Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sex with a Narcissist

NARCISSISTS PREFER PORN AND CHEATING TO SEX WITH's a sad and very distressing thing about narcissists that their self focus carries it's self out into their sex makes no emotional demands, nor does it require any effort or any emotional connection, either. Narcissist PREFER unemotional sex every time, and require increasingly sickening sexual acts to get aroused, which is why they often pressure their partners to do things they don't want to do, including bringing others into their bed, or having group sex, or swapping.

Many narcissist have no sexual preference between men and women, and will engage in anonymous sex with either, and watch porn of either as well. They may enjoy inflicting physical pain on their partner, or psychological pain in the form of making the partner feel used, feel like an object, or forcing them to do sexual acts they don't want to do.

When the narcissist withdraws sexually, it is often to punish the partner and to make them feel undesirable. However, it can also be because the narcissist is getting their sexual needs met by others, or prefers to masturbate to porn rather than be with a real person. A well know problem is porn induced erectile dysfunction, where the narcissist cannot get an erection with a real woman, but rather, only during the viewing of porn.

It's also common to tell the partner to go to bed and then, to view porn, and demand sex with their partner, or else, to play porn movies on the bedroom TV, expecting the partner to watch, often telling the partner that that it's for their sake that this is being done, not for the narcissist.

This results in a sexual experience that's emotionless, disconnected, soulless, destructive and exploitative, making the partner feel cheap and used. It is yet another form of abuse by the narcissist, and an especially devastating one at that.

Once you get the narcissist out of your life, and you get into a good relationship, you will gradually relearn the beauty of sexuality in a loving relationship again. Those wonderful, warm feelings will flow again from a partner who truly loves you.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Sefish/Narcissist Violence against a women with their mouth

"The Narc will launch into a barrage of putdowns, including name calling and derogatory remarks. My NX would be extremely aggressive in his verbal assaults. He name-called, accused, threatened, blamed and ordered me around. I got called fat and lazy, a b*tch, a horrible cook, a terrible mother, a deadbeat mother, crazy, psycho, sick in the head....It takes on a more subtle form masked as "helping." Narcissists will take on an "I know best" attitude and offer up advise, solutions, analyze, probe and question in order for the victims to second guess themselves."

Narcissist Manipulation Tactics

Narcissist Manipulation Tactics: Click here to learn the manipulation tactics that a Narcissist uses.