Thursday, June 30, 2016

2016 Lessons of Humility By Mary Lindlow

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Posted: 06/29/2016 at 6:33am | IP LoggedQuote JaneGreenstein

2016 – The Lessons of Humility

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2016 – The Lessons of Humility
Seeking Out Pure And Fresh Wells

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace,  But with humility comes wisdom,”   Proverbs 11:2.
Many powerful men and women who were in elevated and highly visible positions of leadership politically, spiritually and in the sport and entertainment fields in 2015 were uncovered as frauds and vile abusers during the past year of what appeared to be a virulent year of repeated and embarrassing exposures.
The LORD is again FIRMLY warning many out in these arenas, large and small, that there is still an opportunity for you to redeem the time.  The falsifying of your claimed insights from God to manipulate financial support, fame, notoriety and honor for good deeds will no longer be tolerated and will in fact be double-stamped with the seal of “deceiver and thief” if the appeals for connived support are not stopped. God is not behind what you have demanded in His Name.
Some in ministry and Non-profit organizations have satisfied themselves upon the offerings of widows and those who foolishly gave on impulse, due to your slick emotional pleas and contrived media images and heart-tugging background musical interludes.  They have robbed and stolen from others whom God has anointed and blessed in smaller settings and their cries for help and assistance have not gone unheard from the Heart of heaven.

Sustain and Be a Foundation for the Small but Fresh Wells

The Holy Spirit would have the body of Christ soberly hear the following words.
“There will be a fresh wave of conviction to “Sustain and Strengthen the Foundations of those who have been Fresh and Pure wells to drink from and connect with” and there will be a trending back towards smaller, steady and steadfast ministries and servants who have faithfully plowed and served in seasons of loss, lack, and persecution.  Don’t withhold!
You must not muzzle the servants who have been plowing, and you will be judged for feigned ignorance towards their needs and my conviction to, “send them out” to do My work.
To those who feel as if they are, “more graced or more anointed” and who think that they have a “special and more unique” calling that needs a preeminent opportunity to instruct and be seen, beware of the pride of life, the lust for power and the wares of selfish ambition.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves,”   Philippians 2:3.
You will be found upon the trash heap of loss and sorrow if you grasp and hold tightly to what was never really yours to begin with.  It is mine.
If you cannot accept the terms of what I request, you will be known as a divider, weak, egotistical and immature.
Again, I will not bless your intentions or your ambitions.  You rob the Body of authentic Kingdom service by remaining secretive, self-promoting and destructive to My purposes.
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy one understands,”   Proverbs 9:10.

When the Soul Goes Through Humbling Experiences

We all know that there are times when the soul goes through humbling experiences.  Perhaps in the past you had strength, calm, security and confidence, and then all of that suddenly gets stripped and your soul sees itself and it’s true state of desperate need.
If you are alert you will recognize that the LORD is opening our eyes to secret pride in 2016.  That internal thinking that all of our achievement is of our own doing and not purely a gift from above.
Yes, these times come so it will never occur to us again that we are stronger in spirit than anyone else! If we look up on any other person as weaker, it is only because we have not been taken through the purging fire of God completely.
Perhaps this is what’s happening to someone we know, and it’s no business of ours to preen our feathers of “goodness” while they are being refined and challenged.  On the other side of that coin, God wants for us to have an open and humble spirit, realizing that if we were in their position we may not handle the circumstances as well, and might do worse.

In 2016 This Humbling Process Is in God’s Hands

It is his way of raising in your heart a new love for all of mankind.  In the past you may have judged others either for their pride, or for being in personal difficulties.
Even worse, you may have seen others who are lukewarm or weak in their faith and compared it with your own strong devotion and enthusiasm for God.
God is merciful and he shows us all of our own places of emptiness.  Allowing us to go through humbling experiences is how He knocks this out of the seat of our own “judgment” which is His seat alone!
He wants us to keep our eyes on our own response to what we know He wants us to do so that we remain in a place of simple obedience to Him.

We Are on a Humble Spiritual Road in 2016

David stood in the presence of wicked men (2 Samuel 16:5-6, 9-10) and there he was wondering why the LORD put up with their evil behavior while he was going through such anguish in his own life!  But he still prayed and said, “I will watch my ways so I may not sin with my tongue.  I will keep my mouth shut as if it were tied with ropes, while the sinful are near me,”   Psalm 39:1.
When David finally saw how limited and small that his own viewpoint was, he continued to say, “I remained silent and I wasn’t about to open my mouth because you LORD are the one who allowed this!”
This is a humble condition much like David’s that the LORD will bring our souls to as we are on a humble spiritual road in 2016.  He says to you and I that He longs to help you to be submitted to His hand alone, obedient to His voice alone! We are not to resist Him!
We are not really serving Him and our brothers and sisters if we’ve taken the high seat above them.  When the LORD begins to work this way of tenderness in our hearts we must listen to what He says no matter what or WHOM He allows to bring the message through.  In the past, arrogance has been the measuring stick where many would only receive teaching and correction from someone THEY thought was worthy to DARE speak to them! Those days are over.
“If you have jealousy in your heart and fight to have many things, do not be proud of it. Do not lie against the truth,”   James 3:14.

