its power, call it by name. “So this is shame. I’m being flooded with adrenalin. I can handle this. Even though it feels excruciating, I breathe it through.” 
Find a therapist to help you look at the pattern of violence that you learned in your family, the neighborhood or at school when you were young or when you were in an abusive relationship. Living with an aggressive person may have affected you so deeply that you took on the energies of the aggressor. Redefine your masculinity or your sense of self as a strong woman as being able to take things as they come up. Real strength is learning to allow feelings of hurt, disappointment and vulnerability instead of losing your cool. 
Listen to your body. Catch yourself when you start to trigger, heat up and lose control. Observe how your body reacts when you are about to trigger. Does your stomach knot up or your jaw clench? Do you stop breathing? Do you feel the adrenalin rush as your first clue? Does your heart beat faster? Find your body changes that signal you are about to lose it. Learn body cues to break into the cycle before it goes into nasty behavior. 
Show your strength by being the one who chooses not to escalate the fight. Let the other person know that you must leave the situation at once to calm yourself down in order to not hurt yourself or the other person. Give up the need to have the last word or make one more point. Tell yourself that you can be a bigger person by stopping the argument. 
Use self talk to keep yourself from blowing up. Talk yourself down. Use several phrases that calm you down such as “This isn’t worth it. I refuse to lose it. I don’t have to go down the rage road. I can leave instead of blowing up and ruining things.” Cool yourself down with deep breathing. Tell yourself, “I will learn to deal with frustrating events.” 
Shame is released by processing feelings of entitlement. Challenge your belief that you have the right to vent and scream because you are frustrated. Find a therapist to help you use The Emotional Freedom Technique, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and The Tapas Technique to release old victim feelings and entitlement. 
Be gentle with yourself as you are learning these new skills. You are breaking habits of a lifetime. If you mess up and revert back to the mean behavior you dislike, analyze what went wrong. Don’t beat yourself up-that only makes things worse. Tell yourself that you made a slip and you will be more careful next time. Keep at this process of chipping away the shame-rage cycle. You will get better over time if you keep at this task of becoming the best person you can be. Give yourself a break; this process takes time. 

You are not a bad person because you rage when you feel helpless or bad about yourself. You are just a good person behaving badly. Forgive yourself for doing what you have learned and vow to be different. Change the destructive reactive pattern of shame/rage and develop into the person you really want to be. Use your power to understand your emotions, own them and work with them instead of acting them out. Learn to behave better even when you feel bad inside. Deeply desire to change and you will. You deserve to have a peaceful, happy life. 


Shame the Disowned Part of the Self

Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
Quick! Think of the most embarrassing experience of your life. Or a time when you were drastically humiliated and ridiculed by someone. How do you feel remembering these events? Could you call forth the feelings or did you numb out quickly? Did you feel anguish looking back or could you toss the event off with laughter? The amount of emotional pain that you felt is related to stuck energy around old feelings of shame. Talk about an unsolved mystery! How does this emotion of shame get such a hold on you?
Shame is a fear-based internal state being, accompanied by beliefs of being unworthy and basically unlovable. Shame is a primary emotion that conjures up brief, intense painful feelings and a fundamental sense of inadequacy. Shame experiences bring forth beliefs of “I am a failure” and “I am bad” which are a threat to the integrity of the self. This perceived deficit of being bad is so humiliating and disgraceful that there is a need to protect and hide the flawed self from others. Fears of being vulnerable, found out, exposed and further humiliated are paramount. Feelings of shame shut people down so that they can distance from the internal painful state of hopelessness.
Shame is a result of early developmental loss either real or perceived. It may begin in parent-infant conflict where there is possible significant loss or threat of loss of the child’s basic security. The child longs for closeness with the mother and father. If there is rejection or love withdrawal from the parent, the child is left with intense, painful emotions. On some level, the beliefs of “I am unlovable” develops and a core of shame starts to build. Anna Freud described these experiences as happening before the child develops language and therefore are not remembered. These feelings of not being loved cause the child to rage and/or go into silent withdrawal. Experiences that cause shame alter the child’s basic trust of others and are at the heart of dysfunctional behavior.

Shame and Guilt

Children often feel guilty as well as ashamed. Guilt is an emotion that rises after a transgression of one’s own or cultural values. Guilt is about actions; shame is about the self. The purpose of guilt is to stop behavior that violates a self, family or societal standard. Guilt keeps score on excesses or deficits of behavior deemed undesirable and is expressed in regret and remorse. Guilt can be tied to perfectionism and setting goals either too high or too low. Engaging in behavior that causes one to feel guilty can lead to deep shame.
The typical shame response is a heightened degree of arousal and self consciousness. The person in emotional pain averts his eyes and his head goes down. New information is blocked. There is intense discomfort and muscular tension. The body collapses inward to protect the self and there is a shrinking of body energy. The skin may become flushed with embarrassment. There are feelings of inadequacy and the fear of self exposure. The person wants to shrink, hide or even die to get away from the painful feelings of mortification. These feelings are so excruciating that the child wants to avoid them at all costs.

