Monday, April 11, 2016

Wake Up ! By Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer

Wake Up, Before Your Time Is Up! by Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer

Listen to My voice, for I say to you the time of the end is close at hand.  Do you not see it in the skies above?  Haven’t you noticed how the Heavenlies are changing even before your eyes?  Have you heard the wind and the rocks cry out? For I am moving and shaking all that can be moved and shaken.  There is much that has happened in the days past, increases in earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions, increases all around you, but many do not notice or understand.  Many do not see Me for who I am, or as I AM.  They do not see me as the One and only true God, the only One, who can do miracles like parting the Red Sea, or raising the dead. The One who created each of you and the world you now live in.  Do you hear Me now? 

Know that even as more changes are on the way, many still ignore My warnings.  Many still refuse to honor Me as the One True God.  Many still seek false gods, including themselves as the ones that are in control of their lives.  Many see only through a small window, and do not look through My eyes, but through the eyes of lust and perversion at all they can have or want or are willing to sacrifice themselves to get.  Yet they are unwilling to sacrifice themselves for Me.  They are unwilling to give Me more of their time, more of their energy, more of their love. They love another and have forgotten and left their first love. 

Woe to those who have turned their backs on Me.  Woe to those who validate themselves as the one in control of their life. Woe to those who seek another before Me.  Woe to those who refuse to honor and obey Me.  Woe to those who do not honor and observe My Ten Commandments.  Woe to those who seek destruction and death as a means of getting what they want.  Woe to those who would rather do what they want, than what I want, and try to fulfill their hearts desire by doing this. 

I have given much to mankind, who would be nothing without Me.  Yet, there is a gap in our relationship. Many do not take Me seriously, or think ‘oh, that was the God of the Old Testament that punished those who sin.’  Do you not understand there are consequences for your actions, both good and bad?  I will and do deliver, what I say I will do.  I do not lie.  I do not let things keep going on, to be a “good ole’ boy”.  I do not accept political correctness as My Word.  Wake up!  REPENT! REPENT!  REPENT!

Wake up, before your time is up!



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