Thursday, September 3, 2015

Ancient Perfumery

April 25 2015

I see the Glory of the Lord over me.
I declare the glory of the Lord over me.
The ancient perfumery is descending on the land.
My Love is coming from the ancient perfumery.
I am about to release the greatest flood of my Love.
It will come in like a warm , peaceful Love.
It will have the quality that only I can bring.
I will bring my Love in such a way that I will overwhelm the coldest of hearts.
I will bring an overturning Love to change the world.
I will bring the perfumery of the Ancient One to rest on the earth.
I will cover the earth with an unmistakeable smell of my perfume, My Love.
I have many whose hearts have been prepared to carry My Love.
It will be an everlasting Love to heal the Land.
It will be an everlasting Love to permeate all living things to restore the fallen world.
My Love will rock the faulty foundations.
It welcome as  an earthquake to rightfully take back what needs to be restored.
My Love will overtake ALL  the darkness.
All will know My Love conquers ALL.
It will not be a mistake that my Love will be well known.
My Love will be FAMOUS.
He delivers because He LOVES.
He conquers because He Loves.
My Love is coming as an Ancient Perfumery.
My perfumery is invading the earth.

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