Causes of Shame

Adult-induced causes of shame involve betrayal by others and a broken trust through disapproval or humiliation. Parental withdrawal and rejection shown by looks of contempt cause instantaneous shame reactions in children. A child who believes that his parents favor a sibling often believe that there is something basically wrong with him or he would be the chosen child. Shame also occurs when the parents have high standards of behavior and react with anger or embarrassment when the child does not live up to expectations. Punishment for failure and humiliation over the child’s expression of vulnerability, distress, crying or pain typically create shame. Criticism, cruel teasing and ridicule further reinforce the child’s beliefs of unworthiness. Harsh parental discipline of a coercive nature create fears of abandonment in the child. The trauma of physical abuse imprints feelings of being devalued in the child. Empathetic shame happens when the child internalizes humiliation and shame reactions of other people. Sexual abuse typically causes the child to feel dirty and bad and he often absorbs the shame of the adult who committed the offense.
Other types of shame are self induced around events of morally inappropriate behavior and public exposure. It is not what happened to the person but how it is interpreted by the self and others that makes the difference. Excesses of worry about what others may think of him add to the discomfort and the wish to hide. This category of fear of self exposure includes:
  • Sexual feelings and actions.
  • Impulsive aggressive behavior that is against public standards.
  • Issues around bathroom functions, body odors and cleanliness.
  • Failure of a task or doing poorly when performing before an audience.
  • Humiliation and ridicule by peers.
  • Class, social status or racial inequality–being looked down upon by others.
  • Being different or one’s parents being different from others–clothes, body size, or physical differences.
  • Doing something or saying something that might hurt another person’s feelings.

Shame Equals the Global Inner Belief of “I Am Bad.”

Energy has to go somewhere. Negative feelings and thoughts are energy. If the powerful feelings are not discharged, they are stored in the body. They may be denied and forgotten, but they remain as a negative force and the person goes through life with a nagging belief of not measuring up. When there are many unresolved experiences of shame in a child’s life, the self evaluation becomes global. The child has a core belief of “All of me is bad.” The child with a large amount of shame who makes a mistake does not make a specific attribution regarding an event such as “I did this. It was wrong and I can correct it” but goes automatically to feelings of unworthiness. The child then substitutes another emotion or numbs himself to avoid feeling the shame further stamping in the belief of being inadequate and helpless.
Scheff’s theory is that shame causes a breakdown of the integrated self. The bypassed, unacknowledged pain is not available to be looked at due to the mechanism of denial. Dissociation and repression of the bad feelings allow distance from the shame with a cover up of “I am not this needy. This is not me. I cannot feel this vulnerable.” Tension is discharged partially through substitute emotions but the core of shame grows even bigger as the individual engages in unhealthy behavior.

Shame-Driven Behavior

“Shame is the shaper of symptoms,” said Donald Nathanson. The unacknowledged thoughts and feelings become repressed and surface later through substitute emotions and dysfunctional behavior. Other emotions are substituted to hide the shame and maintain self esteem. Anger, depression, exaggerated pride, anxiety and helplessness are substituted to keep from feeling the total blackness of being bad. The buried shame is expressed through defense mechanisms that shield negative unconscious material from surfacing.
Anger responses are modeled and learned in some families. The anger response is more comfortable than feeling the shame for some individuals. Families where coercive and humiliating methods of discipline are used develop children who are shame prone. Behavior become driven by defenses that function to keep from feeling bad. Reality becomes distorted to further protect the self from poor self esteem. The transfer of blame to someone else is an indicator of internal shame.
Children who live with constant hostility and criticism learn to defend against the bad feelings inside and externalize blame on others. External assignment of blame is a defense against shame. People who are super critical have a heavy shame core inside. The focus is on finding fault outside yourself but the mistake is never corrected. If the responsibility for blame can be fixed on someone else, the person may feel pride in getting off scot-free. The rigid thinking is I’ll be pure if I can make him wrong. It is not my problem. It is beyond my control. I just can’t allow myself to feel bad inside, so I’ll blame him.”
The child who has been raised with criticism and parental anger may develop the shame/rage spiral. The shame/rage spiral consists of getting angry and raging when upset, then being ashamed and going into rage to avoid the shameful feelings, etc. The shame/rage spiral keeps others away and helps the person avoid intimacy where more pain and shame might be experienced.

Shame and the Fear of Being Found Out

The shame-prone individual’s biggest fear is for others to find out how bad he really feels inside. There is denial of vulnerability, avoidance of negative feelings that are perceived as weak and an inability to be real. Macho behavior in men has a deep shame core at its base. Men who are frightened of feelings learn to wall others away through withdrawing, numbing their feelings and intellectualizing. Other shame-driven behaviors are acting out, depression, anxiety and compulsive behavior. Some people are self deprecating and use submissive behavior to avoid the shaming behaviors of others. Others turn to addictive substances and activities to numb the emotional pain inside. The dissociation disorders are based in shame with distortion of reality and developing separate parts of the personality to hide from the shame.
Exaggerated pride allows the person to build up feelings of superiority again for the purpose of denying the global negative internal beliefs of “I am bad.” The narcissistic individual reduces his own shame by feeling better than others; he elevates his status by putting others down. Prejudice, bigotry, revenge and grudges towards others are mechanisms that keep the self from knowing and experiencing the shame. Individuals who engage in antisocial behavior have a great capacity for shame and denial. Young people who resort to violence and membership in gangs use feeling superior to avoid feeling bad about themselves. Sadly, gang members describe feeling respected by their peers for the first time in their life.

