Monday, September 28, 2015


A Talk in Heaven

Excerpt from the Book:
The Call
By Rick Joyner
Then a second voice spoke, “I, too, confirm this truth. The Judgment
of God is about to be revealed on the earth. Even so, “Mercy triumphs
over judgment.” The Lord always extends mercy before judgment.. If
you will warn the people that His judgments are near, his mercy will
save many. I did not recognize the one speaking, but it was another 
man of great stature and nobility, with a brilliance that indicated a 
high rank.
“I am Jonah,” he said “When you understand the Lord’s judgments,
you understand His ways. However, even if you understand them, it
does not mean that you agree with them. Understanding is necessary,
but it is not enough. The Lord also wants you to agree with Him. “You
have often asked for the Lord’s presence to go with you. That is wisdom.
I was a prophet, and  I knew Him, yet I tried to flee from His presence.
That was a great folly, but not as foolish as you may think. I had come
to understand the great burning that comes with His presence. I had
come to understand the responsibility that comes from being close to
Him. In His presence, all wood, hay and stubble is consumed. When
you draw close to Him with hidden sin in your heart, it will drive you
to insanity, as many have learned through the ages. I was not trying
to flee from the will of the Lord as much as I was fleeing His presence.
“When you ask for the reality of His presence, you are asking for the
reality that you have seen here to be with you. Heaven is your true
home, and it is right for you to yearn for this. Even so, he is a Holy God,
and if you will walk closely with Him, you too, must be Holy. The closer
that you get to Him, the more deadly hidden sin can be.” “I understand
this,” I replied. “That is why I asked for the Lord’s judgments in my 
own life.” “Now I must ask you this,” Jonah continued. “Will you seek 
Him?” “Of course.” I responded. “ I desire His presence more than any-
Thing. There is nothing greater than being in His presence. I know that
many of my motives for wanting to be with Him are selfish, but being
with Him helps to set me free from that kind of selfishness. I do 
want to be with Him. I will come to Him.
 “Will you?” Jonah continued. “Until now you have been even more
foolish than I was. You can come boldly before his throne of Grace at 
any time and for any need, but rarely do you come. Yearning for His
presence is not enough. You must come to Him. If you draw near to 
Him, He will draw near to you. “Many have come to know and follow
His ways, but they do not come to Him. In the times that you will soon
enter, they will depart from His ways because they did not come to Him.
You have laughed at my folly, which was great, but yours is even greater
than mine. However, I do not laugh at your folly-I weep for you.. Your
savior  weeps for you; he intercedes for you continually. When He
weeps, all of heaven weeps. I weep because I know how foolish His
people are. I know you because you are just like me, and like me, the
Church has run to Tarshish, desiring to trade with the world even more
than sitting before His Glorious throne. At that same time, the sword
of Gods judgments are hanging over the earth. I weep for the Church
because I know you well. “I am guilty!” I pleaded.  “What can we do?”
“Great storms are coming upon the earth,” Jonah continued. “I slept
when the storm came upon the ship that I was in while running from
the Lord. The Church is also sleeping. I was the prophet of God, but
the heathen had to wake me up. So it is with the Church. The heathen
have more discernment that the Church at this time. They know when
the Church is going the wrong way, and they are shaking the Church,
trying to wake you up so that you will call on your God. “Soon the 
leaders of the world will cast you overboard, just as the men in that
ship had to do to me. They will not let you keep going in the way you
are headed. This is the Grace of God to you. He will then discipline you
with a great beast that comes up out of the sea. It will swallow you for
a time, but you will be vomited out of it. Then you will preach His mess-
“Is there no other way? I asked. “Yes, there is another way,” Jonah
replied, “although this has come and is coming. Some are already in
the belly of the beast. Some are about to be cast overboard, and some
are still sleeping, but almost all have been on the ship going the wrong
way, seeking to trade with the world. However, you can judge yourself 
and He will not have to judge you. If you will wake yourself up, repent
and go the way He sends you, you will not have to be swallowed by the
beast.” “is the beast to which you are referring the one in Revelation 13?”
I asked. “It is the same. As you read in that chapter, this beast is given
to make war with the saints and to overcome them.. This will happen
to all that do not repent. But know that those who are overcome by
this first beast will be vomited out of it before the next beast comes,
the one that comes up out of the earth. Even so, it will be much easer
for you if you repent. It is much easer not to be swallowed by the beast.
“Just as Lot ’s story is a warning to those who are given over to perver-
sion, my story is a warning to the Lord’s prophet, the Church. The
Church is running from the presence of the Lord. It is running to activity
In place of seeking the Lord’s presence. You may call your activity “min-
istry.” But it is actually running from the presence of the Lord. As I have
said, the Church is running to Tarshish so it can trade with the world
and seek treasures of the sea, while the greater treasures-the treasures
of heaven-few are seeking. “The sin of wanting to trade with the world
has entangled the Church, just as I was entangled in the belly of the beast
with the weeds wrapped around my head. The weeds, the cares of this 
world, have wrapped themselves around the mind of the Church. It toke
me three days to turn to the Lord because I was so entangled. It is taking
Christians much longer. Their minds are so entangled with the world,
and they have fallen to such depths, that many have no hope of getting
free. You must turn to the Lord instead of away from Him. He can un-
tangle any mess, and can bring you up from the greatest depths. Run from
Him no longer! Run to Him!”