In 2016 We Must Have Ears That Are Open to His Voice Alone

We can enjoy the extreme value of knowing that we must be under the direction of our matchless LORD.
Remember that He may use anyone at all, however unpleasing to the eye, unintelligent or not so affluent!  When you see they may be able to teach you and direct you on your way, it is because of the attraction and Divine beauty they have in their lives from honoring the LORD.  It’s that they are truly humble, not simply by saying it – but by literally BEING humble.

Heeding Another Voice of Promise and Promotion

The LORD has impressed me to share that some have heeded another voice, one who would put them up, on the pinnacle of the world and promise them all power and wealth if they but just bow down . The LORD wants you to know, (although I tremble at even delivering this), that many have already bent one knee downward to hopefully obtain a bit of blessing from “both sides.”
Get up and RUN from deception and self-indulgence, blatant lying and entitlement!
You can be sure that using people or spiritual metaphors or “things” just for what you can get out of them — the typical indicators of idolatry — will get you nowhere, and certainly nowhere near the Kingdom of Christ.
You have been taken in and spoiled by religious smooth talk.  The LORD is furious with people who are full of religious sales talk but who really want nothing to do with Him.
You have groped your way through that murk once, but no longer.  You’re out in the open now. The bright light of Christ makes your way plain.

God Moves Among the Outcasts

“Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the LORD.  These are the ones I look on with favor: Those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at My word,”   Isaiah 66:2.
You’ve probably never been stuck on a deserted island, but you may know pretty well how it feels.  In a world of bad relationships and superficial relationships and broken relationships, a lot of people know the feeling of being emotionally cast aside, abandoned, and maybe even discarded.  Because of some of what you’ve been through, you may feel like you’re the outcast.
Your days on that island may be almost over.  In fact, it could be that all your failed or frustrating relationships have actually been preparing you to experience the central relationships you were being equipped and prepared for.
Anyone who has ever felt like an emotional outcast needs to hear the fabulous promise of Jesus Christ in this word for 2016 from the Word of God.
“Jesus says to all those who belong to Him, “I will not leave you as orphans. I WILL come to you,”   John 14:18.
“This is the same Savior, who says, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you,”   Hebrews. 13:5.
“He’s the One, who promised, “The one that comes to me, I will certainly not cast out,”   John 6:37.
And from now on, that promise of Jesus can be all about you, “The one that comes to Me I will certainly not cast out,”   John 6:37.

The LORD Would Say These Words to You and I in 2016

“You now understand the pain of betrayal, losses so great that you can no longer talk about them.You have ached in such agonizing despair that at times you have begged me to let you die.
Friends have turned and chosen to see you through blinded eyes of their own making and have refused to help you to find your footing again, thinking they are doing you a service by letting you grovel and weep in painful loss and sorrow.
They have competed for gain to their own egos and have self promoted at the expense of exchanging deeper relationships for ego stroking.
You have been reduced in the past season to identifying with those who were forced to make bricks for Pharaoh without straw.
I too was a man of sorrows and endured the shame in order to be formed, shaped and made ready for the moment of redemption.
And so shall it be with you.  Redemption from the losses will come to those who choose obedience over pleasure, serving others over being the served one, and letting go of the dreams of greatness you cling too, no longer using my name or gifts as a calling card.”

The Call of the Moment in 2016

“Let the follies of your dim visions fall away,” says the Spirit of God!
“I have a more perfect way that I AM forming in you and for you.  I have caused you to cease from striving, from worrying, and from being anxious.
You now rest up again my chest, waiting, trusting, wanting only ME.
You have become kinder, a better listener, a more trusted confidant.
I can work well with those attributes.
Just Watch Me in this Year.
I WILL Open the Way of Hope and shine Light on the pathway for those who have ceased from manipulating the moment.”

Seared or Fervent in 2016?

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
“Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, Whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron,”   1 Timothy 4:2.
To have a seared or calloused conscience means to cause something to wither.  To make (someone’s conscience, heart, or feelings) insensitive.
Without the willingness of heart to fall upon the rock of God’s word, allowing every strength and support of ours to be fully broken, the wicked heart of mankind will continue to allow the searing patterns of indifference and insensitivity to affect their choices and will permeate more and more of the moral and sacred places of society.
I have been impressed to warn believers that the increase of sexual lures and smutty language has begun to pay a toll much larger than they realize.

