Thursday, August 15, 2013

Eileen Fisher/ Multitude of Changes

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Eileen Fisher: There's a Multitude of Changes Coming In the Lives of His Own

God's "Kingliness" Is Coming Upon Your Situations

The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on July 9, 2013 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

I hear the Lord say there's going to come a multitude of changes in the lives of His own, and as these changes start to come, He wants you to be aware – keenly aware – that it is the "Kingliness" that is coming upon situations.

He said, "I say, awake and arise, My sleeping Bride, for you have slumbered on the bed of disappointment, rejection, pain, and abandonment. But I am coming, and I am going to pull forth the blankets from you. And I'm going to release over you the Spirit of Comfort, that will deposit healing into your mind, and hope back into your hearts. And I will cause you to want to live, to declare the glory of the Lord your God in the land of this living.

"Cast aside everything that holds you back, whether it is a broken dream, a broken vision, a broken promise. Let it come, and let it be as smoke coming forth to My holy altar. For I have seen the sacrifices, I have seen the tears, the pain, and the confusion, but I have promised you in My Word, I will make a way where there seems to be no way.

"Watch Me part the sea in front of you. Be alert to see Me when I come and part the sea, for I have a particular place for you to cross over. It will be a place of safety, a place of position, a place of authority. It will be known as 'A Blessed Path of the Highway of Holiness.'

"You will be called a holy people; set apart. For others will not want to draw near Me, for they will want to keep both feet in the world but their hands raised up in mockery, for it will not be in agreement with their heart. But I want all to come out, for truth to be seen.

"Come out of the world. Come in to My Spirit. For I long to talk to you, Spirit to spirit, heart to heart, so you will learn to rise up on hind's feet to high mountains, to the new vision, to the new pathway, to the new purposes, blessings, and provisions.

"Provision is so at hand, but you must be close enough to receive it. Draw near to Me, and I have promised, I will draw near to you.

God Is Blessing You And Opening Doors For You

"Wake up. Cast off busyness, discouragement. Do not try to make your own way through the storm of life, but let Me give you My eyes to see, and let Me give you My ears to hear. Soon you will recognize what is of My Spirit, and what is of man, and you will soon draw closer to My Spirit, and man's will will fall, always, always, to the side.

"I will have a humble people who will run the race of holiness, and in the land of blessings. I am going to bless you, and bless you, and bless you, and bless you. For this night I speak against any curse that has been spoken against you, whether it is in secret, or whether it is out of your own mouths. I break that curse, and I say, 'Blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord.'

"I bless you tonight, for you have come in My name. You have stood and worshiped in My name. Now let My name rise up in you, to open doors that seem only to appear closed, because I am the way, the truth, and the life," says the Lord your God.

Gift, After Gift, After Gift

The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on July 16, 2013 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

I've had a vision of Jesus walking in here tonight with His arms loaded down with gifts – just loaded down with gifts – longing to give gifts to His Bride, to His people. Like how He laid down His life – the gift for salvation. Of how He said, "I will send you the gift of My Holy Spirit."

Gift, after gift, after gift...but it is interesting, because they're all wrapped in white tissue, representing His robes of righteousness, but the ribbons are red, because of His Blood. But they're all different sizes, and the ribbons are all different styles.

And I hear Him singing over you tonight, like a bridegroom would sing over his bride, this song:

"I lay My gifts upon My Bride, and I delight Myself in My Bride. And so, as she delights herself in her Bridegroom, so we find sweetness – longing heart to heart – beyond understanding, beyond pain, beyond joy; but pure ecstasy of our presence together, for all else is insignificant.

"For as I set My face as flint and went toward the Cross, and at the Cross, and on the Cross, so I set My face as flint to draw My Bride into the bridal chamber, fresh and strong and new. To where she will understand what it means to have the sweet kisses of a Bridegroom; the acceptance of her Beloved, the unconditional love and understanding when no one else understands.

"I look at the heart with complete understanding. Not in judgment, not in condemnation, but with grace, with mercy, and through the eyes of love. For I have made My own acceptable in My sight, by My Blood. For I have covered My own in My glory and in My robes of righteousness. For I am lifting up My own into glory-to-glory, if they only will say, 'Come. Come, Lord Jesus, come.'"

For He said, "And I ended My Word with the Spirit and the Bride saying, 'Come, Lord Jesus, come.' So I long to hear this out of the hearts of My own: 'Come, Lord Jesus, come. Take over all circumstances. Heal my unbelief. Heal my doubt. Heal my misunderstanding, and my fears. Take me, just as I am.'"

