Monday, March 28, 2016


Ted Cruz is Ineligible to be President of the United States


The below article is further evidence of the near-demise of our Republic; the article, from, very clearly describes the ineligibility of Ted Cruz as
a candidate for the presidency of the United States; his ineligibility stems from the fact that he is not a "natural-born citizen" as proscribed by the Constitution of the United States; by way of description,"natural born" means that the father and mother of the candidate must both have been born in the United States.
I might add that it was only a couple of years prior to his campaign for the Senate that he renounced his
Canadian citizenship. 
We currently have an ineligible "President" sitting in the White House; it is very clear to see the damage his
tenure has brought, both to this country and to it citizens.  I might add that while many have doubted his
birth certificate, they have over looked a very clear demonstration of Obama's ineligibility; by his own admission, his father was born in Kenya; according to British law the child born of a British subject is also a British subject and citizen; thus we currently have a British citizen sitting in the White House.
When pondering the topic of the requirements for the presidency, the Founding Fathers initially required only that the individual be a U.S citizen; this topic became an issue when it became understood that someone who was raised by non-U.S parents, who were not American citizens, might well have been taught to be aligned with the nationality of the parents rather than of the United States; therefore the requirement for a "naturally born citizen" was placed into the Constitution and thus became the "Law of the Land."  Again. look at the damage that Obama, who is not a naturally born citizen has brought to this country - clearly his allegiance is clearly not to this country as might be the case were he to be so.
One more thing: many Christians are pushing for the candidacy of Ted Cruz; they must come to understand
that he is ineligible to be the U.S. Presidency; wee he to become president of the United States, that might well open the door for any of the many "Anchor babies" within the U.S. to become President in the near future.
Lee posts a letter from an “Army brat”: “I was born overseas while my father was in the Army. Both my parents are natural born. I am not. When I joined the military in 1974 I had to apply for a Naturalization Certificate. I would have had to have done so a year later anyway when I would have turned 18 if the law requiring me to do so had not been repealed that year. I had to provide my birth certificate and my form FS-240 Report of Birth. I am a Naturalized citizen and at best that is all Ted Cruz is.” [89533, 89534, 89535] 

From FS-240 Report of Birth is the Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA). According to the State Department, “A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents may [emphasis added] acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if certain statutory requirements are met. The child’s parents should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (CRBA) to document that the child is a U.S. citizen. If the U.S. embassy or consulate determines that the child acquired U.S. citizenship at birth, a consular officer will approve the CRBA application and the Department of State will issue a CRBA, also called a Form FS-240, in the child’s name.” [89533,89534, 89535] 

Ted Cruz has never released his CRBA—if he even has one. If his parents never filed for U.S. citizenship for him, he was born a Cuba-Canadian citizen (he was born in Canada to a Cuban father). If his parents did file for citizenship for their son and it was granted, Cruz is only a generic U.S. citizen; he is nota natural born citizen. Natural born citizen status applied at birth and is automatic, based on the circumstances of that birth (on U.S. soil to two U.S.-citizen parents). One does not need permission from the government to be a natural born citizen; it is either one’s status at birth or it is not. The State Department’s own forms and rules prove that Ted Cruz is not a natural born citizen. At best, he is only a generic U.S. citizen, ineligibleto serve as president. If Cruz has no CRBA, he cannot even serve in the U.S. Senate legally.’s Sharon Rondeau writes, “Cruz’s campaign has ignored direct requests to release his documentation. It has been speculated by some that Cruz arrived in the United States at the age of four without documentation and that he was legalized by the change in immigration law effected by Congress and signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986 which awarded US citizenship to approximately 2.7 million illegal aliens. ...If a child born abroad to two US-citizens, one of whom was serving in the military, is considered a naturalized U.S. citizen, how can Cruz claim the higher standard of ‘natural born Citizen,’ particularly with no documentation?”

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