Thursday, December 29, 2011

No More Waiting

December 29, 2011

     Today is a very special day for me as my youngest child, my son is 25 years old today.
When I prayed about getting pregnant with him, I told God I did not want him to be a child like that as from Hezekiah. I wanted God's perfect will.
I was never about gender when asking for my children but always knew he would be a boy.

The most special part is that he was 13 weeks early. A true preemie.
There are more miracles about his birth  and survival than I can describe .
Neither one of us should have lived. I had an extremely rare condition and as a boy he had  all odds against him. Plus many other factors(such as family abandoning me during this very difficult time).

He today has no ill effects from being that premature. And today he himself has gone thru much of life that is so difficult.  He has so much in him that God has done. And like the word God gave me last night , there is NO MORE WAITING.


I am pouring out my spirit like a flood.
It will not and can not be contained.
Can you hear it?
Can you hear the rain?
Come, it can not be contained.
Stand and watch what I will do.
It will be soon filling up the earth.
With it brings  peace , harmony, joy,judgement.
It will not be disguised.
It will flow freely and fully.
It is crystal clear, the River of Life.
Just like from the throne of heaven.
It will be given freely and satisfy all who drink from it.
All who are thirsty come and drink.
It is life everlasting.
Come stand in the showers of my Love.
Come deep within you shall draw from the wells of salvation.
Come and Drink.
You shall be fully satisfied.
No more disappoint.
No more lack.
Completely full.
The first wave is here to be followed by two more.
The fullness is here.
The fullness of my son.
My Word made Flesh.
Come and see the goodness of the Lord.
Taste and see.
My Glory shall fill the earth.
Not one drop less.
The least to the greatest shall know Me.
Not lacking any good thing.
Come and see.
Come and see.
I am about to reveal My sons and daughters.
My Bride whom you have been waiting for.
In all Her Glory.
Ready to display My works to all.
Come the one who has followed Me closely and at a cost.
She has paid the Price.
She will be shown throughout the world.
She will be revealed to all who will accept Her.
Come now is the time.
Now the time has arrived.
The longest awaited time in History.
The time which My Father has waited for.
The time that all creation has been longing for.
It has been released into the atmosphere.
No more waiting
No more waiting.
No more waiting.

Sharon Luzzi

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