Monday, September 28, 2015

The Secret Place

The Secret Place

Lesson Two: Being, Not Doing


By Dale Fife

From his book:  
The Secret Place : Chapter 2, the footsteps of Enoch 

The very next day , as walked together, the Lord began to instruct me regarding life’s purpose.

“Today I want to speak to you about the purpose of life,”  He said.  “ Many believe that they must discover their purpose for living, that life is about  purpose.  But , in truth, life is purpose.  Meaning is found in the fact of life itself. So many people try to find fulfillment in what they DO, instead of who they are and who I am.”

“ Adam was formed so that I could walk with him, not so that he could tend the Garden.  I did not create Adam because I needed a gardener.  Work is a result of life, not the purpose and meaning of life .  Your forefathers were correct when they said, ‘ The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.’

“ I have made all mankind because I desire companionship. You were made to have communion with ME;  that is your purpose and the purpose of every man and woman on earth.     Enoch discovered that his life was satisfying as long as he enjoyed communion with Me.  I want you to understand this same simple truth: your fulfillment flows out of communion with Me.  All things find their true meaning for existence in Me.  When you separate yourself from Me, the purpose for which I created you is denied.

When you fulfill your purpose by spending time with Me, everything that you need in order to accomplish your assignment in life is released.  Fellowship with Me was Adam’s purpose; tending the Garden was his assignment.  Out of communion with Me comes creativity. Creativity is My life force, giving release to new potential and new things.  All that is needed for life , I have provided.

Your enemy, Satan,  took his focus OFF ME and , as a result, glorified his own ability.  He thought that his reason for existence was to make music.  He failed to see that his true purpose was to serve ME.  He was created for MY PLEASURE.

Do you understand son ?  Today’s lesson is on BEING.  I made you to be with ME, to enjoy Me, and to walk with Me..  Everything flows out of intimacy with Me.  Purpose, meaning, goals, even creativity- all these things are a result of your relationship with Me, and are enhanced by the time you spend with Me.  My nature is ‘I AM’, not ‘ I DO’.   Without Me, you can do nothing.  You are a human being, not a human DOING.  You must learn how to BE.    

“ I have made you for MY pleasure. I am teaching you to appreciate life and how to be fully alive.  Many people are dormant and asleep, much like trees in the winter, but My life is like springtime.  I am bringing you into springtime.”

The words of the Lord faded into silence. Outside my study window, all the vibrant signs of spring heralded life and fulfillment.  Creation itself seemed to trumpet God’s purpose.  But even more significantly, something was transpiring within me. I was emerging from a spiritual winter.  New life was coursing through my heart. Finally , the seasons were changing for me.   I was beginning to understand God’s real purpose for my life.  It wasn’t MINISTRY or WORK; it was INTIMACY with GOD !  I was made in His image, for His glory and pleasure.  

Do you know why God created you ?  He created you to have fellowship with Him. When you spend time with Him, you are both discovering and fulfilling your purpose..

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