Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I am casting the vision for the people today so they should not perish. 

     God’s heart for his people is to flourish and participate in his Kingdom. We have to believe he is bringing forth his Kingdom. We have been practicing or rehearsing for this day at hand. 
     We currently have crossed over the threshold to the unknown ( Chapter 2 in Joshua). We know that the people were terrified of the new land because the spies except two came back with a bad report. God had an unlikely person, Rahab the prostitute take in the spies for safekeeping. What the spies didn’t understand was they were terrifying the people of the land. In the following scripture we see this: Chapter 2 vs 8-10. “Before the spies settled down for the night, Rahab went up on the roof and said to them” I know that the Lord has given you this land. Everyone in the country is terrified of you. We have heard how the Lord dried up the Red sea in front of you when you were leaving Egypt.”
     I am going to stop right here to continue to cast the vision. Many of us have left Egypt and been cleaned up of the worldly things that have tried to attach those things to us. We were commanded as in Chapter One to have great courage and be obedient.
It says we will be prosperous and successful. You see when we abide by the way of the world we are limited.  We do not have true liberty in the way of the world. The word Egypt means a place of constriction. The hebrew word tsuwr is the root word for Egypt meaning the following:
to bind, besiege, cramp, confine, secure, shut in, shut up, enclose, to show hostility,be an adversary and treat as foe. These terms all point to being a slave.The slaves of Egypt. A slave to the way of the world. Some of you might be wondering that’s too hard to  come into the Kingdom of heaven. I say to you this day tell God yes and come as you are. 

     The true liberty is being obedient to the ways of God. It is never what WE think.
Man has made everything too complicated and too hard. We just need to follow what God has put down for the foundation. When we are carrying God’s image and his ways we will terrify the world because he will show them who we are. He made a distinction between his people and the people left in Egypt. 

Exodus Chapter 11 vs 7

But not a dog shall growl against any of the people of Israel, either man or beast, that you may know that the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.'

The Hebrew word palah means separated out or a difference.

We have to come out of Egypt (not look like the world) to prosper and be successful.

 God is and has been calling his people to come out and do things his way. 

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.

Isaiah 55:8

God is getting ready to fulfill his promises to his obedient people. 
This is the generation who is obedient to his word. They will see his promises and the promised land.

I will finish casting the vision in another note.

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