Mature and Solemn in 2016

Huge numbers of people are being brought to ruin because they are not thinking; thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others is the devastation of thousands, and many a precious soul has been shattered through carelessness.
The LORD is asking you and I to “consider our ways,” and return to a walk with the Still Small Voice and begin a familiarity with him yet again.  With conviction, it would be the most rewarding relationship you could fall into!
“But since we belong to the day, let us be sober,”   1 Thessalonians 5:8.

Prayer and Thankfulness in 2016

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful,”   Colossians 4:2.
As I finish this word and insights for the year, I will share the last whispers the LORD spoke clearly to me:
“Each day, upon waking, where does your heart and mind wander to?Is it the plans and lists of things you must accomplish for the day?
Is it the meal you are about to eat?
Is it worry and the bracing yourself for another grinding day of dealing with the pressures of life?
Return to those early awakening moments where you and I share in the dialog of My plans for you.
Each day you have to live and to give you have been given the opportunity to impact someone and to do a kindness or act of training for another.
Where has your thankful heart wandered? Without it, behaviors and moods of bitterness and drudgery will manifest and sour even the brightest flower of hope.
Return to the heart of the issue and clean away the rusty decay of grindstone thinking. Each day can be a fresh adventure into Kingdom purposes or, a continual repeating of a dreary existence.
Choose ever so wisely.”
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken,  Let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,”   Hebrews 12:28.

In His Shadow,
Mary Lindow

Significant Season of the Watch Countdown

Posted: 06/29/2016 at 6:44am | IP LoggedQuote JaneGreenstein

A Significant Season of The Watch: Countdown to 5777

“And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch,”   Mark 13:37 KJV.
“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man,”   Luke 21:36 KJV.

Watch and Pray:

We are in an hour where the WATCH is of paramount importance.  If it there ever was a time for the keepers of the watch, it is now, (2 Kings 11: 5-7).  If we look at the things taking place around us, there is a reason that this watch along with other strategies need to be set in place.
When Athaliah rose up to kill all the descendants in her household so that she could lay hold to the throne of Judah.  Jehosheba took Joash (who was just an infant) and hid him and his nurse away for six years, while Athaliah ruled the land.  In God’s appointed time the watch was set in place and Athaliah was unseated while Joash was named as the new heir to the throne.
The LORD revealed to me that we have been walking in the season where the enemy has been raging.  The LORD is about to bring forth “His hidden ones” who will strategically remove the seat of that which has tried to destroy a generation.
He began to let me know that which is being preserved and protected in our youth will come forth and move into position along with those who have nurtured and prepared them in this hour.  That which hid Joash away will be also blessed by the diligence of the day.  Both generations shall stand and overcome that which tried to destroy them.
We are about to see the older and younger generation come together and do great exploits in the work of the LORD.  They were hidden so they could be strengthened and matured, as well as prepared for the time approaching.
It is the countdown from 5776 to 5777.  Vau to Zayin reflected in the last numbers characterizing the new year of the coming Hebrew calendar.  They will signify man experiencing a refining perfecting process in the presence of the LORD that will come forth and be a force to be reckoned with in the times ahead.
Being raised in times of adversity, they will not be afraid and they will come forth with the breath of the LORD’s strength nurtured by the keeper of their souls.  They will not give up nor be dismayed.
The enemy has set out to attack our youth but those who are watching over them in this hour will assist in bringing them forth in time appointed.  The rank and authority that was taken by Athaliah will be taken back.
In the waiting, in the timing, in the strengthening and even in the hiding away, they are being prepared.  Something very powerful about the 7th year and this coming time.
Yes all hell has broken loose, but in this process of refining, the Sons of Levi will arise.  There is a people who will not be shaken by fear and intimidation who walk in the ways of the LORD nor will they be ashamed.
As they stand upon the shores of Victory.  The younger will protect the older taking new ground in the realm of the spirit with a fierce boldness and the older will continue to speak into the lives of the younger with wisdom and keen discernment.  They shall take territories!
No one knows what is to come, but we know they will be prepared, because they will operate under the canopy of His presence.  There are those who understand the WATCH and its’ importance in this hour.
Those who are fasting, praying and watching that are aware and will ready to stand guard.  They will know how to move forward when the time of Athaliah’s unseating takes place.  By the way Athaliah was Jezebel and Ahab’s seed.
Please note as in the book of Revelation we are identifying a principality in the spiritual realm and not people; although there are those who can be influenced by that spirit by the choices and alliances they make in their lives.
Appropriate Scriptures:
You must read the entire chapter of 2 Kings 11 to see all that transpires in the 7th year.
“As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him,”   2 Samuel 22:31.
“In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness,”   2 Corinthians 11:27.
“He took with him the commanders of hundreds, the Carites, the guards and all the people of the land, and together they brought the king down from the temple of the LORD and went into the palace, entering by way of the gate of the guards.  The king then took his place on the royal throne.  All the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was calm, because Athaliah had been slain with the sword at the palace.  Joash was seven years old when he began to reign,”  2 Kings 11:19-21.
“Nevertheless, hold fast to what you have until I come.  And to the one who is victorious and continues in My work until the end, I will give authority over the nations…,”    Revelations 2:25-26.