He said, "Not only will I take you as you are, but I love you so much that I will not leave you as you are, for I will cause you to be hungry for My Word. For I will remove competition from around you; for your eyes will be fixed upon Me, and not upon another.

"For I have no delight when you stumble. For when you weep, I weep; when you laugh, I laugh; for I am not a distant God. I am not a foreign God; I am not an idol made by the hands of man. But I am the Lord, your God, who came to earth with a plan before the earth was even formed. There was a plan for salvation put in place, for I knew man would sin. But I also knew man would make choices to become Mine, to enter into sweet fellowship.

All That Concerns You Is Important To God

"How I long to answer prayers. How I long to call My own out of the valley of discouragement and despair. How I long to take My Bride to the mountain, and to refresh her, and to place upon her lips sweet, sweet kisses of My presence, for I am not a God of insignificant, but I am the God of significant.

"To Me, all that concerns you is important to Me. For you were created for My pleasure, and outside of the arena of grace you cannot have your understanding. But when you come into the arena of grace, and of knowledge, and of acceptance, you become the Bride that owns the wedding party. For you have become part of the family – My Father's hand of acceptance, the Spirit sealing you for eternal salvation, Myself dwelling within you – no distance, heart to heart, ear to ear, whispers to whispers.

"For I am not looking for a people to be left alone, to feel abandoned. For I saw My own in the upper room, trembling in fear. And then My Spirit came, and all was changed, for I made good on My promise. I told them I would not leave them as an orphan. I told them I would send My Spirit, who would lead, direct, and guide them, and keep them in all truth.

I told them I would not abandon them to where they would feel like an orphan, but that He would be the seal upon their heart. For there is fellowship – sweetness in His presence – the Bride and the Spirit, both crying out in song, and in worship, in praise, and in stillness, 'Come, Lord Jesus, come.'

"Lift up My name. Lift up your hearts. Allow Me to take the scales of disappointment and fear away from you. Draw close, and I promise you, I will draw closer to you.

"Draw close in stillness. Listen for My voice. Be trained to hear. Be in season – ready to listen, ready to speak, ready to laugh, ready to weep, ready to run, and to be still.

"Be willing to become all things within Me so that I can bring you through all things, for I will strengthen you. For have I not promised you in My Word, you can do all things through Christ Jesus who will strengthen you? I am your Strengthener," says the Lord, your God.

"Know That Many Things Will Be Changed..."

The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on July 23, 2013 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

The Lord said, "Learn to linger with Me. For the enemy would set up snare, after snare, after snare, to captivate your soul in pain, and imprison you, to where you can not seek My face. But know that I hear. Know that I know. Know that I have not come to harm you, nor have I set My hand against you, nor have I set My face against you. But I have extended My goodness, and My love, and My mercy, and My arms open to you.

 "Let Me embrace your tears. Let Me embrace your temple. Let Me become known to you as the 'Embraceable Savior.' I am going to brace you, and brace you, and brace you up. And I am going to erase the fingerprints of man. For man has been sent in for destruction, after destruction. It has not been My hand of destruction."

 So I would say, 'Ask Me to restrain all warfare against you.' Learn to rest and sleep upon My Word, and let My Word become active. And as it does, let Me captivate your mind, your heart, your body, and your soul, until you are so devoured in the knowledge of the goodness and the love of God.

"I would baptize you tonight, fresh, and strong, in the fire of the warmth of My love. I would take hearts that have grown cold from pain and rejection, and say, 'Beat again unto life.'

"Pick up the rhythm of My Spirit. Cast down death, and pain, and begin to jump. Begin to clap. Begin to set your spirit free, to press through, so I can press out of you, and bring forth the report of the Lord. Know that many things will be changed, for I am for you, not against you," says the Lord your God.

Eileen Fisher
Eileen Fisher Ministries

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Shaking and Sending


2013 Prophetic Words & Teachings => Aug. 2013 => Topic started by: Suzanne on August 14, 2013, 06:49:03 AM

Title: Joey LeTourneau: Shaken Leaders Arise!
Post by: Suzanne on August 14, 2013, 06:49:03 AM
Joey LeTourneau: Shaken Leaders Arise! I Hear a Call to "Rise Up with Expectation"

Shaken Precedes Sending

I believe there is a generation of leaders arising who have been so shaken in their own lives that they will shake the world. Their eyes will no more be on the people, or on perception, for the fear of man has been put to death. It is a generation of leaders, young and old, female and male, shaped and scarred – who are now beginning to realize their grace for this time. 

