Tuesday, March 5, 2013


His Kingdom Glory will be seen and felt.
His presence will melt all that opposes like wax in front of a roaring fire.
HIS presence will melt the nations and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess.
Fire will be HIS BRAND and will never be forgotten.
HIS roaring FIRE will be HIS signature over the nations.
HIS Glory carriers will carry HIS HEART.
They will be the only ones who can carry the intensity of HIS LOVE.
This glorious FIRE that is carried will be every part of HIS HEART MANIFESTED into
It will burn up everything that is not of HIM.
It will consume the darkness that is on the earth.
And it will not be contained.
It will never ever be stopped or turned away or put out.
My LOVE will consume all that is against you.
The hottest part of my FIRE is the strongest part of MY LOVE FOR YOU.
It will have no contenders.
It will not be extinguished.
It will not go unnoticed.
The fire if MY LOVE will do what it is set out to do.
I am an all consuming GOD who will be faithful to do all that I have set out to do.
My word will not come back void.
And I will not be mocked .
The intensity of MY LOVE has been reserved for the end of age to be seen on the earth.
There will be nothing left behind except MY LOVE.
I am the beginning and the end.
My LOVE will remain with those who abide in ME.

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