The Secret Place

The Secret Place

Lesson Two: Being, Not Doing


By Dale Fife

From his book:  
The Secret Place : Chapter 2, the footsteps of Enoch 

The very next day , as walked together, the Lord began to instruct me regarding life’s purpose.

“Today I want to speak to you about the purpose of life,”  He said.  “ Many believe that they must discover their purpose for living, that life is about  purpose.  But , in truth, life is purpose.  Meaning is found in the fact of life itself. So many people try to find fulfillment in what they DO, instead of who they are and who I am.”

“ Adam was formed so that I could walk with him, not so that he could tend the Garden.  I did not create Adam because I needed a gardener.  Work is a result of life, not the purpose and meaning of life .  Your forefathers were correct when they said, ‘ The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.’

“ I have made all mankind because I desire companionship. You were made to have communion with ME;  that is your purpose and the purpose of every man and woman on earth.     Enoch discovered that his life was satisfying as long as he enjoyed communion with Me.  I want you to understand this same simple truth: your fulfillment flows out of communion with Me.  All things find their true meaning for existence in Me.  When you separate yourself from Me, the purpose for which I created you is denied.

When you fulfill your purpose by spending time with Me, everything that you need in order to accomplish your assignment in life is released.  Fellowship with Me was Adam’s purpose; tending the Garden was his assignment.  Out of communion with Me comes creativity. Creativity is My life force, giving release to new potential and new things.  All that is needed for life , I have provided.

Your enemy, Satan,  took his focus OFF ME and , as a result, glorified his own ability.  He thought that his reason for existence was to make music.  He failed to see that his true purpose was to serve ME.  He was created for MY PLEASURE.

Do you understand son ?  Today’s lesson is on BEING.  I made you to be with ME, to enjoy Me, and to walk with Me..  Everything flows out of intimacy with Me.  Purpose, meaning, goals, even creativity- all these things are a result of your relationship with Me, and are enhanced by the time you spend with Me.  My nature is ‘I AM’, not ‘ I DO’.   Without Me, you can do nothing.  You are a human being, not a human DOING.  You must learn how to BE.    

“ I have made you for MY pleasure. I am teaching you to appreciate life and how to be fully alive.  Many people are dormant and asleep, much like trees in the winter, but My life is like springtime.  I am bringing you into springtime.”