Phyllis Ford

Monday, June 27, 2016

Prophecy: PutOnYourSeatbelts 6 26 16

Behold He is Coming! By Sharon Luzzi

Behold for He is coming!
Gross darkness is advancing on the earth and His people will stay in His Glorious Presence for protection!
What was hidden will now be revealed .
Including His people sold out to Him who will not be moved by anything.
He has a great remnant waiting at the proverbial gate, waiting to be released.
Without pride or payment they will invade the earth.
Ready to lay foundations, deliver the captives, heal the broken and carry the weight of His Glory.
Do not be fooled by what is in front of you that is NOT OF GOD .
Signs and Wonders following!
Know this is the time more than ever to sit at His feet Be still.
He is the Mover and the Shaker!

Monday, June 20, 2016

False Prophet/ Witchcraft BY Jonas Clark

Exposing Prophetic Ministry Witchcraft

The prophetic ministry must guard against prophetic witchcraft. Jeremiah tells us about the rebellion hidden in the lives of profane prophets and priests. “And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err” (Jeremiah 23:13).
The word “folly” means to operate in rebellion and foolishness. Workers of witchcraft do foolish, even stupid, things that don’t make any sense. Then they say that God told them to do it. They will argue with their counsel saying things like, “I have heard from the Holy Spirit, and I am submitted and listen to Him only.” Statements like that are common and contrary to the Word of God, which teaches that there is safety in a multitude of counselors (Proverbs 11:14).

When you start thinking that you are more spiritual than others and that you are the only one that can hear from God, you’re in big trouble. When you think that you are the only one that’s got the truth, and the only one that receives revelation, or the only one that can prophesy, or the only one that knows the Word of God, you’re entering the realm of foolish rebellion. You’re well on your way to being overtaken by the spirit of witchcraft.
Jeremiah said that profane prophets and priest, “prophesy by Baal.”
Baal is a spirit of divination (false prophecy). Were these Samarian prophets and priests prophesying? Yes, yet when they prophesied it brought error and led people astray. Their prophetic words did not lead people into liberty and freedom from sin, but into sin’s bondage. That’s the result of prophetic witchcraft.
Witchcraft released through false prophecy (in Baal) can rob years from a person’s life. Prophetic divination only releases confusion and will never lead you closer to God. We must learn to submit to God and avoid folly, the foolishness of rebellion.
“I have also seen in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah” (Jeremiah 23:14).
Notice the characteristics of prophetic witchcraft:
Adultery (betrayal and sexual sin)
Strengthening evildoers (compromise)
None return from wickedness (avoiding confrontation of sin that hinders repentance)
As Sodom and Gomorrah (unclean).
People that walk in witchcraft are subject to sexual sin and perversion, whether by viewing pornography where no one can see them except God or by flirting with girls or boys in the church.
I prayed for a young man once and smelt a strange odor and knew by the Spirit of God that it was a homosexual spirit. All homosexual spirits are unclean spirits. When I discerned what it was, I said to the spirit, “Come out of him!” Instantly, the spirit slammed the young man to the floor and came out.
Unbeknownst to me, the young man was the pastor’s son. Children of ministers are trophies to demonic powers. The pastor later told me that many prophets had attended his church, but he had never seen any of them cast out unclean spirits. I thought that was a terrible reflection on the true prophet’s ministry that carries a responsibility of dealing with matters of sin and holiness. You cannot be a true prophet and ignore sin.
People that walk in witchcraft avoids dealing with issues of sin. The devil doesn’t want to expose his strategies. True prophets, however, always deal with issues of sin (Lamentations 2:14). That doesn’t mean that God will publicly embarrass someone. Don’t forget that there is a prophetic statesmanship used with the seasoned prophet.
Jeremiah tells us that witchcraft operates through smooth sayings and refuses to turn people from sin.
“Thy prophets have seen vain, and foolish things for thee: and they have not discovered thine iniquity, to turn away thy captivity; but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banishment” (Lamentations 2:14).
These are the false prophets who prophesy smooth sayings. Smooth sayings are prophetic words that people want to hear. They are full of flattery and words that mean nothing.
Workers of witchcraft prophesy worthless and misleading sayings that lead people to wrong conclusions because they feed and fuel spiritual pride and idolatry. True prophetic operations will expose sin for the purpose of deliverance and to keep someone from being ensnared by deception. The Holy Spirit always uncovers and reveals sin to keep one’s soul from going to hell.
Again, Jeremiah, speaking about the prophets of Jerusalem says, “they commit adultery and walk in lies” (Jeremiah 42:14).
For emphasis, we could read this scripture, “I have also seen among the workers of witchcraft a horrible thing, committing adultery and walking in lies.”
The spirit of witchcraft will lie to you without conscious. It’s time to tag these false prophets on their lies and break free from their deception.
Someone once told me that they had the prophetic word from the Lord for a particular meeting. It puzzled me because I felt like I had the word from the Lord for the meeting, but I didn’t say anything to her. She began to tell everybody connected to the meeting that she had the word from the Lord. Because of her persistence, like others, I started to believe her. I thought, “Well, God, I know that you have given me a prophetic word for this particular meeting, and I know that your word doesn’t have to come through me, that’s up to you. So whatever you want to do is OK with me.”
The next day, however, the girl that was telling everyone that she had the word from the Lord then said that she didn’t have the word from the Lord. It’s interesting, you either have it, or you don’t. Sometime during the night, she lost it.
Then she said somebody else had the word of the Lord for the meeting – her friend. I found out later that she was only trying to promote her friend’s ministry. That hidden agenda is called manipulation and is witchcraft in operation. Do you see how dangerous and crazy this can get? (This woman was Jezebel’s eunuch. If you are interested in learning more about Jezebel and her eunuchs, check out my book Jezebel: Seducing Goddess of War.) Those operating in witchcraft will mask a lie in spiritual activity to promote their hidden agendas.