Shame Busting – Acknowledging and Releasing the Belief of I Am Bad

The denial of shame and dysfunctional behavior acts to prevent shame from surfacing by separating the self from the negative feelings. Shame removal can be accomplished by reconnecting with the original feeling of shame and learning to accept one’s self, warts and all. The affect must be expressed and internal awareness gained. The child must feel very secure with an adult for him to let his guard down and become less defended and rigid. This can best be done with a loving, caring individual who accepts the child as he is so that the broken trust can be regained.
In this process the person becomes an observer of his own shame, accepts it and takes mastery over it.
  • Bring the shame to a conscious level by recognizing where it is located in the body.
  • Feel the feelings. Describe the hurt, sadness, revenge and embarrassment to break into numbed feelings. Own the previously hidden feelings.
  • Give the feelings verbal labels.
  • Describe the original experience that caused the shame.
  • Discuss the negative energy of the person who caused the humiliation or rejection, etc. Explore this person’s reasons for cruelty as related to his own shame.
  • Determine if any of the other person’s shame was internalized. Help the child to understand that it is not their shame but someone else. Ask him to release it by visualizing throwing away the other person’s shame.
  • Ask for the global belief (I am unworthy/bad/ unlovable.) that defines the secret self.
  • Make specific attributions (I did something wrong based on my limited understanding at the time.)
  • Find which negative emotions are substituted to keep from feeling bad.
  • Find the poor coping behaviors used to keep the global belief away.
  • Discuss the public exposure of failure. Admitting one’s faults reduces anxiety. Confession of “one’s discretions” in an atmosphere of safety reduces shame.
  • Use laughter and pleasant emotions to reduce the tension. The research shows that individuals have less hostility if an irrelevant, pleasant experience happens at the same time when recalling a traumatic event. Terrifying situations may be defused more easily with humor. Laughter is an indicator of good self esteem–that you feel good enough to laugh about the unpleasant situation.
  • Make a metaphor of the shame giving it color, form, shape or an image.
  • Using visualization of the metaphor, ask the client to start to move the shame energy around. Have the child imagine dissipating and releasing the shame.
  • Ask for a new global belief to replace the “I am bad.”
  • Ask the child how he will be different in the future with this new belief. Ask him to imagine seeing himself acting differently in a situation of threat.
The cleaning out of the global “I am bad” belief takes time and much exploration. This exercise may need to be repeated many times depending upon the number of incidences in the person’s life.
Kids are resilient. Don’t give up on them. Help them learn to break the cycle of shame prevalent in their lives. Decision making is where it’s at. Help children gain a sense of self competency by learning new skills to make good decisions. This approach when combined with learning to speak out for one’s self and say no when appropriate along with sharing feelings and stating boundaries gives children tools to avoid further incidents that might be shame provoking.

Help your children learn positive self esteem and responsibility with the help of our kits and books, see our PDF Talk, Trust and Feel Catalog and order form where professionals can order in bulk quantities and discounted shipping costs.


Shame – The Shaper of Symptoms

Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
Shame is a fear-based internal state accompanied by feelings of being unworthy and unlovable. 
Shame conjures up brief, intense painful feelings of mortification due to being seen as inadequate. Shame feelings are a threat to the integrity of the self. It keeps us caught in fear of being found out by others. The perceived deficit is so humiliating that the person goes to great lengths to hide the flawed self. 
Induced causes of shame by others include a betrayal by them in some way. Trust in often broken through parental disapproval and judgment. Harsh, critical parental behavior produces shame-prone, perfectionistic children who then pass the family bad habit down to their children. The energy of shame of others is contagious and can be passed from one individual to another. In this manner, family dysfunction is handed down from one generation to the other. 
Parental withdrawal, rejection or favoritism of a sibling cause deep fears of abandonment and shame. The child feels that he must be really bad or his parents do not love him. Parents who have too high expectations of behavior, criticism and disapproval for failure create shame as the child cannot realistically live up to the high expectations. Parental humiliation and punishment for distress, crying or making a mistake creates the need in the child to try to hide his vulnerability. He worries incessantly about what others think, fears public failure and stops taking risks due to fear of social disapproval. He is becomes afraid of rejection and abandonment. 
When parents point the “bony finger of blame” at a child and say “Shame on you. Shame. Shame. You are a __________. ” the child learns to believe that he is unworthy. He may then act out inappropriately and become what the parent has labeled him. Doing what the parent has accused him up is the self-fulfilling prophesy. 
The trauma of being bullied or physical and sexual abuse imprints major feelings of being devalued and unworthy in the victim. Shame can pass from the perpetrator to the victim. People who live in abusive relationships where they feel helpless learn the shame-rage cycle. Shame and rage are passed from one person to another through learning to act like the aggressor. 
Some churches use shame to control their members by preaching rigid rules which are inconsistent with human nature. The more that “hell and damnation” are emphasized, the more guilt and shame the members will have. 
Guilt is a feeling that we did something wrong. Guilt is usually tied to a specific behavior. Guilt says, “I did something bad. I must pay.” Common causes of guilt are violation of society’s’ values around sexual and aggressive behavior, issues around bathroom functions care and being different and being looked down upon by others. We create guilt and shame in ourselves when we engage in morally-inappropriate behavior and get caught and there is public humiliation. 
Guilt is about actions, shame is about the self. Shame says “I am bad. I am different.” The shame core can build up after engaging in behaviors you know are wrong. Accumulated guilt by continuing to act in ways that you know are wrong can turn into shame. 
Guilt and shame can build up with repeated incidents of humiliation and lead to internal global beliefs of “I am unworthy. I don’t deserve good things. I am unlovable. ” The feelings around these deep core beliefs are so bad that they must be avoided at all costs. Other more acceptable feelings such as sadness, anger or rage get substituted instead. 
Shame is the shaper of symptoms. It creates a false self where you cannot be real. It can create nasty behaviors that you regret later. Repressed shame leads to substituting more acceptable emotions (to you) such as anger, rage, depression and anxiety to reduce the internal tension that is so hard to bear. Other defenses of shame include macho behavior, intellectualization and shutting down feelings. Controlling, blaming, criticizing or feeling superior to others are other common defenses to avoid feelings of shame. Engaging in excessive use of alcohol, substances and addictive behavior may be an indicator of shame. Drunken behavior may then cause more shame. Engaging in behaviors that society frowns upon creates more guilt and shame. 
In the shame/rage cycle, there is an instant flooding of adrenalin and cortisol to prepare the person to fight back. You come under the control of fight or flight hormones and attack the other person going for their jugular vein. Your common sense goes out the window as you lose your personal sense of responsibility and then lose control. 
Patterns of dysfunctional behavior in a person’s life usually indicate a strong internal shame core. Lack of intimacy and connection to others indicates a lack of trust which was brought about by early feelings of helplessness and humiliation. Repressed shame and guilt cause a lack of trust of others and a deep breach or separation from others and the real self. 
Rage is always about entitlement and feeling insecure inside. The person believes he has the right to vent and yell to get the other person to back off. He uses anger to intimidate others to get them to leave you alone. Bad behavior works to reduce the threat, but it damages relationships. 
At some point in your, the old defenses of anger, rage and running away from pain no longer work. Shame comes up big time. Your life crashes and you hit an emotional bottom. An important relationship is threatened or ends which may prompt you to seek psychological help. 

