Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Beverly Juelsgaard Fischer - Are you Ready for the next adventure? 7-1-2013

It is Time, Are You Ready for Your Next Adventure with Me?
Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer

As you can see, this came in the wee hours this morning. Isn't God awesome? I love waking up knowing that He is near. I thought this was just for me, but He says there are many others who need to see and hear this also, as it is for them too, He must be multi-tasking again! I know He loves for us to share, so here it is..... If it for you also, You will know..... May God Bless you all! Please share as the Lord leads. Love, Bev

It is Time, Are You Ready for Your Next Adventure with Me? Beverly Juelsgaard- Fischer

I woke up early this morning, got up, and walked around the bedroom, not sure what woke me. I began to praise the Lord in tongues, closing my eyes and singing. I had my bedroom lights on, and then a brighter light was coming from my left and center, as I had my back to the door. I have awakened at this time, the last three nights, and have prayed through the resistance, but I finally realized something is battling to break through and it wasn't just resistance to my worshipping the Lord.

I had my hands raised in the air, and continued in tongues, and a great peace flooded me. I knew it was the presence of the Lord. I waited, and I then felt like I was to put my hands out, like He had something for me. So I put my hands out to receive and was given a pile of new weapons that were wrapped in a cloth. I say pile, because there were many different types of swords lying across my arms, some like I`ve not seen before, many lengths and widths all laying across my arms. There were other weapons also, but I don't even know what you would call them, much less try to describe them. There were so many, they should have been heavy, but for as many as there were, they were incredibly light.

He said, "These are weapons for the days ahead. I will teach you how to use them. Be ready and waiting, for I will call again. There is much to do to prepare for the upcoming battles and tribulation that are coming. You have been preparing mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially, as I have been teaching you and told you to do so, for the days ahead will not be easy for anyone who serves Me.

There were even times that you selfishly thought, as all humans do, that you were the only one going through something. But you are never alone, for I am always with you. There is also no way that I could amass an army the size that I need for the days ahead if you all went through things one at a time. So even in your trials and tribulations of life, you are never alone. There is always someone else going through something, and often times, worse or much worse, than what you are going through.

So it is time for the next door to be opened. It is time for the next lessons to start. It is time, for the new adventure to begin. Any with passivity or complacency, must tell them to go, for there will not room for them, where you are going. You cannot afford to fall behind. It will be of imminent importance that you stay abreast with Me and those who follow Me. You are not in this alone, you are part of My Team, The Redeemed. UNITY WITH ME, IS A KEY.

Obedience will be a key factor in this, as it always is. For it is only through your obedience to Me, that you have come this far, that you have learned the lessons needed for the days ahead.
1. You have learned that the more obedient you are the faster and more smoothly you learn a lesson.
2. You have learned that to be disobedient, you always pay a price. It may be a costly price to get back on-track, and you will generally have to repeat the lesson.
3. You have learned to say "YES!" to Me, in a more willing manner, and that it is worth the cost, besides, if you are with Me you are always on the winning team.
4. You have learned that your obedience to Me, can be a life or death manner for yourself or others. This can be in prayer for yourself or others or in other things that will affect you or others in many ways. It pays to pray and be obedient!

It will be only through your obedience in the days ahead that you will continue to go on the path that I have called you to. You have all come too far, to turn back, and might I say, if you did, the enemy would certainly love to literally eat you alive. He would much rather have you at his supper table than at Mine, regardless of your appearance.

It is the wish of man that there be no tribulation, no war, no hardship, no pain, nor suffering. But it is out of the trials and tribulations of life that you become who you are. When you sit placidly by, your mind becomes dull and you become set in your ways. It is as you sit in one place that you begin to become set there, as if you would never leave it, kind of like a statue that is cemented in place. It is as you are sitting, that your muscles and bones become slack and you forget what it is that I have for you. You become complacent, and willful, wanting to stay the same and you think, "Life is good, so there is no reason to change."

It is not for you or any man to stay the same and that is why I bring change. You were all created in My image in the beginning, but because of the power of choice, you allowed it to change you, through your own choice. It was the rebellion of My rules to not eat of the Tree of Good and Evil that caused you to be exposed and thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Man could have lived forever, happily there, but chose not to.

Yea, though My Son has redeemed you from your sins and all those who choose to be born again in Me, you still must battle and overcome those things that are placed before you. This is so that you will become more like Me. For even My Son had to battle, to get where He is at. So regardless of who you are, it is not easy and change is a necessary catalyst that propels you forward or backward, depending on your choices and it generally causes you to seek Me.

You would say, but Lord, "I don't want to go through hardship. I don't want to hurt, or see others hurt. I don't want to suffer or have pain."

Again I say, My Son had to do all of this. Are you saying you are better than He? Are you saying you can change into becoming more like Me, without the pain, hardships, and suffering?

It is rather funny that you would say that, because very few change willingly, although Mary was one. Mary chose to have My will above any she would have. But then, that is one of the reasons she was chosen as My Son's earthly mother. Even as she chose My will above hers, she still chose and received change in many forms. Change that brought her great joy, hardship, love, tears of frustration and great sorrow. All of this was change that brought forth My Son, for all of mankind. Mary chose My will as her own, so that she could serve Me, without knowing what was ahead of her, without thinking about the "what if's". She just did it, not knowing what she would have to go through, much less what Jesus would go through, and what she would be a part of.

So it is with this, that I come and say, "Change is at your doorstep. It is coming, whether you want it or not. So even if you don't choose to change, there will be a price to pay.

I have brought new weapons for you to learn and use. If you do not learn them and how to use them, that will be your choice also, but I cannot say then that you will survive what is coming. It will be necessary for you to embrace the new weapons, teachings, and all else that I have for you, for you to survive what is coming and to become more like Me. That is what you have said all along, that you wanted to be more like Me. So here it is. It is time for you to step into the new. It is time to embrace the changes that I am setting before you now, so that you will unfold and become all that I have for you.

For the cocoon is ready to be opened, and the butterfly is read to emerge, into the beautiful, joyous, and incredible creature that I have created it to be. Will it come out without the struggle and pain of new birth? No, it cannot come out of the cocoon without struggle and pain, or it will not survive. The more it struggles, the stronger it gets, the more strategies it learns, the more power it receives.

So, it is with you. I do not expect you to come forth easily into all that I have for you, for it will take much on your part to learn and do what I am calling you to. Embrace what I give you and be willing to change, that is part of it, without the whining and complaining, without the "what if's". Come with a joyful heart and what I put before you will not be as hard as it may look. Appearance isn't everything; you should know that by now. What looks good on the outside, isn't always so on the inside. I want you good on the inside and to shine so brilliantly with My light, that people will not recognize you for who you are. For they will see the transformed one that I have created, the one who looks more and more like Me as each lesson is passed and each word is carefully and wisely spoken, as if I were saying it Myself. So even as you seek Me and worship Me even more in the days ahead, you will know that I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the Way, the only Way that you will become what you were intended for. My Truth is life-giving. It is as you learn My Truth, that your eyes are opened and you will learn in a way you have not learned before, for you will soak in My Light and be filled with My Glory for all to see and your heart will receive all that I have for it, at this time. I am Life, to all who welcome Me into their lives and hearts, as their Lord and Savior. With those kinds of benefits, why would you choose something else? It is time. Are you ready for your next adventure with Me?

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