Friday, July 8, 2016

LANA VAWSER Winter is over Summer is here

lmost 14 days ago, the Lord spoke to me and told me that 14 days leading up to July 7th would be significant for prophets and the Body of Christ. There would be deep encounters for the people of God as they press in, and a crossover would take place on July 7th.
Last night I was carrying a word for many about "heaviness" and moving into a 24-hour breakthrough. Today, a friend contacted me and explained to me that on the Jewish Calendar we are now in the Rosh Chodesh Tamuz - crossing over in the Jewish calendar from one month to another. 
I was blown away because of the highlight from Jesus I felt on July 7th and I woke up this morning with the sentence going over and over in my heart "the winter has passed."
What I found out is that we are now (depending where we are in the world) about to cross over into July 7th, which is SUMMER according to the Jewish Lunar Calendar and it is also connected with the Tribe of Reuben. (The meaning of the name Rueben means "seeing" - taken from
My spirit is stirring as I feel the Lord saying that July 7th is significant in the crossing over for the people of God into a NEW SEASON! 
There is a BREAKING FORTH upon us as God's people, and a lot of our deep "caterpillar in the cocoon" processes are now shifting to the breaking forth of the BUTTERFLIES! New life, new day, new height and new sight! 
You are COMING OUT! You are BREAKING FORTH! Your identity is further manifesting! The unveiling of the deep work of His Spirit and heart surgery He has been doing in you through repentance and surrender in the months leading up to July 7th - is about to be seen. Entering into this "summer season" you shall see your healing, your freedom, your breakthrough and deliverance springing forth even more. 
Many have been living in the firstfruits manifesting and now there shall be abundance of fruit and breakthrough in the summer time.
The people of God are coming out of the season of hiding, out of the season of terror and trembling, and into a season of greater peace, courage, adventure, joy and seeing the glory of God manifest in their new day in exceptional ways. 
As I sat with the Lord on this word, I kept hearing, "July 7th - STRATEGIC SUNSCREEN," and I saw July 7th is a day to SPECIFICALLY ask the Lord for the STRATEGIES of protection and covering for this new summer season! 
The Lord will be releasing specific insight and keys of strategy for this breakthrough season on this day, to set up the right "structures" and protective measures for this "amazing summer time" breakthrough. 
His heart being that you would not move out of His wisdom in the breaking forth, but be constantly applying to yourself His Word and what He is speaking to see you thrive, survive and flourish in this significant season of breaking forth. 
There will be more manifested joy, peace and release for God's people in the summer time season! You are taking your place! 
Where you "place your eyes" and "fix your gaze" in this crossover and into these summer time months, will determine your breakthrough portion and what you receive. There is such a highlight on the gaze of God's people in the summer time months! What you gaze upon, you will become! 
Keep your gaze upon Jesus! Keep your gaze upon the SON! 
In the natural, in the summer time, we drink more water, and I felt the Lord saying in these significant breakthrough months and season, "DRINK MORE OF HIM." Drink deeper of the Spirit!
For in the "coming forth, the breaking out" - there will be greater moves of His Spirit released to you and through you and warm summer winds of acceleration increasing, but you must drink more of His Spirit and STAY HYDRATED!
I felt the Lord saying, "What is meant to be a summer time of fun, joy, breakthrough and breaking forth can turn to a place of feeling parched and dry, like being in a desert sandstorm in the acceleration if you are not DRINKING DEEP!" 
STAY HYDRATED and you will go from breakthrough to breakthrough and be constantly overflowing in the MOMENTUM OF BREAKTHROUGH that we are now crossing over and stepping into! 
Your heart's desires and dreams are about to manifest as you continue to delight in Him and in His Word. You have become familiar with the place of contending, but this new land and crossover, this breaking forth, requires a deeper level of intimacy with Jesus, sensitivity to Him, and hearing His voice to move forward in the wisdom of God and to KNOW HOW to steward radical breakthrough, favor and increase. 
This is your season! You are COMING OUT! 
Stay hydrated! Drink deep! 
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries 

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.
Lana Vawser's Itinerary:
July 8-9, 2016 (Fri 7pm, Sat 2pm/6pm)
Glory Fire Church
269 Bellagio Circle, Sanford, FL 32771
July 14, 2016 (7pm)
Storehouse Church, Dallas
4307 Alpha Rd, Dallas, TX 75244
July 17, 2016 (10:30am)
The Presence Church
13740 Midway Rd. Suite 714, Farmers Branch, TX 75244
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