Shame is the Shaper of Symptoms but It is Also the Way Home

One purpose of the negative emotion is to help us look at those aspects of ourself that is not congruent with our deepest values and understanding of what it means to be human from a soul level. You can use your shameful feelings as a signal that something needs examining. The anxiety around the painful past must be entered into and moved through. 
Understanding how shame works helps release it. Shame can be released through owning it, talking about it and processing the original painful experiences. Uncomfortable feeling can be accessed and worked through with the help of a skillful therapist. The shame reduction work must be experiential; it usually cannot be released on an intellectual level. Laughter about one’s predicament sometimes helps shift shame energies. 
You can learn to become a detective on your own emotions and behavior so you can break into the hormonal hijackings that spiral you into bad behavior. You can learn to detach and become an observer of your own internal state of shame choosing not to shut down the painful feelings but to stay present and learn from them. When you get upset, step back and watch how the ugly adrenalin-driven behavior takes away from being the person you really want to be. The shame-rage link was learned. The association between hormones and bad behavior can be unlearned. 
You can learn to break into beliefs of being entitled to scream and yell to shut the others down. You can break the belief of “I get to hurt others by my ugly words because I feel an uncomfortable feeling.” You can stop the attitude of “I earn the money here so I get to do what I want and violence is justified. You can learn better communication skills. You can stop focusing on blaming your partner and take responsibility for your part of the problem. You can try to see the issue through your partner’s eyes. This is about finally becoming a grown up! 
The cleaning out of the global beliefs of “I am bad. I am a bad person. I am not safe. I will be rejected because I am unworthy. I will be abandoned.” takes time and exploration but it can be done with a therapist who understands the process of shame release and can stay present with unconditional love. The other side of shame is “I am worthy even though I make mistakes. I am a good person even if I get angry. I am lovable.” The truth is that you are a beautiful person who was shamed as a child and you now need to claim yourself as being worthy of being loved. 
Bring the integrity of who you are forward and work your early painful issues through to create a different understanding of the early painful experiences that caused shame. Turning the shame over to something greater than oneself can negate those global beliefs of unworthiness. 
Feelings of guilt and shame can be worked out with a competent, compassionate therapist. When shame release work is combined in therapy with assertiveness training and learning to speak up and say no, to state boundaries and to share feelings, self esteem zooms upward. 
No easy task, but there it is. By careful monitoring and studying your shame and rage and breaking into them you can become the master of your feelings. If this is the work that you came to do, then the higher part of who you are says, “Let’s be about the work!” 

Thursday, July 6, 2017


The Season of the Basilisk
July 3 thru July 27, 2016 
By Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis 

The period identified as the “Basilisk” season is approaching and we once again want to reiterate the importance of this timeframe and the great need for consecration, repentance and prayer. In times past, we greatly emphasized Israel and her need for prayer covering and spiritual intervention. That emphasis continues. However, we perceive an equal prominence for our nation and the American Church and its need for extraordinary covering during this notable time.

In 1999 we wrote in the “Basilisk” article that terrorism was not coming... it is already here. That threat remains real. Nonetheless, intercession can nullify those spiritual plans of the enemy both for Israel and our nation. In recent weeks, the Lord has given specific permission to call upon heaven for the release and activation of the mighty warring angels, including the distinguished archangel Michael.

In the book of Daniel we see special significance on the role of Michael and the implementation of Heavenly plans here on the earth. Our vision and concentration is placed solely upon the Lord and His Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, God has chosen the agency of man to release the resources of Heaven and hosts’ of ministering spirits to engage the adversary. That provides a source of great comfort knowing there are more for us than for our enemies.

So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. Then Elisha prayed and said, "O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (II Kings 6:16-17)

Great and notable end-time purposes are presently being birthed and the enemy is doing all that he can to abort the destiny of this generation. Thankfully, the Lord has made an abundant provision of grace to establish us as overcomers if we will co-operate with the Holy Spirit and yield our will to the will of the Father. 

