Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seen in the Unseen

Good Morning,

So many things happening in the natural and the supernatural these days.
As you know we have entered into the New Day.
Several years ago God said"The things that worked will not work anymore."
That covers all aspects of our lives.
God loves us and wants us to know Him fully.
Man has come to the end of himself and man's ways will no longer work.
The fruit of those ways have brought much ruin.
God will be making himself felt and known in the coming days.


November 1, 2011

I will be seen in the unseen.
I will make myself known among the nations and they will know who belongs to me.
They will stand up and take notice for I will no longer be mocked and ignored.
I will come forth with a vengence and My judgments in My Hand.
I will no longer be silent.
I will no longer be unseen and unknown.
I am coming to right the wrongs and transgress the transgressors.
I am a Mighty God who saves and redeems His people.
My people will no longer be without Me nor I without them.
I have come to set the foundations right.
I have uprooted all that can be uprooted.
It will be known who belongs to Me.
They will come out of the hidden places and display My power.
All that has been hidden and planned for the end of the ages will become manifested fully through My people and through My power.
All that has been purposed, all that has been planned,all that has been hidden for the proper time.
All of creation is longing for this time, the manifestation of My Glory.
My goodness toward all people.
The time is now.
Time for revealing My Kingdom.
Revealing My Ways.
Come, My Government reigns.

Sharon Luzzi

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