Friday, March 21, 2014


Year of Release

My people will be released from all the yokes and bondages that hold them down.
I will no longer allow the enemy to hold you back and keep you in bondage.
I will break all the yokes destined to hold you down.
I will open many doors for you to go through.
I will release everything that is not of me.
I will break every stranglehold the enemy has on my people.
Every stronghold, every lie.
The year of Release has been long awaited.
The chokehold of the enemy will no longer be allowed
to have that power.
I will release you into my Glorious Presence where there is no resistance.
You will be released into the Kingdom of God.
You will be released into all that I have for you.
You see Egypt is a place of confinement.

Egypt represents the world system. The ways of MAN.
In this day, God desires us to come out of the ways of the world.
God has given us the Holy Spirit to overcome the world.
The Holy Spirit is the one who does the work in our hearts to live by the way of the Spirit not our flesh.
The flesh leads to death and the Spirit of God LIFE.

The root Hebrew word for Egypt is from H6696 (tsuwr) meaning:
to bind,besiege,confine,cramp.
It also means to limit.

The restoration and the redemptive work of the Messiah is an on going process.

He is getting ready to liberate His people at a rate that we have never seen before. The world and its ways actually set themselves up against us whether we know it or not. And then holds us captive.Literally in captivity.
We have been being prepared to handle the true liberty which comes through obedience. It’s like being able to handle Worldly Fame which most secular people fail at miserably. True Liberty has a lot of power in it.

Yeshua is getting ready to reinstate His Government on the earth. He is first releasing His people at this time so they can move forward.

The other night while sitting with a friend the power of God came on her while we were looking up a verse in the word.
The very first line in the word given was” I am coming for my covenant people.” The power was so strong on that first sentence and God didn’t say anything for about ten minutes except to repeat it two more times.
The rest of the message was powerful.To summarize that He was reassuring us that NOTHING WILL STOP what God has promised to do. He also stated that it has been along time in coming but not to doubt ANYTHING he has promised His people. Only believe.
And that what the enemy has done is NOTHING compared to what God is bringing His people.

Definition of Release

To set free from confinement or bondage.
To free something that binds or holds back.
To relieve of debt or obligation.
To relieve of suffering.
A deliverance or liberation as from confinement,restraint or suffering.
An unfastening or letting something go.
The legal definition- relinquishment to another of a right title or claim.
This is out of a regular dictionary.

The whole word of God is always looking forward.
So we have patterns and foreshadowing. The book of Exodus is about God’s people being released out of the hand of Pharoh.
We have been hearing about the birthing process in the last few years as a prophetic people. Interestingly enough, the pathway across the land bridge going thru the Red Sea and into the other side looks like a BIRTH CANAL. From an aerial view.
A place of constriction(the way of the world) into the things God has for us. We have been in a process to lose the things that are constricting us into our true identity and fully walking in the manifestation of His Word in us.

We are about to be released into the land of milk and honey for His people.

In Isaiah 51, 52, and 54 speak of the things God has for His people. It also speaks of the spiritual things which will now be understood.

The release.

God is about to start the process of releasing his people out of the bonds of the world. He is releasing us into HIS KINGDOM OUT OF EGYPT.
We have been made ready by the struggles in EGYPT.  We will be ready to walk out of the constriction of Egypt.

Sharon Luzzi