The words of the Lord faded into silence. Outside my study window, all the vibrant signs of spring heralded life and fulfillment.  Creation itself seemed to trumpet God’s purpose.  But even more significantly, something was transpiring within me. I was emerging from a spiritual winter.  New life was coursing through my heart. Finally , the seasons were changing for me.   I was beginning to understand God’s real purpose for my life.  It wasn’t MINISTRY or WORK; it was INTIMACY with GOD !  I was made in His image, for His glory and pleasure.  

Do you know why God created you ?  He created you to have fellowship with Him. When you spend time with Him, you are both discovering and fulfilling your purpose..

The Anti Christ and a Cup of Tea

Bride Dress blowing over Jerusalem at David tower

Sunday, September 27, 2015

My new book NOW FOR SALE



Between Intellect & Instinct is NOW available for purchase!
Congratulations Sharon Hemsath Luzzi on your hard work and dedication to this project.
Between Intellect & Instinct is a powerful book written in a easy to read/understand format.
We recommend this book for anyone who is a Prophet, knows of a Prophet or just wants to understand the calling of a Prophet! This book will bless your life!
Get your copy today at:

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Best Wedding Vows Ever

Wedding Vows Like You've Never Heard. from undressed on GodTube.

Sexual Healing

Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word

John Legend - All of Me

Mandy Moore - Only Hope ( A Walk to Remember )

What Was the Mixed Multitude? | 119 Ministries

What Was the Mixed Multitude? | 119 Ministries

Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass

Meghan Trainor - Dear Future Husband

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Root of Rebellion

There it is again:  those horrible feelings of rebellion, that I seem completely unable to stifle.  The “I don’t care what  my parents think, I don’t want to do it!” is back in full force, and I can’t seem to quench my snotty attitude.  I love my parents—I really do—but this is more than I can handle!  I’m just so sick of obeying!…Why?
In the midst of such feelings the tears come, and in the desperation aroused by my frustration and depression I beg the Lord to show me my sin.  Where could I have gone wrong, that such emotions could gain a stronghold in my heart?  Am I wrong to blame my parents?  Am I wrong to seek my own way?
I want to share with you an answer to my perplexing questions—a cause for my strange feelings of dissatisfaction, the result of these feelings, and a solution to my frustration with my parents.  These emotions are not the natural result of my parents’ actions.They are not caused by tyranny, overwork or flustering requests.  They are caused by myself—in reality, they are the product of my own imagination.
Let’s begin with the cause.  Rebellion starts with dissatisfaction—a dissatisfaction with myself.  I am not pleased with who I am.Whether or not my frustrations ring true, I have come to feel that I am inadequate in some way.
I may be dissatisfied:
·  With my appearance—I feel ugly, fat and unattractive.  My face is broken out, my hair is straight and limp or frizzy, my nose is too long.
·  With my wardrobe—I feel out of place in modest clothing, my outfits don’t fit well, or they simply do not flatter me.  I am frustrated trying to find cute, comfortable, modest clothing that doesn’t look old ladyish and isn’t miles too big; I envy others around me.
·  With my personality—I feel insecure, unconversational and uninteresting,  I feel like a dead-beat, a bore.  I feel like I simply don’t fit in—anywhere.
·  With my intelligence—I feel stupid and slow.  I am a failure: I just don’t have it.  Others expect more of me than I can give; others are smarter than I am.
·  With my talents—what talents?  I am not actually good at anything.  I try, but I simply have no time to work at or practice anything because my parents…whoops!  Feeling a little rebellious am I?
Lastly, when I have become entirely dissatisfied with myself, my life, and anything else about me, I become unhappy in my spirit because I am starving it.  But what stands in the way of my changing these areas that I feel unsuccessful in?  Shall we say my parents, and the fact that I don’t run my own life?  I can’t just turn the house topsy-turvy because I wake up in the morning feeling ugly.
And my parents?  “Honey, you look fine!”
Ok, so I’m not so pleased with myself.  Now let’s move on to step two—link this all together, and explain what the result of disatisfaction is!  How in the world do “fat days” affect my obedience to my parents?
I have noticed, that when I am not satisfied with myself, it becomes very difficult for me to believe that anyone else is satisfied with me.
hear “Honey, you look fine” but I know  she is thinking, “Well, you really ought to lose about 10 pounds, and I don’t know whatwe’ll ever do about your acne!  I really wish you would bring your math scores up, and stay on top of your chores, and your attitude stinks.  I think you need to get right with the Lord.”
“I already know that, now would you just shut up!”  I feel attacked, before my parents even say anything, because in my mind I am already defeated.
I am a failure.  I have failed my parents.
I am a loser—a rotten loser.  How could anyone like me?  How could anyone enjoy spending time with me?  Why would anyone want to put up with me?
I can’t do anything right.  My family must think me a burden.  I’m just a hump on a log, a disgrace to mankind.
I haven’t stopped loving my parents.  I haven’t lost a desire to do well, to please them, to honor them.
I have merely given up.
I’m beat.  Striving for success feels pointless.  I can’t please my parents!  Why try?  I can’t succeed in anything!  Why try?  I can’t please God!  Why try?
And all she said was “You look fine.”
She never expressed any dissatisfaction with me, or anything I had done.  I imagined it, and the insecurity washed over me, causing the rebellion spring up.
It’s just not fair!  I try to please them—they don’t care!  Think of all the things I do, yet I get scolded for the one tiny responsibility that I happen to forget.  It never ends—the same jobs over and over again, and nobody ever thanks me, nobody realizes how much I do!  I am so sick of trying to be good!  I am so sick of myself!  I am so sick of this place!  I am so sick of everything I do!  I am so sick of my family!  I just want out of here!
Like  a slow burning fuse, the bitterness builds up until I snap.
And everyone stares at me in holy horror.
I can’t help it!  I just feel ugly today!