One need only read the daily newspaper or watch the evening news broadcast to discover the turmoil, tension and political unrest in the Land of Israel . Never has there been greater need for prayer concerning the government of Israel , the land of the Bible and the natural seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has not only a responsibility but also a great privilege to stand in the gap and intercede for the land of Israel during these turbulent times.

The scriptures promise the Lord’s blessings for those who bless the natural seed of Abraham.

And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed. (Genesis 12:2-3)

The Lord’s love for Israel is eternal and to share in His heart is to participate in His love for the Jewish people and the land upon which the blood of Christ was spilled.

A deep and affectionate passion is being imparted to the Christian Church for the land of Israel and the natural seed of Abraham. Even as Esther sanctified and adorned herself in her royal attire, so is the Bride of Christ in order to come boldly before the Throne of Grace to obtain mercy for the land of Israel and find divine help in time of need.

For the past several years, the Lord has spoken prophetically concerning strategic intercession against the spiritual enemies of Israel and the Church. Perpetual, daily prayer is essential in the spiritual warfare on behalf of Israel and the enemies of the Church. However, the Lord has identified a particular season in the Spirit in which considerable warfare is amplified. This has been known as the SEASON OF THE BASILISK.

Over the past several years, considerable revelation has been released to disclose the workings of this evil opposition historically and currently in Israel and the Church. As a result, we have published an article entitled “Lance of the Basilisk” to outline the revelations and the prayer strategy against this great enemy. The time is quickly approaching for this season to begin. For the year 2007, this notable season begins July 3rd and extends until July 24, which is the 9th of Av on the Jewish calendar. It is during this timeframe that heightened prayer and caution should be exercised in our spiritual warfare. 
This unique season has produced many of the most catastrophic events in Jewish history. This historic enemy of the Cross has an extraordinary hatred not only for Israel but all of God’s covenant people. We trust the following outline will assist each reader in this spiritual encounter.
Paul Keith Davis 
Plans And Strategy For Spiritual Warfare
History has proven that nothing unites a diverse group more than having a common enemy. Opposing political parties will even join together when our nation is confronted by a foreign enemy. This was certainly proven during World War II and again on Sept. 11, 2001 . This fundamental truth is also applicable to the Church. Though there may exist different streams within the Church, as long as each stream leads to the same River, we are joined in purpose. The Holy Spirit is now revealing to us that we have a common enemy who has set himself against the purposes of God in the Earth.

The Scriptures declare that Israel is given to us as an example. The enemies of Israel in the Old Testament typify spiritual opposition faced by the Church. Graciously, the Lord continues to assist us in much the same way that he did Israel by sending prophets to not only reveal the plans of heaven but also disclose the intent of the enemy. On one such occasion, the king of Aram was enraged because he was unable to make plans for war without Elisha the prophet divulging those plans to the king of Israel . (2 Kings 6:8-12)

The Holy Spirit, through divine revelation, has outlined a portion of the plans of the enemy in his effort to disrupt this nation causing considerable hardship and death. In addition, He has also revealed His divine strategy for defeating this foe in His prescribed manner. The enemy we speak of is called Basilisk. 

Visions Of Basilisk
On July 23, 1996 and again on July 23, 1997 , Bob was given visions from the Lord displaying this powerful demonic spirit He is desiring that we understand and oppose. It was clear in the visions that this spirit did not expect to be uncovered nor revealed. This evil spirit is accustomed to operating in secret without being detected or obstructed. This great enemy of the cross has authority to release extensive destruction and misery in the Erth, especially if unopposed by the praying Church. This evil spirit is identified as Basilisk.

Basilisk is the exemplification of the devil himself whose primary purpose is death and destruction. The natural physical death resulting from this spirit is derived from plagues, sickness & disease, natural disasters and even terrorism. Its origin can be traced all the way back to ancient Israel . The Egyptians worshiped this spirit as "the lord and king of serpents to awe all others, nor to be destroyed by any". They displayed a crowned Basilisk on the heads of their gods as observed in the Bembine table and other Egyptian monuments. This demonstrates Satan’s attempt to elevate himself above God as an object of worship.

In the second vision given to Bob in 1997, this spirit was multiplied hundreds of times larger than the previous year. This demonstrates a progressive increase in authority presently given to this spirit. Apparently, during certain cyclical seasons, a tremendous increase in power is given to this spirit to cause death and destruction. Additionally, in 1997, this spirit was shown brooding over a nest of eggs desiring to periodically birth wrath and misery in the earth.

They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper. (Isaiah 59:5)

With each revelation, this prince of darkness expressed considerable surprise at being exposed as he is accustomed to operating undetected. So well hidden is this spirit that he did not even require the darkness of night to operate as most evil spirits. He can operate and even prevail in the brightness of the noonday. Though he does not require the darkness of night, like all evil spirits, he prefers to be hidden in darkness.

Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon . (Psalm 91:6) 

Basilisk in Scripture
The word Basilisk is derived from basiliskos meaning "kinglet" or "king" signifying a mythical reptile hatched by a serpent from a cock’s egg. In Scripture, Basilisk is sometimes translated “cockatrice” or “adder”. The Hebrew word for Basilisk occurs in Psalms 91:13, Isaiah 14:29, Isaiah 11:8, Isaiah 59:5, Proverbs 23:32 and Jeremiah 8:17.

