Monday, August 22, 2011

The Roar Of The Lion

I come to set the captives free with one roar.
With one roar will I set all things right.
With one roar will I restore all that has been lost.
With one roar will all nations bow their knee and every tongue confess.
With one roar will I call to attention My Warrior Bride.
With one roar will all things come into alignment.
With one roar will I show off My Bride.
With one roar will I equip the saints.
With one roar will I send the enemy to Flight.
With one roar will I help all nations.
With one roar you will not be able to contain the Glory.
With one roar will I send out the promised Blessing.
With one roar I will send you enemies fleeing.
With one roar I will set up My kingdom.
Are you ready for My roar?
You so far have been afraid to hear me roar.
I am ready to roar.
Can you hear Me roar?

In my time with the Lord I see Him standing and roaring ...nonstop.

 Revelation 10 vs 2,3

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