Is it it possible that maybe I can help it?  I believe there is a solution, if I will accept it.
But what can I do?  I didn’t plan the rebellion.  I didn’t want to explode.  I don’t even know where these feelings came from!  I’ve been submissively trying to cut out my rebellion, haven’t I?  I’ve crushed it down every time it tried to rise, haven’t I?  I haven’t been trying to nurse resentment, have I?  So why in the world can’t I conquer myself?
There is a reason—a good one, even.  I can’t cure my problem, because I am attacking the symptom, not the cause.  Every time a weed of rebellion popped up, I cut it down.  But the root of bitterness and dissatisfaction continued to grow.  Rebellion willcome up again in other areas, and I can keep cutting it out, but the root will keep growing until it explodes.  I need to attack the root, and the first step is locating it.
Thankfully, I now know where the problem lies, due to much prayer and fasting.  This doesn’t mean that stamping it out is easy.There are many things about myself that I am unable to change—ever.
·  I will never be taller than God intended me to be.  I can’t change the shape of my face, or the build of my figure.
·  Modesty is a must, though my culture makes it very difficult and awkward.
·  My personality is there—it is my identity.  I can hone it, but I can never change it.
·  My intelligence has a limit.  I can work hard, but I will never be a genius.  It just isn’t there.
·  If I just don’t have certain talents, I just don’t have them!
·  I can’t change the unchangeable.
But I can be yielded.  I may not be satisfied with myself through the eyes of the world, but I need to remind myself who I am through Christ.
Why would He love me?  I can’t see a logical reason, but He does.  He sees the future, and he will perfect me…in His time.
Basically, my rebellion boils down to a lack of trust.  I am not trusting God to work through my parents.  I am not trusting God to complete what He has begun.  I am not trusting God to change me.  I am not trusting the God who made me.
I simply need to shift my focus from what I can’t do, to what He has done, and the weed will wither and die—from the root up.
The rebel can submit.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Walking like Enoch

