Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Casting the Vision Part Three

     The reason the people were in Egypt is because they wanted to worship God their way. They were disobedient. They also turned to foreign and pagan gods. It is worth saying here what does the word pagan really mean?  Pagan means “without God.”
 The “goyim” are all the nations that didn’t follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The understanding is that if you weren’t in covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob you were considered to be a heathen or pagan nation. Also know as a gentile. It is all about the identity.

 In Exodus chapter 34, God was renewing his covenant with the people of Israel even before their release out of slavery in Egypt.
This was spoken to Moses to write down for the people during his forty days in the presence of God. All the instruction was given with the covenant. 

    Back to Joshua. We know that God was giving Joshua instruction in chapter three regarding the enemies on and in the land. God was going to chase out the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Hivites,the Perizzites,the Girgashites,the Amorites and the Jebusites.
Today we know this as the Seven Mountain understanding of taking back our culture.
Several current ministers have brought this out in Scripture.

    So with renewing our covenant relationship with God he is giving us authority to take back the land. Why? Because we are obedient to God. I call this the obedient generation.
Now this has nothing to do with AGE. It has to do with all that are alive today.
You always have the opportunity to accept God’s ways.

    This which I am writing of course is just an over view. I am trying to keep it simple.

    After they were healed from the circumcision, there is reference to the way their provision changed in the way it had been given. It quite simply stopped. And then everything was grown and eaten from Canaan.    

Joshua Chapter 5 vs 10-12

10While the people of Israel were encamped at Gilgal, they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening on the plains of Jericho. 11And the day after the Passover, on that very day, they ate of the produce of the land, unleavened cakes and parched grain. 12And the manna ceased the day after they ate of the produce of the land. And there was no longer manna for the people of Israel, but they ate of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

So after Passover they entered the land of Canaan. The promised land.

Now the Covenant Box or Ark of the Covenant carried the Shekinah or God’s presence.
It also represented the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven.(There are many more imageries here about what it represents but I might do this at another time. It also refers to the BRIDE) We know that the Ark carried the tablets Moses wrote on. Also the rod of Aaron. And a bowl of Manna. The power of God was being carried into the Promised Land and was in front of the people as they followed it. (Joshua Chapter 4)

     We know that if we are obedient he will fight the battles for us. When we are in the Promised Land we will have less resistance because HE will fight the battles. His presence will go ahead of us. In Joshua chapter 6 he went ahead by carrying the presence. The Ark of the Covenant went with them in battle. This is to establish the Kingdom here on earth.

     Now you may say we already know about the presence and He will fight the battle... however we are not keeping covenant with him. We are allowing man made traditions rule our lives. That is part of the faulty foundation.

     If we are going to establish His Kingdom and take back the land we have to do it HIS WAY.


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