Thou shalt walk upon the asp and in the Basilisk; and thou shalt trample under foot the lion and the dragon. (Psalms 91:13) 

But in the end, it will bite like a snake, and will spread abroad poison like a Basilisk. (Proverbs 23: 32) 

And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall thrust his hand into the den of the Basilisk. (Isaiah 11:8) 

Rejoice not thou, whole Philistia, that the rod of him that struck thee is broken in pieces; for out of the root of the serpent shall come forth a Basilisk, and his seed shall swallow the bird. (Isaiah 14: 29) 

The burden of the beasts of the South. In a land of trouble and distress, from whence come the lioness, and the lion, the viper and the flying Basilisk, they carry their riches upon the shoulders of beasts, and their treasures upon the bunches of camels to a people that shall not be able to profit them. (Isaiah 30: 6) 

They have broken the eggs of asps, and have woven the webs of spiders; he that shalt eat of their eggs shall die; and that which is brought out, shall be hatched into a Basilisk. (Isaiah 59:5) 

For, behold, I will send serpents, basilisks, among you which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the Lord. (Jeremiah 8:17)

In the land of Palestine, this term is generally presumed to denote the cerastes or "horned viper", a very poisonous serpent, considered one of the most dangerous of all vipers. Clearly, the spiritual symbolism points to a prince of darkness diametrically opposed to the purposes of God in the earth. In Daniel 10 we discover the prince of Persia withstanding Gabriel prohibiting the release of divine instruction for 21 days. Basilisk, also a high-ranking prince, desires to likewise withstand the intentions of God and has been delegated the power of death. It was believed in mythology that the power of death existed in his breath or even in a glance of his eyes.

In each of the visions, the Holy Spirit gave Bob Psalm 91:13 as a defense against this evil opposition. Repentance and steadfast faith in the declared Word provide a protection against this identified enemy. In so doing, our sanctified hearts would then be prepared for the release of the divine authority necessary to defeat this enemy.

The Scripture declares that our foot shall be placed upon the “scorpion” and the “basilisk”, not because of any strength of our own, but because of the great victory appropriated to us through Christ. The Church has been given authority to deal with this spirit, yet mankind has perished throughout history because of a lack of knowledge concerning this enemy and the appropriate application of our Savior’s triumph over all opposition. In Luke 10:19 , the Lord promises that He has given us authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means injure us.

The Ante-Nicene Fathers records the priceless writings of the early Church leaders. One of these great Church Patriarchs was Irenaeus, an anointed messenger to the Second Century Church who died a martyr’s death. His words provide valuable insight on this subject:

“For this end did He put enmity between the serpent and the woman and her seed, they keeping it up mutually: He, the sole of whose foot should be bitten, having power also to tread upon the enemy's head; but the other biting, killing, and impeding the steps of man, until the seed did come appointed to tread down his head,-which was born of Mary, of whom the prophet speaks: "Thou shalt tread upon the asp and the basilisk; thou shalt trample down the lion and the dragon; " -indicating that sin, which was set up and spread out against man, and which rendered him subject to death, should be deprived of its power, along with death, which rules [over men]; and that the lion, that is, antichrist, rampant against mankind in the latter days, should be trampled down by Him; and that He should bind "the dragon, that old serpent" and subject him to the power of man, who had been conquered so that all his might should be trodden down.”

The great theologian and writer Tertullian spoke of Basilisk in this regard:

“Who is He that shall bestow ‘the power of treading on serpents and scorpions? " Shall it be He who is the Lord of all living creatures or he who is not god over a single lizard? Happily the Creator has promised by Isaiah to give this power even to little children, of putting their hand in the cockatrice den and on the hole of the young asps without at all receiving hurt. And, indeed, we are aware (without doing violence to the literal sense of the passage, since even these noxious animals have actually been unable to do hurt where there has been faith) that under the figure of scorpions and serpents are portended evil spirits, whose very prince is described by the name of serpent, dragon, and every other most conspicuous beast in the power of the Creator. This power the Creator conferred first of all upon His Christ, even as the ninetieth Psalm says to Him: "Upon the asp and the basilisk shall Thou tread; the lion and the dragon shall Thou trample under foot." So also Isaiah: ‘In that day the Lord God shall draw His sacred, great, and strong sword’ (even His Christ) ‘against that dragon, that great and tortuous serpent; and He shall slay him in that day.’ But when the same prophet says, ‘The way shall be called a clean and holy way; over it the unclean thing shall not pass, nor shall be there any unclean way; but the dispersed shall pass over it, and they shall not err therein; no lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon; it shall not be found there,’ he points out the way of faith, by which we shall reach to God; and then to this way of faith he promises this utter crippling and subjugation of all noxious animals.

This evil spirit is also described in Deuteronomy 32:24, according to the rabbinical writings.

They shall be wasted with hunger, devoured by pestilence and bitter destruction; I will also send against them the teeth of beasts, with the poison of serpents of the dust. (Deuteronomy 32:24)

The early rabbis taught that this passage could accurately be rendered "and I will fight against them with flaming demons". The "flaming demons" would be a reference to the spirit that the Lord desires that we understand. 

