Sunday, September 28, 2014

On earth as it is in Heaven

Just thought I would share today

We are walking into a season of God's most beautifully orcheastrated, intricately woven, laser pointed accuracy of dynamics and events in the ushering in of the Messiah. We are the waymakers, the trail blazers,the pioneers, the highly obedient Sons and Daughters of the King of the Universe.
Several years ago before I lost my house , I was worshipping the Lord and saw two things. I was observing the clouds in the heavenlies that were heavy with golden drops of firey beads of the Glory of God. They were ready to burst out of the clouds that were so heavy with this that I thought it was any moment. God said the time is not yet but we have only seen a miniscule amount of His Glory.
The clouds represented the intensity and grandeur of what He is bringing. The results of His presence on the earth will be of untold magnitude.
We can not even imagine what He has for us.
In the infant stages that we are currently in , we need to pay close attention . Just like grabbing the top of the wave or jumping into double dutch jump roping.
It is all present and accounted for we need to just step into our part on this stage we have been readied for.
He is giving out instructions, marching orders, tools, wisdom, and every other provison we need. After all He gave Himself for us.
It is a small thing that we would give our life for His service.

The next thing I saw was the KIngdom of heaven not very far off .
I could see the tall buildings and the Glory and Beauty of the Kingdom.
It was nestled, safely off in the Heavenlies.
We are currently going to experience The GREAT I AM and "On earth as it is in Heaven"
On earth as it is in Heaven is a weighty thing because we are participating in removing the idols and the altars of man and man's ways.
We are going to experience the presence of God in such a profound way that we need to make sure we have lost the thinking of our childish ways here on the earth.
We need to be tuned in with Him. We need to know His ways.
The prayers of all the saints from all the centuries, every martyr, and every believer that has gone on before us have all sacrificed for this time that is now starting.
Every human thing produced in the flesh will be done away with where the Kingdom of God is concerned.
Our sacrifice to him is our own lives. So they we may be filled with His nature, His image , His character, for HIs service.
There will be no misunderstanding that He is in charge and He is a God of His word.
He will make Himself known to the nations of the world.
He will be no longer misrepresented.

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