The Enoch generation by Pieter Kirstein

What I am writing about in this prophetic teaching,  I have personally witnessed by the Spirit of God. 
Isaiah 33: The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation).
6And there shall be stability in your times, an abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your treasure and His.
7Behold, their valiant ones cry without; the ambassadors of peace weep bitterly.
8The highways lie waste, the wayfaring man ceases. The enemy has broken the covenant, he has despised the cities and [a]the witnesses, he regards no man.
9The land mourns and languishes, Lebanon is confounded and [its luxuriant verdure] withers away; Sharon [a fertile pasture region south of Mount Carmel] is like a desert, and Bashan [a broad, fertile plateau east of the Jordan River] and [Mount] Carmel shake off their leaves.
10Now will I arise, says the Lord. Now will I lift up Myself; now will I be exalted.
11You conceive chaff, you bring forth stubble; your breath is a fire that consumes you.
12And the people will be burned as if to lime, like thorns cut down that are burned in the fire.
13Hear, you who are far off [says the Lord], what I have done; and you who are near, acknowledge My might!
14The sinners in Zion are afraid; trembling seizes the godless ones. [They cry] Who among us can dwell with that devouring fire? Who among us can dwell with those everlasting burnings?
15He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises gain from fraud and from oppression, who shakes his hand free from the taking of bribes, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes to avoid looking upon evil.
16[Such a man] will dwell on the heights; his place of defense will be the fortresses of rocks; his bread will be given him; water for him will be sure.
17Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; [your eyes] will behold a land of wide distances that stretches afar.
18Your mind will meditate on the terror: [asking] Where is he who counted? Where is he who weighed the tribute? Where is he who counted the towers?
19You will see no more the fierce and insolent people, a people of a speech too deep and obscure to be comprehended, of a strange and stammering tongue that you cannot understand.
20Look upon Zion, the city of our set feasts and solemnities! Your eyes shall see Jerusalem, a quiet habitation, a tent that shall not be taken down; not one of its stakes shall ever be pulled up, neither shall any of its cords be broken.
21But there the Lord will be for us in majesty and splendor a place of broad rivers and streams, where no oar-propelled boat can go, and no mighty and stately ship can pass.
A shaking, a judgment and an exposure is coming to the church and the world of Christianity. There are so much confusion going on even in the world of the prophetic. This one says this and that one says that and God Almighty is NOT the author of confusion. An Apostolic Prophetic company of people is coming that will walk according to Isaiah 11 in the fullness of the 7 Spirits of God, operating in all 9 gifts of God's Holy Spirit and all confusion will be a thing of of past as God is calling a people unto himself. 
I have learned when things get confusing around me, to simply run deeper into Him because only He is our Rock of defense. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. The realm of the spirit is breaking through more and more and a crystal clear revelation of the things of the kingdom will be known and witnessed by a people who abandon themselves to God, not being distracted by the foolishness of this temporary misleading world. 
It says in verse 16 Such a man will dwell on the heights; his place of defense will be the fortresses of rocks; his bread will be given him; water for him will be sure.
17 Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; [your eyes] will behold a land of wide distances that stretches afar.
There is a people on this earth right now that is going to walk with the Lord like Enoch walked. The realms of revelation will soon be opened up to them to such an extent that they will see the Lord constantly and enjoy an open heaven communication,  communion and intimacy with God like no other generation have experienced before. 
The plumbline of God's standard of righteousness will be dropped within this earth and this is why we read in verse
14. The sinners in Zion are afraid; trembling seizes the godless ones. [They cry] Who among us can dwell with that devouring fire? Who among us can dwell with those everlasting burnings?
God's standard shall be proclaimed and revealed within His mature sons and daughters. They shall be known as kingdom-walkers because they will be swallowed up within God's Being, being made one with their God. During a 4 week retreat in a tent up a mountain Jesus said to me ; "YOU MOVE FROM SPENDING TIME WITH ME TO BEING WITH ME" 
Of this hidden place God revealed an awesome reality to Annie Schisler and I quote ; The Place of His Shared Being
Through a new encounter of my spirit with Jesus, I entered a place I had never been before. It was very special and high as it was an exclusively separated place for someone very special and loved.