Those who operate in witchcraft often accuse God of changing His mind. Do you know what their problem is? They need to stop saying, “God said.”
Jeremiah tells us, “They walk in lies and encourage and strengthen the hands of evildoers.” They encourage the hands of evildoers by agreeing with their error and refusing to correct them of their sin. These workers of witchcraft have no backbone and are full of compromise. They say things that are politically or religiously correct at the moment according to the camp they are with.
The most disappointing thing about the workers of witchcraft is “they strengthen the hands of evil doers.” Because they lack the willingness to speak out against unrighteousness and sin, “none returns from his wickedness.”
Finally, Jeremiah tells us that witchcraft left unchallenged, will pollute the whole land.
“Therefore thus says the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets: ‘Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall; for from the prophets of Jerusalem profaneness has gone out into all the land’” (Jeremiah 23:15).
Those that operate in spiritual witchcraft release confusion everywhere they go. Once a man told me about a conflict he had with what God said to him versus what prophets said to him. He said, “God spoke to me and told me that I am supposed to go to the nation of Brazil.”
That got my attention because I love to meet people who are responding to God’s call to the nations. But then he said that another prophet told him that the Spirit of God was saying he was supposed to go to Columbia. Then, to top that, another prophet said that God told him to go to Argentina.
The man said he was confused and didn’t want to miss God. He asked me what I thought. I asked him to tell me what God said to him again. His response was that God only spoke to him about going to Brazil. “Well, that’s your answer,” I told the man.
The point is that it doesn’t matter if an angel from heaven came down and told you something contrary to what God has told you. You should not be listening to anyone but God. Whether a star from the Hollywood prophets – a superstar or a wandering star – you need to do what God told you to do. He will never violate the witness in your spirit or the scriptures. The only thing you need a prophet for at that point is for confirmation and perhaps timing. Prophecy regarding the other nations could have been in the man’s future or nothing more than the operation of witchcraft designed to confuse the man.
We need confirmation to guard us against the manipulation of witchcraft’s operations. There is a “safety net” for all prophetic utterance. That safety net is called confirmation. When God prophesies to you, He is, often, doing so to confirm what He has already placed in your heart.
Upon receiving a prophetic word, you should submit it to the safety net of confirmation like your pastor (Hebrews 13:17). Your pastor is the only one who will have to give account to God for you. Run your dreams, visions and prophecies by him first before doing anything foolish.
Perhaps you have never received a prophecy but are sure that God has spoken to your heart. I have had the same thing, too. I was at a meeting once where prophets were prophesying over everyone except me. I didn’t get a prophecy. I began to feel like maybe something was wrong. All those prophets actively engaged in delivery, but every one of them stayed clear of me. They didn’t come anywhere near me.
When the meeting was over, I asked God, “Why didn’t you give me a prophecy?” He said to me, “You didn’t need one.” If you, however, do receive a personal prophecy, then it is important to submit it to the safety net of your spiritual leader.
Jeremiah tells us that witchcraft does not come from the Spirit of God, nor should we listen to its message.
“Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; they speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of the LORD’” (Jeremiah 23:16).
Whenever God speaks to you prophetically, He brings:
He quickens you and gives you an assurance that you are going in the right direction. He never brings confusion and wondering, but an assured knowing that you are doing the right thing.
Neither does God release a prophetic word to get into your pocketbook. The Holy Spirit is not a merchandiser. You will never see God hold up and envelope and say, “Anybody that has a hundred dollars, I will give you a prophetic word or pray for your healing.” God will never do that – that’s witchcraft!
If you find yourself in a meeting like that, then get up and leave and don’t go back. If they do things like that in the church you attend, then question your leader. If it persists, then find another church.
Finally, Jeremiah tells us that witchcraft will steal God’s words to deceive. This means that false prophets will sound like the real thing.
“Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, that steal my words every one from his neighbor. Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, that use their tongues, and say, He saith” (Jeremiah 23:30-31).
Those who operate in witchcraft listen intently for true prophetic sayings. They break those sayings down into “buzz words” and repeat them to appear spiritual – that, too, is witchcraft.
The following questions will help you identify if you have been a victim of prophetic witchcraft.
Have you ever had conflicting personal prophecy and were very confused or hurt by it?
Have you ever received a personal prophecy and it just did not witness with your spirit?
Have you ever heard anyone say, “I am submitted and listen only to the Holy Spirit?”
Do you hear people repeatedly say, “God said”? Does it seem, however, that God is continually changing His mind?
Do you submit prophecies, dreams and visions to your pastor to judge and examine them?
Has anyone ever said they would give you a prophecy in exchange for money?
Have you ever felt that you could prophesy, and it would manipulate someone to do what you wanted?
Did you ever prophesy because you felt a strong pull on you from the people or because you had a reputation to live up to?
Did you ever prophesy because you wanted people to know how spiritual you were?
Have you ever heard someone pray a prayer that was intended to manipulate?
When you are in prophetic ministry and enter a territory in which witchcraft is operating, it is important to be careful that you receive the unction (permission) of the Holy Spirit to prophesy (2 Peter 1:20-21).
I have seen true prophets prophesy in false operations because they tapped into the spirit of divination that was resident in the territory. I write more on this subject in my book Prophetic Operations. Without a strong unction, it is possible to tap into man-pleasing prophetic divination that feeds the idolatry in someone’s heart (Ezekiel 14).
Jeremiah says that profane prophets and priest are not stable and are driven into slippery places.
“For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house, have I found their wickedness, saith the LORD. Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on, and fall therein: for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation, saith the LORD” (Jeremiah 23:11-12).
Jeremiah speaks of “slippery ways in darkness.” This speaks of ambiguous prophetic sayings that produce nothing but instability in the people. Witchcraft cannot produce stability.
True prophets build stable believers. Profane prophets produce flaky believers. Profane prophets and priest lack inner peace and are frantically driven. Hitler was driven. Alexander the Great was driven. False prophets are driven. Workers of witchcraft, too, are driven. God doesn’t drive his servants; He leads them ever so gently. Those operating in witchcraft, however, have a driving force egging them on. It’s witchcraft. It’s slippery. It leads to dark places, and it’s not from God.
True prophets build stable believers.
Profane prophets produce flaky believers.
The word “folly” means to operate in rebellion and foolishness.
Smooth sayings are prophetic words that people want to hear.
Those who operate in witchcraft often accuse God of changing His mind.
Witchcraft releases confusion.
When God speaks prophetically, He brings direction, focus, identity, and confirmation to your life.