And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:31

In Acts 4:29-34 we read of a room that was shaken, so that those within it could be sent. Shaking precedes sending. New, and renewed, shaken leaders are arising to join the Lord in a new way. Jesus knows a way to lead us through such narrow paths, and the shaken process we have endured will empower us to thrive there with Him, where the world is waiting for those who will show them Jesus through the love-filled scars of how God intimately met them in their own journey.

We must be leaders not focused on what we are doing, but so focused on what the Father is doing that we change the world's perception of Who He is. We have been shaken with purpose, so we will be Jesus to the world.

These are leaders who are shaken from the governing of human perception and results oriented security, whose vision is fixed instead upon the Presence of heavenly reality. They are leaders who unite the most differing opinions not just because of their ability or negotiations, but because of their undying focus upon their First Love. They do not lead people together in their doctrine or opinions; they lead people directly to the Lord where all can be found together united by the beats of His heart for His people.

The world needs to taste of the grace that has been poured into our shaken places. God's grace is the definition of perfection in this world, so being shaken makes you fertile soil for Jesus to be revealed. These will not just be listened to for their leadership but will be followed because of the First Love whom they won't compromise in following. He is their Vision! They will teach the world a new way – and show us the contagious life of First Love leadership.

To Those Who Have Been Shaken:

To not be moved by the world, we have to be shaken from past mindsets of the world. New requires a process, where the promises we often wait for are mined like diamonds. When Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan River, it was only his generation that he led. The previous generation died in the wilderness. They would not let themselves be shaken from their old vision or past mindsets to join the Lord in a new way.

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ... 1 Peter 1:13

My question is this: What if two generations had crossed over instead of one? What if two generations had taken possession of their Promised Land? What if it wasn't just the new, but also the renewed? What if two generations had taken this new ground, been fruitful, and multiplied? Imagine how much more life would have been born of the Lord!

It's not just about the "new," but like Jesus, it's about the new that comes to fulfill the old. Jesus did not come to destroy the old law but to fulfill it! The old was made new, which set the stage for widespread multiplication.

We so often talk of all Job lost and everything that he went through, and I can't imagine what it must have been like. But to me, the key to Job is found here:

Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning... Job 42:12

To those who have been shaken, consider Job who experienced a latter part of his life that was more blessed than the first, he truly experienced a "latter rain" (Joel 2). We can focus on the loss the shaking has caused or, we can see it as a precursor for even greater grace revealed.

Rise Up With Expectation

I hear a call to rise up with expectation, not away from our wilderness but because of it. In God's upside down Kingdom, the wilderness of shaking is actually chosen fertile ground for next season's multiplication! Similar to what Peter said above, gird up the loins and old ways of your mind, and believe in the grace that is being brought to you.

Are you one of these shaken leaders God has called upon – now unmoved on the inside so you can transform culture on the outside? That is what our wilderness season's offer, for us to demand a profit from our trials that we can spend on the world. Let them become a wilderness of oneness, pressed to the heart of God and like a butterfly from a cocoon ready to launch out into the new. The world may have brought shaking upon you, but God will use that shaking to reveal Himself through you to the world!

To those who have been shaken during this past season of life, I want to honor you. You have been chosen. I believe the latter part of your lives will be more blessed than the former. You have been in a wilderness of oneness and prepared for launch. You will not only see what you lost restored, you will see it restored abundantly, and a new kind of multiplication will spring forth. Profit from the wilderness process with even greater focus on your First Love and step forward into the river Jordan. 

Your shaking has made you a new breed of leader who has abandoned the pressures of perception and expectation to live out a culture of leadership that Jesus Himself has set the course. The world around you is not just waiting for a new, great ministry; they are waiting for Christ in you, the hope of glory!

You are part of a new breed of leaders who will not be moved by pressure, but who will move many others by your unearthly passion and enduring love. The grace you receive into these wilderness places will be the grace the world tastes from your life, so rejoice! Your past season may have felt like a wilderness, but to God, it's now a harvest field of promises that He wants to reveal through you to the world.

But imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises... Hebrews 6:12

I can only imagine what would have happened had two generations crossed over the Jordan into the Promised Land, but I believe we are about to find out. Shaken leaders arise!

Joey LeTourneau
M.A.R.K. 10:14 Family/Heavenly Hope Ministries /