Friday, July 5, 2013

The Carriers of My Love 7-4-2013 Sharon Luzzi

July 4, 2013

    You are coming into a season of fulfilling your hopes and dreams.
A time of introspection that will reveal my Love  and Oh how I Love you!
The fragrance of My Love that will fill the earth!
The fragrance that is like no other .
The fragrance that captures the hearts of man!
The fragrance that shatters the hard heart.
That heart of rebellion.
The fragrance that is like no other.
Come seek me in the night season.
Come I will speak clearly to you there!
Come into a place in My Heart where no else has been.
A place of wonder
A place of filling
A place of substance
A place of glue
A place of stability
 A place where I can permeate your life
A place of worship
A place of answers
A place of shattering the darkness
A place of deep intimacy with Me
A place that will preserve you in the coming days
It will melt the nations you and Me with the fragrance of My Love
I will shatter the hard heart, the dead spirit.
Come immerse yourself in My Love.
Come, be bathed in the fragrance of My Heart
The final stages of the New Wine to be poured out

My people who amassed My likeness, My character, My very imprint, will come forth and be known by My name
They have no claim to fame, no attachment to the world or the things in it.
They will turn the world upside down for Me
The very things they have been hated for they will famous for.!
For they do not look like the world
They will be hated for namesake.
My star players will arrive on the scene with more than meets the eye.
They will be unassuming and shock even the most confident believer.
They will shatter the status quo
They will uproot nations and make the strongest cringe
Their very nature will change the seasons
The whole earth will be subject to the authority they carry
For they have been submitted to Me
So they will have great authority
They have not been shaken in their walks with Me
They have been steadfast with Me
They have not played by the rules of the world
They have diligently sought after Me
They have suffered greatly and counted the cost
It will not be those who you think
My ways are not your ways.
It will be the very ones who you have despised.
This new season they will be revealed and made known
For it is about to be known who they are on the earth
They have been hidden in my heart and and guarded by My Presence, wholly kept safe by my hand
Set apart for My end time timetable
For your thoughts are not my thoughts and your ways are not my ways.
As they are released the fragrance of My Love will fill the earth
It will be undeniable and unmistakeable
Overflowing into the hearts of men
This is a time where the earth will no longer look like the ways of man

Places where My Love has been misunderstood
I will make  the way straight
My Love will manifest in ways never thought possible
And the new way will be made evident
As different as a     woman protecting a man
Time will tell the evidenence of My Love

Everything will be manifested in My Love!

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