The Holy Spirit is not a merchandiser.

Seared Consciences

The Spirit states that in acharit ha'yamim (אַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים), the latter days, people will have “seared consciences,” that is, a moral sense that is rendered unresponsive, numb, and unfeeling... People will be unable to discern the significance of moral and spiritual reality, thereby silencing any qualm of moral protest. We see this today in our scandal-saturated culture, as politicians brazenly lie with impunity and moral anarchy is openly celebrated. We must be careful not to heed the devil’s logic of compromise, that “dialectic” that denies transcendental moral reality by pretending that truth can only be defined by the exigencies of the hour and its desire. "The world passes away and the lusts thereof..." (1 John 2:17). We must consciously remind ourselves that the LORD God of Israel does not endorse sin, regardless of any supposed political benefit given to the world at large, and that the end never justifies the means. God is not a pragmatist; there are no "noble lies" for sake of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries (Day 7)

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries (Day 6)

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries (Day 5)

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries (Day 4)

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries (Day 3)

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries (Day 2)

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries (Day 1)

Neville Johnson 2016 Prophecy - God is on His Throne, Judgment in America

Troop Movement Frances Sturgill

At 2:30 PM EDT -- From what we can tell, most of what occurred last night is still on going. We still do not have much information as to what is happening
As of 3:00 PM EDT We can confirm that NATO E-3A Dentry aircraft have been operating over Poland almost all day, with heavy electronic spying on Russian forces as shown on map below:
As of 3:30 PM EDT -- Russian defense ministry confirms officially "troop movements" right across Russia, they are calling it an enormous "exercise." To reiterate the Russians themselves are now confirming massive troop movements across Russia
As of 3:41 PM EDT -- The State Department and Pentagon ordered the families of U.S. diplomats and military personnel Tuesday to leave posts in southern Turkey.
The two agencies said dependents of American staffers at the U.S. consulate in Adana, the Incirlik air base and two other locations must leave. The so-called "ordered departure" notice means the relocation costs will be covered by the government.
Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said it was being done "out of an abundance of caution" for the safety of the families in that region. He said he was not aware of a deadline for the families to leave, but said "this will move very quickly." 
In a statement, the military's European Command said the step "allows for the deliberate, safe return of family members from these areas due to continued security concerns in the region."
The orders cover the Adana consulate, U.S. military dependents in Incirlik, Ismir and Mugla as well as family of U.S. government civilians at Ismir and Mugla. The State Department also restricted official travel to that which it considers "mission critical." Cook said that the order does not affect about 100 family members who are based in Istanbul and Ankara.