Basilisk In History
Throughout history, this spirit has sponsored plagues at various times causing great numbers of people to experience death. During those periods of time in history, especially the Dark Ages, man attempted various superstitions and fables in his attempt to combat this evil spirit and the death that it brought, rather than applying the blood of Christ and accepting the victory through His revealed Word. This spirit promotes religious superstition in place of faith. This resulted in Christians praying out of their superstitious imagination rather than the Holy Spirit anointed Promises of God. In his address to the Athenians, the apostle Paul described them as being "too superstitious", or "religious" as some translations rendered it. Paul presented the Truth of the gospel to replace misguided trust in fables and superstitions. The Lord desires to do the same today.

During the 1997 vision of Basilisk, Bob saw this prince of darkness approaching land between two bridges utilizing the winds bringing plagues, viruses and natural disasters causing considerable misery. It was revealed in the vision and confirmed through Jewish literature that this evil spirit prevails during a certain season of the year. This season is called Bein Ha'm'tarim by the Jewish writers.

This term means “between the straits” or “dire straits”. This season is a three-week cycle beginning on the 17th of Tammuz extending until the 9th of Av in the Judaic calendar. It is a time when this spirit is prevalent even predominant when unchallenged by the authority of Christ given to the Church through His shed blood. This high level authority cannot be combated individually but must be engaged through corporate united intercessory prayer.

At the time that the subsequent vision was revealed to Bob in 1997, hurricane Danny entered Mobile bay in Alabama , in an area that perfectly fits the description “between the bridges”. According to biblical definitions, Dan means "to judge" once again pointing to the coming justice of God. Uncharacteristically, Hurricane Danny brooded over Mobile Bay for twelve hours dumping a reported 40 inches of rain combined with high winds seemingly verifying in the natural the spiritual truths of this revelation.

How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people! how is she become as a widow! she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary! She weepeth sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks: among all her lovers she hath none to comfort her: all her friends have dealt treacherously with her, they are become her enemies. Judah is gone into captivity because of affliction, and because of great servitude: she dwelleth among the heathen, she findeth no rest: all her persecutors overtook her between the straits. (Lamentations 1:1-3)

The effects of Basilisk are not exclusively demonstrated during this season, rather it is during that specific span that the authority of Basilisk operates at its peak. The Bein Ha’m’tarim season for 2002 is June 27 until July 18th.

History records many of the catastrophic events that have taken place on these dates. 

                               17TH of Tammuz 

· Moses smashed the tablets of the Torah at Mt. Sinai.

· Daily sacrifices ceased.

· A Torah scroll was burned in the Temple by “Apostomos”.

· An idol was erected in the Temple.

· The city wall was finally breached. 

                                9TH AV 

· 1200 B.C.– Israel told by God in the wilderness that generation would not enter the land of promise.

· 586 B.C - The Babylonian army destroyed the Holy Temple.

· 70 A.D. - Titus and the Roman army destroyed the Holy Temple

· 135 A.D. - “Bethar” the stronghold of Bar Kochba, fell ending the last trial for Jewish Independence.

· 136 A.D. - Rome began to erect the pagan city on site of the Temple dedication.

· 1096 A.D. - The first crusades began.

· 1290 A.D. - The Jews were expelled from England.

· 1306 A.D. - The Jews were expelled from France.

· 1492 A.D. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella signed expulsion. By July, on the 9th of AV, all Jews had to be out of Spain.

· 1648 A.D. - Chmelnicky massacred tens of thousands of Polish Jews.

· 1914 A.D. - Declarations for World World I began.

· 1942 A.D. - Plans for the annihilation of Jews were drafted escalating World War II.

Historically, the twenty-one days extending from the 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of AV represented a notable time of bitterness and destruction for the Jews. According to the Rabbis, the demon that prevails during this time is also called "ketev" meaning destruction/bitterness.

The Jewish Rabbis regarded "ketev" not solely as a plague, but a demon with authority to cause death and destruction through plagues. It was during this precise time that the Lord's prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem was fulfilled. On the 17th of Tammuz 70 A.D. the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem . For three weeks Roman troops ransacked and destroyed the city until the 9th of Av when they burned the Temple . In both the Babylonian and Roman captivity, the Temple was destroyed on this agonizing date. It is reported that during the Holocaust, the Nazis systematically chose the 9th of Av to carry out murderous and other demonically inspired actions against the Jewish community.

The prophet Zechariah spoke of these dates in Zechariah 8:19:

Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'The fast of the fourth, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth {months} will become joy, gladness, and cheerful feasts for the house of Judah; so love truth and peace.' (Zechariah 8:19)

The fast of the fourth month was to be conducted on the 17th of Tammuz representing a day of mourning because of the capture of Jerusalem and the various other calamitous events that took place on this date. The fast of the fifth month was to take place on the 9th of AV because of the historical tragedies that occurred on this date. These periods of mourning and fasting were to be conducted until the promise of the coming restoration of Judah and the Messianic Kingdom.

The ancient leaders recognized that the righteous must be hidden in the secret place of the Most High during this time of trouble, which they believed was a dress rehearsal for the birth pangs of Messiah. In Isaiah 26:17-21, the prophet Isaiah speaks of a season when the righteous are directed to hide themselves while wrath and indignation take its course. Zephaniah 2:3 also prophetically forecasts a season when the Godly are directed to seek the righteousness... and seek humility and perhaps be hidden in the day of the Lord's anger.

According to these Rabbis, the heat of the noonday from 12:00 until 3:00 was a time of extreme activity for this evil Spirit.

Even a review of recent years will reveal that this season of time has produced considerable destruction through storms, droughts, floods, extreme heat and famine. If this evil prince continues to go unchecked through intercessory prayer, then great destruction will come to people. We must be brought out of darkness into light so that we would not perish because of a lack of knowledge concerning this spirit and its operations.

