Saturday, October 31, 2015


This month the R's are important . . . . . . . .Phyllis Ford
This month allow the Lord to Re-calibrate your direction and major directives to achieve great strides. (Recheck coordinates in order to move forward with the best possible solutions). The Lord has moved some things out of our lives and placed before us important things so that we may accomplish great advancement. Listen for His promptings. Some things have run their course and some new things need to be implemented to better define your purpose.
This month will go rapidly, so hold on and allow the flow of the Lord's Spirit direct you as He protects you. You are allot further than you know. So Refresh yourself in His presence. Renew commitment in your hearts. Relax and Rest instead of worrying how things will go, because when you are diligent in what He has told you to do and continuing to move forward in what you need to do. He is in control and He knows better than you what you need. 
Don't forget to Release all the stuff that has weighed you down. So that you can Regain needed strength for the journey. Sprinkle your praise with gratefulness and thanksgiving because He has brought you a mighty long way. Rejoice in all that He has promised you. Request from Him that His Spirit go before you to make rivers in desert places. May He drench you with His Love and Peace this month, so that by its end you will have much Resolved in the areas that concerned you the most.
Isaiah 43:18-20 "Do not call to mind the former things, Or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.The beasts of the field will glorify Me, The jackals and the ostriches, Because I have given waters in the wilderness And rivers in the desert, To give drink to My chosen people.…" 
The Lord is giving us another Newvember!!! Step on into the new and don't let the old weigh you down.
The Lord is saying New!!!!
Watch the new. . . .new avenues, new doors, new new new. 
©copyright 2015 by Phyllis Ford Ministries

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn - WHAT ON EARTH is going on/ Tabernacle of David

Friday, October 16, 2015

Apostles are among us

Apostles Are Among Us
Lisa Enebeli

The other day, I heard the phrase, apostles are among us, in my spirit. As I have meditated on it the past couple of days and prayed into it, the Lord began to reveal to me what it means and it brought such freedom to me, that I wanted to share it with you, hoping it will bring some understanding to those that may be wondering what is happening in us, through us and around us. Apostles are sent ones, it is a function, not a title, they are not special in the sense that they have more value than any other person in the body of Christ, they just have a different function. That is why Paul said in I Corinthians, not all are apostles. Remember the context of this statement was about being a body and each having a different function. So, when I say apostles are among us, it is not about hierarchy or pecking order, but rather a function.

Living in a world where the enemy is making it clear through the news that he has agents of destruction planted in the soil of our cities, countries, and churches, the Lord also has people planted among us and they are called apostles. Apostles activate the people of God to do the work of God in order to advance the kingdom of God. The apostolic gift is an activation gift for the body of Christ. Jesus is called the apostle of our faith, He is the one that activates our faith into action through His word. Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles, he activated the truth that Gentiles could experience the same salvation that Jews did. The apostolic function is for activation. There are apostles among us.

A group of people were called to be apostles, but they did not know when they accepted the call to the wilderness training, on the back side of the desert, in obscurity, this is what they were being called to be. They entered this training out of obedience to the voice of God, not sure where they were going, but knowing they heard the voice of Him who called them out of darkness into His light, so they followed. The training has been hard, it has been lonely, it has brought disappointment, discouragement and a desire to quit, but the call to obey was stronger than all of these other things, so they stayed the course. When everyone else was sleeping, they were awake; when others were playing, they were in training; they have been underground this whole time, and yet living among us. Many have never heard there name, most have no idea what they are being called to do, very few have seen them in their assignment, because they have been in training.

Their weapons are worship and prayer, their leaves are their words and they will bring healing to the nations, they bear the fruit of the spirit in every season, they are apostolic ambassadors who take their commands from the Lord of Heaven and Earth. These men and women are among us, they have been rewired and refired for such a time as this. They have been called, consecrated and commissioned for the hour that is coming upon us. They know the voice of God, they know the word of God, they know how to be led by the spirit of God, they are not trying to make their own way prosperous, they are not looking for man to lift them up, they are an army of apostolic ambassadors and they are among us. Their source is God alone, they are servants, they seek first the kingdom of God and they have a helmet of salvation, a breastplate of righteousness, a belt that is truth, shoes that are the gospel, a shield that is faith, and a sword that is the word of God. They are fearless.
The Lord has been teaching them in the apostolic training school on the back side of the desert, they are planted in the soil of every sector of society, they are diverse, yet one. They are dressed and ready for battle, ready to reap the harvest, ready to disciple nations, not for their glory, but for His glory. When the Lord calls for their arising you will know who they are, for they will activate the body of Christ as one unit to advance the kingdom of God.

They are lovers of God and lovers of people, but they do not compromise the truth. You will know them when they arise, they are still in training, they are still waiting for the commander’s voice to activate them on assignment, for they are the apostles among us and they are an army that has been trained for the battle that is at hand. The Lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes. The apostles are among us!
Lisa Enebeli

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Westlife - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for you

Westlife - Total Eclipse Of The Heart

To My Porn-Watching Dad, From Your Daughter

To My Porn-Watching Dad, From Your Daughter

This daughter’s letter to her porn-watching dad is heartbreaking, but every dad should read it. 

Dear Dad,
I want to let you know first of all that I love you and forgive you for what this has done in my life. I also wanted to let you know exactly what your porn use has done to my life. You may think that this effects only you, or even your and mom’s relationships. But it has had a profound impact on me and all of my siblings as well.
I found your porn on the computer somewhere around the age of 12 or so, just when I was starting to become a young woman. First of all, it seemed very hypocritical to me that you were trying to teach me the value of what to let into my mind in terms of movies, yet here you were entertaining your mind with this junk on a regular basis. Your talks to me about being careful with what I watched meant virtually nothing.
Because of pornography, I was aware that mom was not the only woman you were looking at. I became acutely aware of your wandering eye when we were out and about. This taught me that all men have a wandering eye and can’t be trusted. I learned to distrust and even dislike men for the way they perceived women in this way.
As far as modesty goes, you tried to talk with me about how my dress affects those around me and how I should value myself for what I am on the inside. Your actions however told me that I would only ever truly be beautiful and accepted if I looked like the women on magazine covers or in porn. Your talks with me meant nothing and in fact, just made me angry.
As I grew older, I only had this message reinforced by the culture we live in. That beauty is something that can only be achieved if you look like “them”. I also learned to trust you less and less as what you told me didn’t line up with what you did. I wondered more and more if I would ever find a man who would accept me and love me for me and not just a pretty face.
When I had friends over, I wondered how you perceived them. Did you see them as my friends, or did you see them as a pretty face in one of your fantasies? No girl should ever have to wonder that about the man who is supposed to be protecting her and other women in her life.
I did meet a man. One of the first things I asked him about was his struggle with pornography. I’m thankful to God that it is something that hasn’t had a grip on his life. We still have had struggles because of the deep-rooted distrust in my heart for men. Yes, your porn watching has affected my relationship with my husband years later.
If I could tell you one thing, it would be this: Porn didn’t just affect your life; it affected everyone around you in ways I don’t think you can ever realize. It still affects me to this day as I realize the hold that it has on our society. I dread the day when I have to talk with my sweet little boy about pornography and its far-reaching greedy hands. When I tell him about how pornography, like most sins, affects far more than just us.
Like, I said, I have forgiven you. I am so thankful for the work that God has done in my life in this area. It is an area that I still struggle with from time to time, but I am thankful for God’s grace and also my husband’s. I do pray that you are past this and that the many men who struggle with this will have their eyes opened.
Love, Your Daughter
*This has been posted anonymously due to the nature of the topic.*

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