Upon entering, He let me know this place was for the beloved. The beauty was overwhelming and great peace and security emanated everywhere. The incomparable holiness of Christ Himself could be felt. It was place without a single spot of contamination, purer than the purest crystal and impossible to be described with words. There was a complete absence of sin.
I could ascertain that not only Jesus was in that high place. But also the Father and the Holy Spirit were there in perfect harmony and unity! How can the holiness of that place ever be described? No adequate words can be found. That translucent purity was the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that permanently flowed together in perfect and high love and unity. This infinitely high and sublime place was captivating and attractive beyond all description.
Afterwards I saw how Jesus Himself was that place. It was actually inside His own being. Then I was able to comprehend that the Father and the Holy Spirit were actually sharing the place that had been prepared for His beloved.
That place had been set aside for those who were completely surrendered to Him, the beloved who had absorbed Him as a sponge absorbs water. Just like the sponge has nothing in itself, it is empty in itself, but with great absorbing capacity, the beloved that enter into that place can draw into themselves the essence of the Trinity while being contain in the Trinity.
What a precious reward for those lives that walked the way of surrender! Being attracted by such pure and high love held in the Trinity and prepared for His beloved, is the most precious reward that can ever be imagined.
I then saw how His beloved changed from being like sponges into becoming liquid itself. They had undergone a metamorphosis so Christ Himself, being wholly integrated into His nature, could absorb them. They experienced this transformation for they had given themselves in love to Him.
I could identify with them as I understood that they were lives just like mine, because He had also made me part of that liquid. He rejoiced, and how greatly He expressed His joy that their surrender had prepared them for Himself only. It was a very beautiful condition with His beloved that had been prepared and awaiting Him. Having a body to share that beautiful something with produced in Him deep satisfaction, and fulfilment in the things done by Him. My whole being was moved by this part of Himself, and I was totally imbued with Him.
For instance he transported me out of this place and I saw extremely high walls without doors or windows. When He took me closer, I saw that the walls were huge beautiful angels that protected this place so that only those chosen by God were allowed to enter.
I saw how the lives that had been absorbed in Jesus* inner world had received the capacity of going out filled by the power that emanated from Himself to accomplish His will.
It is glorious to mature and increasingly develop in the understanding of the things God was revealing. All things He showed me were brought to pass in an operation of permanent life, and nothing was wasted. I could see how the people that sincerely allowed and received this operation of the life of Jesus in their hearts came into a place where God revealed ever-increasing understanding of Himself and His kingdom.
From inside of Jesus* person, all things look so different. This life was prepared to imbue His people with the very essence of Himself. Hearts will be awakened and strengthened in God Himself. I could not help being amazed by all this. I felt such assurance as I dwelt there. His control was absolute.
It is the very light of God that cannot remain confined, but that will extend out from itself, bringing about a great end-time harvest.
As the righteous plumbline of God's righteousness is extended within churches many will be offended because of the condition of their hearts. The revelation and the true Apostolic message of the cross of Jesus will be restored and the true condition of men's hearts will be exposed in the Presence of God according to Jeremiah 6:13  For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them everyone is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest everyone deals falsely.
14  They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people lightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
15  Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I punish them they shall be cast down, says the LORD.
16  Thus says the LORD, Stand you in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it, and you shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk in it.
17  Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.
18  Therefore hear, you nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them.
19  Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it.
Every believer will be brought to a decision of which company they choose to belong to. Those that become offended with the truth of His pure gospel and doctrine to bring them unto repentance or those that choose to be convicted by the holy love of God that will as verse 16 says, Stand you in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it, and you shall find rest for your souls.
The Enoch principle revealed:
Jude 14  And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his saints, 15  To execute judgment upon all, and to convict all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