On July 16, 1994 , which is the 9th of Av on the Hebrew Calendar, the twenty-one pieces of Shoemaker-Levi comet began its bombardment on the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is commonly recognized as a symbol of idolatry and paganism. One of the most devastating events in the history of Israel occurred when the image of Jupiter was placed in the Temple of God . We continue to observe the feast of Hanukkah as a celebration of the victory of the Maccabees in removing this pagan god from the temple and re-instituting temple worship.

It is clearly prophetically significant that the Shoemaker-Levi comet began its assault on the planet Jupiter on this notable date. The Heavens declare the Glory of God. It is also significant that the comet was broken into twenty-one pieces also representing the twenty-one days extending from the 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of AV, the season in which this prevailing spirit operates with its greatest authority.

Even though Jupiter is a symbol of idolatry for the pagan world, it is also a term for righteousness in the Hebrew language. The Hebrew name for Jupiter is “Tzedeq” and comes from the word meaning “righteous” or “righteous one”. It is from this term that the name Melchizedek is derived denoting "King of Righteousness".

Clearly, we can see that satan has perverted Jupiter into a symbol of idolatry. However, we can glean understanding from this term as a symbol of righteousness in the hope of our being cleansed by the Truth of God's Word thereby making us a suitable habitation for His Holy Spirit so we can share in His holiness. 

The Plans of Basilisk
It is the enemy’s desire to weaken our overall economy. Basilisk intends to bring such calamity to various geographic regions so as to destroy vital supplies, produce and agricultural goods, further disrupting our economy beyond the staggering cost natural disasters and terrorism already generate. The Lord has made it painfully clear, terrorism is not coming, it is here. (Note that this was written in 1999.)

Much of the terrorism and disasters will be directed at densely Jewish population areas. The ripple effect of these calamities will not be limited to those residing exclusively in these states; rather, the entire nation will be adversely affected if the enemy successfully carries out his plans. These supplies are essential for meeting the needs of our population and those we support abroad. With a diminished national security and a crippled economy, we would then be vulnerable to military conflict.

A weakened military force combined with severe economic hardships would make it substantially more difficult to defend and supply the needs of our nation. More importantly, our ability and willingness to stand by Israel would be compromised. The enemy desperately desires to separate this nation from Israel . If successful, the spiritual and natural implications would be significant. The Bible plainly announces that the Lord will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse her. One of the great attributes of this nation's leadership in times past has been the willingness to adamantly support Israel thereby releasing divine prosperity and blessing.

Additionally, Israel provides America with a strong military ally in that region of the world. Without the close alliance of Israel , our military and economic opportunities in the Middle East and Europe would be severely compromised. Our enemy is attempting to prematurely set in motion events before their time. He is attempting to bring about military conflict, economic shaking, and political upheaval prematurely; especially hostile confrontation between Israel and her enemies. God’s people must stand in the gap as a voice toward heaven withstanding these evil aspirations. 

Defeating Basilisk 
Our Lord in His grace has given us this insight into the plans of the enemy for the purpose of equipping us with the blueprint for success in defeating this adversary. The more we understand his plans and purposes the more capable we will be to pray with pinpoint precision.

The Lord also has His plans and purposes; plans for welfare and not for calamity toward those obediently following His divinely ordained strategy. Nothing could be more rewarding for a Christian than to find favor with God by willingly offering ourselves as instruments of righteousness, hating what He hates and loving that which He loves. This can be accomplished, at least in part, by committing ourselves faithfully to this battle both individually and corporately.

Foremost in our preparation for this battle is sincere repentance for our sins and the sins of our "fathers". Repentance will always bring forth times of refreshing from the Presence of the Lord. Genuine sorrow that is not merely the articulation of our mouths but the incentives of our hearts will also pave the way for the impartation of righteousness and divine authority necessary for defeating our enemies. The Scriptures declare that our Savior came into this world to destroy the works of the devil. He has chosen His Church as the instrument through which this victory is to be manifested.

Daniel 9 records the great prophet repenting for his sins and those of his people, leadership and forefathers for not having obeyed the Word of the Lord to obediently walk in His teachings. Like Israel of old, we have allowed the spirit of the world to invade our lives promoting compromise and spiritual error. We are now being given the divine opportunity to make this right individually and corporately. City and regional repentance is especially crucial in the Southeastern US , the target zone for Basilisk. Sincere repentance will touch the heart of the Father releasing the spiritual "ammunition" to defeat Basilisk.

This victory will be achieved through corporate intercessory prayer. When the early believers were together praying IN ONE ACCORD, great and mighty things were accomplished for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus; that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6)

Few things please the Father more than to see His people in unity

How good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, coming down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard. (Psalms 133:1-2)

Though often geographically separated, we are united in purpose with one mind and passion... to defeat the enemies of our God. As one expositor put it “as the instruments of a great concert under the direction of a concert master, so the Holy Spirit blends together the lives of members of the ekklesia of Christ.”

Psalm 91 has been given to us as a Scripture of protection and instrument of war against this evil spirit. The Church has been given the authority over all of the power of the enemy... authority and victory in Christ must be rightly appropriated through the body. Like the sons of Issachar, we must be equipped with the knowledge of the times and seasons of the Spirit, dedicated to the Lord's plans and strategy. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. The Lord is calling for repentance and corporate intercession against the specific plans of the enemy here outlined.