Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jewels from Judy

Jewels From Judy: A Door of Hope for My Body
Judy Bauman
October 25, 2011
A recent interaction with a friend prompted me to seek the Father. While I know this friend loves the Lord, there seems to be a terrible spirit of contention in nearly every encounter. The Lord led me to look into autoimmune diseases and I’ve learned that this is when the immune system is overactive and perceives normal body tissue as harmful and literally attacks itself! This “attack” seems to be very prominent within the Body of Christ in the day and hour we are in with everyone voicing their opinions on forums, twitter, facebook, and other venues. Often people don’t truly think about what they’re saying nor do they ask for clarity before they spew out insults – they just cruelly launch into judgment, strife and contention with the goal to be RIGHT! However, even if they are correct, they’re completely void of the heart of God for His people. It is a spiritual autoimmune disease at work.
We must remember that we are to love one another and provoke each other to good works and love. This is the Father’s heart towards us who believe that Jesus is the Lord. We must remember that none of us are perfect and none have perfect teachings, doctrines or theories. 
This word is what I believe the Lord spoke to me in 2008 concerning the Body and I am encouraged by it again today. I pray it blesses you.
A Door of Hope for My Body:
“Precious One, yes, you are My Precious One. Please give ear to what I Am about to say. Consider your body – the human body. Look at all its working parts. Each and every part of your physical body affects the rest of your body.
“Look at a body that is in top physical condition and behold its beauty. Behold the skill of the Craftsman who created it! Every organ, every muscle, every tendon works together with one goal in mind. The skeletal structure is perfect from the largest bones in the leg to the tiniest ones found in the ear. Every single body part is important. 
“While there are some body parts you can survive without, if given the choice would you not choose fullness? Even the stubbing of your little toe can cause you excruciating pain and in that moment the importance of that body part comes to the forefront of your mind. There are an endless number of examples I could give you, Beloved, of how your body hurts when one part hurts or malfunctions. Many of you have living examples in your own bodies, as well as in others around you, to know that given a choice you desire good health. You know that each body part is in agreement so that you can function in your daily life. It is clear that when the body is functioning the way I designed it, this is the most desirable state to be in. This concept is simple. 
“Illness, disease, defects and injures can keep you from accomplishing your dreams and goals, so generally you do what you know is best for your body to live your life optimally. Sometimes, and more often in wealthier regions of the world, a person will give in to their body’s demands and cause themselves to become unhealthy. Addictions to drugs and alcohol as well as food and mind-numbing activities that keep the body sedentary commonly hold My body hostage. This happens when a person refuses to listen to their spirit and instead listen to their flesh, so multiple addictions are often the result! This causes a number of breakdowns in the body – both immediately and in the years to come if the flesh continues to get its desires.
“So it is with My Body – the Body of Christ.
“My Body has many parts and they are all designed to work together. Many of you do not know why you are hurting so deeply. You do not know why you crave the things that are not good for you.   The struggle in My Body is at an all-time-high because there are so many parts all over the world that are hurting and wounded and ill and addicted.
“Church, allow Me to take you out from what you have been doing. Give Me a short season in your life to make some adjustments. I Am the Master Surgeon* and I can heal you and bring you back into perfect health. You can again be a body that enjoys health and beauty. Give Me this season to teach you and lead you. As My Body comes to Me for healing, then I will place you anew in the Body of Christ.
“Come into the wilderness with Me and I will speak comfort to you. I will give you food and drink that will not draw you to itself but to Me. Come anchor yourself to Me and I will keep you from going adrift in the tempest. I will open to you a Door of Hope and beckon you in, but it is you who are given the choice whether or not to come inside.
“My beautiful Body is battered and it is My desire to heal you and make you whole. I long to answer Jesus’ prayer that His own would be as one as He is one with His Holy Father.
“It is My desire for the Body to have their joy fulfilled, that you would be kept from the evil one, for you to be consecrated by My truth, that you would be sanctified by My Word, and for you to be one as I Am in Jesus and He is in Me. We want you in US so that the world will believe.”
Your Abba
Scripture References:
John 8:31; 17:6-26; Hosea 2:14, 15, 23; Proverbs 23:1-3; First Corinthians 12

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