"'Return, O backsliding children,' says the LORD; 'for I am
married to you."' (Jer. 3:14a)
This concept is in sharp contrast to the western Christian identity today. I was laying face down in worship at the church I had been at and telling the Lord all my frustration about how man had done things in a way of expression about who God was. I heard the Lord say, politely. "I have been misrepresented." Of course, I was upset because I was just sure God could have been more stern.
I listened to what God had said and it made a huge impact on me. So what was that "misrepresentation".? I had already been in revamping mode for years but this statement from God made me look even closer. I heard him say, " My free offer of grace and salvation and redemption should not be represented by the "four spiritual laws". Tell them that my story should be presented as a Love Story.!
He is the creator of this story. I was very moved by His remarks to me. Being a romantic at heart and sentimental I couldn't help but be driven for the understanding and the true meaning of what he wanted to tell His people. Keep in mind the picture of His Love that I will bring to you is far different than our American mindset has been. Or our Mindset rooted in western christianity.
God created male and female both in His image. "and the two shall become one." We know the scripture. I wonder how many have really taken in the "one flesh" idea. A married couple need each other to be complete in the spiritual and ordained work of God. It also is the STRONGEST BOND between two people. God himself saw to that. The two together make the whole of God! So just imagine two sold out people to God married and in alignment to do His will! They are unstoppable.
I am longing to see that in action! This picture is also related to God and His people. His Bride.
God's marriage to His people is the model for husbands and wives today. It has always applied .
When we start looking at ALL of the scripture in this light we will then obtain an entirely different picture of how God has purposed how His Kingdom is to operate and affect the WHOLE world.
And do not forget what has Satan's strongest attack been on? Marriages and families. It's the clearest attack the enemy has purported. Why has he done this? Because he is going after the very thing that God has put into place for His kingdom. God's highest value , other than life itself, is Marriage and families. God's government is families. His choice for how that happens is out of a marriage between two people. Remember this is God's ordained way of doing things. When we as people step outside of this, it leads to desenegration of His Kingdom and life.
We are coming full circle to bring into His Millenial reign. He has a people who are under His covering and His Love. We just had to tell him yes and he worked out the details. We as a people have to learn how to dance the dance of the Bride and Bridegrrom. Walking with Him. He wants more than us just telling him yes . He wants us to participate in His Kingdom, learning how to know His ways.
The misrepresentation will come to an end because He has a Bride who knows Him deeply and chases hard after Him at all costs. The Bride will reflect her husband to show to the world who He really is.
I am going to bring more on this subject in parts for it will be easier to digest.
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