Trainloads of heavy military equipment are now being reported as "on the move" in many, many, locations throughout the USA. 
A rail-trail loaded with tons of military vehicles and equipment was spotted and filmed at the Cajon Pass, between So. Cal’s San Bernardino Mountains and the San Gabriel Mountains TODAY:
The equipment seen in the video above consists of Bradley's, MRAP (RG-33), Armoured Recovery Vehicles based off Abrams and Patton (M88), M9 CEV's, M777 Howitzers, HEMTT and FMTV Trucks
At 4:11 PM EDT -- SuperStation95 has confirmed that the United States has decided to "move forward with plans to strike Syrian President Bashar Assad's command and control systems and conduct limited strikes on other Syrian assets." 
Upon being informed of this, Russia made made it explicitly clear they will DEFEND SYRIA by engaging and destroying anyone attempting to attack their ally, President Bashar Assad.
This is a developing story. Please check back. . . 4:09 PM EDT June 20, 2016
Last modified on Monday, 20 June 2016 16:17
At 2:30 PM EDT -- From what we can tell, most of what occurred last night is still on going. We still do not have much information as to what is happening
As of 3:00 PM EDT We can confirm that NATO E-3A Dentry aircraft have been operating over Poland almost all day, with heavy electronic spying on Russian forces as shown on map below:
As of 3:30 PM EDT -- Russian defense ministry confirms officially "troop movements" right across Russia, they are calling it an enormous "exercise." To reiterate the Russians themselves are now confirming massive troop movements across Russia
As of 3:41 PM EDT -- The State Department and Pentagon ordered the families of U.S. diplomats and military personnel Tuesday to leave posts in southern Turkey.
The two agencies said dependents of American staffers at the U.S. consulate in Adana, the Incirlik air base and two other locations must leave. The so-called "ordered departure" notice means the relocation costs will be covered by the government.
Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said it was being done "out of an abundance of caution" for the safety of the families in that region. He said he was not aware of a deadline for the families to leave, but said "this will move very quickly." 
In a statement, the military's European Command said the step "allows for the deliberate, safe return of family members from these areas due to continued security concerns in the region."
The orders cover the Adana consulate, U.S. military dependents in Incirlik, Ismir and Mugla as well as family of U.S. government civilians at Ismir and Mugla. The State Department also restricted official travel to that which it considers "mission critical." Cook said that the order does not affect about 100 family members who are based in Istanbul and Ankara.

Trainloads of heavy military equipment are now being reported as "on the move" in many, many, locations throughout the USA. 
A rail-trail loaded with tons of military vehicles and equipment was spotted and filmed at the Cajon Pass, between So. Cal’s San Bernardino Mountains and the San Gabriel Mountains TODAY:
The equipment seen in the video above consists of Bradley's, MRAP (RG-33), Armoured Recovery Vehicles based off Abrams and Patton (M88), M9 CEV's, M777 Howitzers, HEMTT and FMTV Trucks
At 4:11 PM EDT -- SuperStation95 has confirmed that the United States has decided to "move forward with plans to strike Syrian President Bashar Assad's command and control systems and conduct limited strikes on other Syrian assets." 
Upon being informed of this, Russia made made it explicitly clear they will DEFEND SYRIA by engaging and destroying anyone attempting to attack their ally, President Bashar Assad.
This is a developing story. Please check back. . . 4:09 PM EDT June 20, 2016
Last modified on Monday, 20 June 2016 16:17

