Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Never satisfied

But, anyway, they SEEM to be having a wonderful time and be sooo much in love, and all that. 
You gotta know that the narcissist is never happy for long. They get bored and never have enough supply, so as the years go by, they get older and less desirable, sad and pathetic....and by that time, you will have moved on to a happy, loving relationship. 
Unlike the N, happiness and love don't happen INSTANTLY, but they will definitely happen for you. The following piece was written by Melonie Tonya Evans, a therapist, and about the ultimate life outcome of the narcissist. I've seen it with my own eyes, and believe me, this is a good read:
The Fate Worse than Death
Please do not envy your ex narcissist. Because the plight for narcissists is the same for anyone who keeps extracting from life in order to avoid themself.
Eventually the ability and energy to get out of bed every day and feed the insatiable need to offset the inner demons runs out.
Narcissist get old and sick, they lose their looks, their charm and their charisma. They lose their formidable ability to seduce, dominate and intimidate people. They are not the immortal Gods they would like to think they are.
Eventually all narcissists end up facing their tormented self that they have made a lifelong career of avoiding.
Eventually, just like the picture of Dorian Gray one day the narcissist comes face to face with their most horrifying nightmare – the tortured self that no amount of avoidance, materiality, manipulation, exploits or lies could avoid.
They meet the real tortured self that bears no resemblance to the pathologically constructed False Self.
When this occurs the narcissist has no time left to do anything about it…it’s the end of the line, there are no solutions and the ghastly portrait doesn’t lie.
The narcissist does not have the privilege of loving memories, of the knowing of contribution, or the feelings of having lived a great and solid life of integrity in order to accept his or her mortality and die peacefully.
Instead the narcissist is a ‘machine’ based on only the immediate need for narcissistic supply, which has to be constantly fed to relieve a tortured soul. Therefore the tortured soul is ‘the last reality standing’.
So don’t buy into the ridiculous illusion the narcissist is having a great life and re-read this article every time you entertain those thoughts…

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