Monday, June 20, 2016

Seared Consciences

The Spirit states that in acharit ha'yamim (אַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים), the latter days, people will have “seared consciences,” that is, a moral sense that is rendered unresponsive, numb, and unfeeling... People will be unable to discern the significance of moral and spiritual reality, thereby silencing any qualm of moral protest. We see this today in our scandal-saturated culture, as politicians brazenly lie with impunity and moral anarchy is openly celebrated. We must be careful not to heed the devil’s logic of compromise, that “dialectic” that denies transcendental moral reality by pretending that truth can only be defined by the exigencies of the hour and its desire. "The world passes away and the lusts thereof..." (1 John 2:17). We must consciously remind ourselves that the LORD God of Israel does not endorse sin, regardless of any supposed political benefit given to the world at large, and that the end never justifies the means. God is not a pragmatist; there are no "noble lies" for sake of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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