Friday, February 26, 2016

Word from Mary Dorian- Glorybound Ministries

"A Time of Endless Possibilities"by Mary Dorian, Albuquerque, NM

While spending quiet time with the Lord, He dropped this into my heart: 2016 is a year that anything can happen. The possibilities are limitless. As the Word says, "'For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you,' says the Lord, 'thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome" (Jeremiah 29:11).
So, what could possibly hold back the manifestation of these limitless possibilities? Perhaps it is letting our negative thoughts stand in the way of God's good plan for our lives. In order to change your life and affect your circumstances, you must find out what is controlling the beliefs in your heart. Your heart's beliefs, combined with your words of agreement with God's Word, can move the mountain of obstacles out of your way this year. We have gone around that mountain long enough!
The year 2016 is a year of unlimited opportunity. It is the year of hammering in new tent pegs and enlarging your place of influence – so you can spread out to the right and to the left. Don't be afraid to take new territory. This is a year of shaking, worldwide. Many things will fall and give way to the "fresh" and the "new." This year is a year when we will see world records fall and new ones established. The glory of God will be seen through His people as never before.
Some Things to Watch for in 2016
The sky will be filled with the glory of the Lord this year as the Lord shows Himself in marvelous ways.
Watch for a comet to come close to earth in mid-March or late March. I saw it burn so very bright, and it seemed to have a lime green haze around it. It is symbolic for the Eye of the Lord. As it comes close to the Earth, it will let us know that He is aware of all that is going on, and that His eye is upon us. There will be a decline in deaths from cancer this year, which will start a new era when people who have been diagnosed with cancer – and Alzheimer's disease – will be living much longer than they would have in the past. Soon, we will see a cure of these diseases as medical breakthroughs occur.
There will be global shift of wealth. New nations will benefit from new sources of energy. The United States and Canada will be leading in this "New Energy Era." I saw the borders of the nations of the Middle East shift and change on the map. Saudi Arabia's place of influence and leadership will diminish. The world's concept of Africa will begin to change for the better. 
I saw the hand of the Lord holding something very bright. When He opened His hand, it was a diamond shaped like the continent of Africa. Some bright and wonderful things are getting ready to happen for many of the nations there. Increases in the economies of some African nations are coming, partly because of the discoveries of new natural resources.
Lastly, I saw a beautiful sunset over the continent of South America – particularly Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. In spite of economic troubles and government issues, there is coming a profound and mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit to South America. Angels who had been assigned to these nations in the past are returning to complete their assignments. The eyes of the world will be watching South America starting in 2016 and in the years to come.
From Sea to Shining Sea
I wanted to understand the Lord's Heart for the United States of America for this year. It seemed like He is speaking to me about more than just one year – He is speaking about a new season which has begun. I felt His love for our nation. 
I felt the anticipation of a mighty outpouring of His Spirit that would go from the west to the east. This outpouring is the Spirit without measure touching everywhere in our nation. First here and there, then increasing to every place and everyone. From the northernmost part of Alaska, to the islands of Hawaii, and to the entire continental United States, His Spirit will be felt by everyone. A part of this outpouring is God healing the wounded hearts of the tribes and nations of the original occupants of what is now the United States of America.
I saw prophetic people going to the White House and standing on the steps of the U.S. Capitol declaring the Word of the Lord. These words will burn hot in our nation's capitol and cause a great fire of holiness there. The Lord has a covenant to keep. He made promises to our founding fathers and to those who framed our Constitution. As a nation, we have said, "In God We Trust." And as we have confessed this to be true as a nation for nearly 240 years, He has taken it upon Himself to be a trustworthy keeper of His promises of blessing and favor. Indeed, we do trust in Him!
"'Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord!"
Mary Dorian
Glorybound Ministries Center

Mary Dorian absolutely loves – eats, drinks, and sleeps – the prophetic. She has a passion and a gift to help people see themselves from God's point of view. She ministers whenever and wherever possible, teaching and building up the Body of Christ with and in the utilization of the gifts of the Spirit and dream interpretation.
Originally from the south side of Chicago, Mary has been the Assistant Pastor of Glorybound Ministries Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, for the past 25 years. She has been married to her husband, Tim, for more than 40 years, and is the mother of Jennifer, William, and Justin, and grandmother of Avery.
Mary Dorian's Itinerary:
March 10-13, 2016
The Global Call School of the Prophets
Brawley Lions Center
225 A Street, Brawley, CA

April 8-10, 2016
Glory Realm Spring Conference
Glory Realm Church with Pastor Tony Lay
Summit Inn Hotel and Suites
1433 N Interstate 35, San Marcos, TX
Contact: 512-353-7770

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