Enoch the 7th from Adam. From Adam to Abraham was 2000 years, from Abraham to Jesus was 2000 years, from Jesus to now is 2000 years, so the 7th Day is dawning upon this final generation which is the kingdom age of Christ's rule and reign. 2 days after a 12 day governmental fast which ended on 11-11-11, the last day of 2011, Jesus gave me the morning star to proclaim the beginning of the Day of the Lord as a kingdom forerunner. 
This means a people walked with God in this final generation that are so abandoned, so sold-out, so in love with Him that through their yieldedness they too shall be swallowed up into His Being and be taken by God. These shall operate between the 2 realms of the natural and the Spirit to such an extent that at times the Lord, as with Philip in Acts 8,  will teleport them to different locations to do exploits. I know of people who are already used by God in this manner. 
The morning star rises at dawn and proclaims the new day. I saw a powerful vision during that time of the corporate bride pursuing God down the river that flows from the Temple recorded in Ezekiel 47. 
3  And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were up to the ankles.
4  Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through; the waters were to the waist.
5  Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over.
These levels of depths speak of our level of surrender in our pursuit of God. As I looked at the corporate bride walking down that river suddenly she disappeared under the water,  immersed in the Spirit of God. Then it was as if she became dissolved like liquid love. This means all resistance in her got removed and she could now just flow wherever the Spirit wanted to go. This is also in line with what Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:8  The wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound thereof, but can not tell from where it came, and where it goes: so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.
Those that will see and walk like Enoch did will see by the eyes of God's Spirit in a very clear way and nothing shall be hidden from them. I personally experienced prophetic glimpses of these realities. Mar 4:22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come into the open.
Enoch 7th from Adam. A 1000 years is as a day before God and 6000 or 6 prophetic days have past and now the 7th Day of jubilee for God's people is breaking forth. The "Sabbath Rest" proclaimed in Hebrews 4 shall be the portion of the reigning mature sons and daughters  that will now be placed in their rightful kingdom position of ruling authority. The "rest" speaks of God bringing them to the end of themselves through the death of their personal cross of self-denial through which they followed Jesus. The result shall be a resurrection,  a raising up to find themselves seated and resting with Christ in a reigning position. 
We read, 
3  For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
4  For he spoke in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.
5  And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest.
6  Seeing therefore it remains that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:
7  Again, he limits a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
8  For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
9  There remains therefore a rest to the people of God.
10  For he that is entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
11  Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
This rest shall also be the fulfillment of what Jesus meant in Matthew 11:28-30 when the Son of God extended His invitation,  28  Come to Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29  Take My yoke on you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.
30  For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.
This means that as we are brought to the very end of ourselves through the lying down of our lives we enter God's fullness and His rest by which we continually experience a supernatural strength and quickening by that same Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead. 


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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Ancient Perfumery

April 25 2015

I see the Glory of the Lord over me.
I declare the glory of the Lord over me.
The ancient perfumery is descending on the land.
My Love is coming from the ancient perfumery.
I am about to release the greatest flood of my Love.
It will come in like a warm , peaceful Love.
It will have the quality that only I can bring.
I will bring my Love in such a way that I will overwhelm the coldest of hearts.
I will bring an overturning Love to change the world.
I will bring the perfumery of the Ancient One to rest on the earth.
I will cover the earth with an unmistakeable smell of my perfume, My Love.
I have many whose hearts have been prepared to carry My Love.
It will be an everlasting Love to heal the Land.
It will be an everlasting Love to permeate all living things to restore the fallen world.
My Love will rock the faulty foundations.
It welcome as  an earthquake to rightfully take back what needs to be restored.
My Love will overtake ALL  the darkness.
All will know My Love conquers ALL.
It will not be a mistake that my Love will be well known.
My Love will be FAMOUS.
He delivers because He LOVES.
He conquers because He Loves.
My Love is coming as an Ancient Perfumery.
My perfumery is invading the earth.