Monday, June 13, 2016

Born to Raze Hell by Eliane Tavolacci

As I completed "A Word in Season" and was ready to schedule it to be sent out on a morning, the Holy Spirit brought me in a totally different direction from what I was writing. After speaking with some friends who are so fired up with testimonies of what Jesus is doing in their lives the past few weeks, the Holy Spirit quickened this word to me. We have been placed in the Kingdom of God for such a time as this and we are called to "Raze" Hell. There is no place for lukewarm Christianity. There is no place for mediocrity in the Kingdom of God.
The definition of "Raze" is: To tear down; demolish; level to the ground and completely destroy.
In the book of Revelation Chapter 3:15-16, John wrote to the lukewarm church of the Laodiceans, "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."
Although the past year has been the most difficult time in many of our lives and the spiritual warfare seemed to continually increase, the Lord is reversing everything that the enemy meant for evil. Many of you are going to begin to see a breakthrough in your life, and the horrendous trials are coming to an end. We are going to begin to hear God's voice in a new way. We will begin to experience a fresh wave of miracles, signs and wonders. Healing will become an everyday occurrence.
The Former and the Latter Rain
I was recently having a conversation with a friend who I haven't spoken to in some time. He began to tell me about a dream that he had the previous night. In the dream he met Kathryn Kuhlman and she prayed over him and prophesied. Kathryn had an amazing healing ministry in the 1960's and 1970's. There were miracles, signs and wonders in her services just as we read about in the book of Acts. The crippled walked, the blind received their sight, and the deaf received their hearing.
He then met Rodney Howard Browne in this same dream. Rodney who presently has a healing ministry, began to pray and prophesy over him. As he was sharing this dream with me, the Holy Spirit began to give me the interpretation which was this: Kathryn Kuhlman represented the former move of the Holy Spirit and Rodney Howard Browne represented the present move of the Holy Spirit. Together they represented the former and the latter rain. As they each prayed an impartation to my friend in this dream, he then received the anointing for the former and the latter rain as prophesied of in the book of Joel 2:23.
That same night I was watching a live service of Benny Hinn and his son-in-law Michael Koulianos. Michael was so excited and spoke about what the Holy Spirit is doing in his meetings, and using the younger generation to minister with miracles, signs and wonders. Benny then shared what the Holy Spirit released to him in previous years and also spoke about Kathryn Kuhlman. Benny began to play worship music from the earlier days of his ministry. The Holy Spirit was showing me once again that together, their ministries represented the former and the latter rain, and He was going to bring these two streams together in these latter days.
As the lukewarm church rises up, the backslidden, the prodigal sons and the prodigal daughters will return with a vengeance against the kingdom of darkness that tried to re-capture them. Together, we will all begin to experience what Joel prophesied of the former and the latter rain in Joel chapter two.
The Hebrew word for the early rain is the word pourer, "yoreh," which speaks of a soaking rain. The Hebrew word for the latter rain is the harvest rain, "malqoesh." This word speaks of a heavy, torrential violent rain. Prophetically speaking, the early rain was in reference to Pentecost and the latter rain is yet to come. The Bible says that in the last days the Lord will send both the former rain and the latter rain.
Prophetic Word of the Lord:
The Lord says, "I am releasing My glory upon this earth once again. I am raising up Believers who have no fear and will not retreat when confronted with the powers of darkness. I am sending the former and the latter rain of My glory. 
"When you see the latter rain begin to fall, do not be afraid to step in. This is not a natural rain. This rain will come with power, and it will come with great strength. This rain will come with substance and it will come in abundance. This rain will come with tenacity and it is available to all who are thirsty. It is available to all who are ready to leave their natural ways of thinking behind and receive all that I have for them. It is available to those who will let go of their traditions and enter in to the newness of what I have made available. 
"This rain will produce rivers, and these rivers are now arising. As you step into this river, everything that is dry and brittle will be replenished. Everything that is sick will be restored. I am looking for those who are not afraid to launch out into the deep of this river.
"I am looking for laborers for this harvest who are not afraid to be positioned on the front lines. I will teach you how to extinguish every fiery dart that is aimed at you as I teach your hands to war and your fingers for battle. The warfare that has raged against you will appear minuscule and you will no longer be intimidated by anything that comes against you.
"Many will experience breakthroughs of significant proportions and great miracles that will accompany this outpouring. What seemed impossible with man will become a natural occurrence. Do not become discouraged when you see the dark clouds because they are carrying the heavier rain. The dark clouds are bringing back the former rains and they are carrying in the latter rains which will create massive rivers. 
"As I said in My Word, I will work a work in your days which you would not believe if it were told to you. This is the beginning of the days of great harvest and will be glorious as you step out into what I have called you to do," says the Lord.
Scripture Reference:
Jeremiah 20:9, Then I said, "I will not make mention of Him, nor speak anymore in His name." But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.

Joel 2:23, "Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; For He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you - the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month."
Habakkuk 1:5, "Look among the nations and watch. Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you.
Haggai 2:6-9, "This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,' says the Lord Almighty. 'The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,' declares the Lord Almighty. 'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the Lord Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the Lord almighty."
Elaine Tavolacci
A Word in Season

Elaine Tavolacci resides in Staten Island, New York. She has been a student of the Word for twenty-nine years. She has a prophetic gift as well as a ministry of encouragement, which teaches the Body of Christ to walk in the fullness of what the Lord has called them to. She teaches others how to be overcomers in every area of their lives and understands the power and authority that Jesus has assigned to them. Her ministry, "A Word in Season," has been an encouragement to others for nine years. She has learned the transforming power of the Word of God and encourages others that nothing is impossible with God.
