Friday, June 28, 2013

Standing in the face of Confusion sent by the enemy! And Waiting/Abiding in His Presence BY Phyliss Ford 6-28-

Word of the Lord for July 2013 and Beyond
By: Prophetess Phyllis Ford
Arlington, Texas

“You have now entered into a time where abiding in my presence is vitally important. I am drawing a line of demarcation. I am measuring and accessing all things, and I am reclaiming that which is my own. More and more will be uncovered during this time and all that I previously spoke to you would be revealed. For the ways of men and their actions are being weighed and as a result of these actions; they will be determined good or bad.”

“There is a confusion sent by the enemy to delay, distract and discourage those who are walking out their faith, and to further discourage those who have abandoned their faith. The wisdom is not to waver in your trust concerning the covenant that I have set before you, hold on to the promises. They will not fall to the ground neither are they forgotten. Some will have to retrace their steps so that they can discover where they got off course, but as they repent I will lead them out. Others should just wait, because they are standing at the door and it is about to open before them.”

“Look into the realm of the Spirit, some of you are waiting for me to initiate things for you that I have already provided. Search my word and you will see what I have given you, power to do and overcome so move forward according to my covenant, with the life, the light and the strength that I have placed upon you as sons.”

John 1:12-13 “But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”

“You are still being purged and refined, it is a necessary process, understand that even the fullness of refinement is walked out in the place of elevation, which is to come. The most important thing that you need to know is how to operate in my strength and not your own. You will then see the results you are looking for and you will advance with the victory that I have purchased. Do not allow the various things that are going on around you to veer you off course. Many things will occur now and you must be single-minded and focused so that you may walk along the path that I have prepared. This is a serious time for seeking me and walking in a close place with me. There are instructions and key direction that will be provided for you in the secret place. I am removing that which has hindered you and bringing in more of me that you will need to follow in the journey that is before you. Very serious things will happen quickly and without warning and you must be able to position yourself in a place of abiding with me. Pray without ceasing it will keep you alert spiritually and wear prayer like a garment so that as you walk out my will in that moment. In a matter of minutes you will be able to change your course to avoid coming trouble.”

“This will lead you as well to upcoming provision, ways of escape and doors of opportunity that will stand before you. Timing is everything and you must make sure that you go through the places I have prepared at the right time. What will open and work for you, will work for you. Timing, answers, directions, set yourself to know what I am showing you and revealing to you about you, and the course I have designed for you. The principles in my word do not change, but the timing and instructions for you are determined by where you are and what you have committed to do. You must pray, listen and walk in a serious disciplined life now. Don’t run after words of prophecy, run after me. Because there are specifics that you need now in order to move forward. If you don’t heed then you will find yourself distracted and not focused upon the most important details you will need down the way. The economy, the crisis of famine, civil unrest, as well as the mounting frustrations will come to a complete unraveling in these coming months. You will need to know how to shift into a complete watch mode carrying the necessary wisdom of what to do in a moment’s notice.”

“Walking in a dependency upon me, will keep you protected, as I guide you and lead the way for your deliverance.
“There is much “emotional stirrings” going on and you must know the mind of the Spirit in this hour, says the Lord. These are words to stir up fear, anger, and emotions. They don’t carry my heart but are used to justify the reactions of men. They are the works of the flesh. ( Galatians 5:16-22).   Pray, Study and Know my word—it will speak to you when you need it the most. I am setting much in order and some things must be completely torn down before the coming of the new and that which is ordained to emerge. I know that you hear the ranting and the accusations of the enemy but do not allow this to disturb you. Rein in your emotions and begin to resolve personal issues in your heart, your mind and your spirit. You will hear clearer and it will not operate as a mixture of the things of the world and the things of God. Avoid that kind of preconceived mindset that could keep you going in circles, for I am releasing to you keys to overcome and move over situations. That anointing to overcoming will carry the conviction of your faith. You are more than conquerors and it is important to read and study my word for will iron out the wrinkles of confusion and inconsistencies. Set your standards high and your discipline even higher. My power which is being released to you in my love, will remove doubt. It will impart to you a sense of oneness with me and will bring peace even in midst of coming storms.”

“In this time it is essential to understand my dominion. Keep your heart and mind in a peace through the cleansing of my word, your worship and prayer will deliver you from things that will come to trouble you. Stay away from the What if’s and begin to pray and ask me to show you the wisdom to overcome. For every “what if” the enemy will present to you, I have given you an, “I will overcome.”
You must be able to filter out what you see in the media and the reports from those who will prey upon your fears, and cause you to see things through the world system. Follow me, for there are hidden motives behind many things that are being played out in the media. Come into my presence and allow me to reveal to you, my truth and I will uncover the enemies of the day.”

“I am ready to sound the trump and I am soon to roar. Many new things are coming forth now, I have ordered them and I am ushering them in and the enemies of this day can’t hinder nor stop what I am about to do. I am bringing forth a new you and a new discipline, and a new strength that will come forth out of your weakness. A new determination and even my plans which are not new, but are new compared to the present order of things will be revealed. I breathe new life upon you for a new time, a new hour. Put on the new. Put on the garments and wear them for I have prepared them for you in this hour. They are garments of light and liberty. (I saw in a vision of garments that were shining bright white and full of light.) That which needs to be rebuilt and restored will take on this great light, so that the kingdom can be enlarged and come forth in great measure. Many shall arise, says the Lord of hosts. MANY SHALL ARISE.”

Revelations 3:4-5 “Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels.”

Ephesians 4:22-24 “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” 

Isaiah 52: 1-2 “Awake, awake; put on your strength, O Zion; put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for from now on there shall no more come into you the uncircumcised and the unclean. Shake yourself from the dust; arise, and sit our down, O Jerusalem: loose yourself from the bands of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion.”

Special Note:Pray for Israel for the enemy has tried to set her off course but I have preserve some things, even held back some things, so that they may come right in the time appointed. Cover her with the words of my covenant, and lift up your voice and sing songs of Zion and victory. There is much evil around her, plans to strike her without warning. Cover her intercessors, cover her watchmen!! (The Lord showed me an enemy was in the camp. I saw that this man was with those who work around P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu. (We must pray for Mr. Netanyahu and pray that this enemy is uncovered).   

Karios Timing/ Stay on your number! Stay under the Hand of God! Bill Yount/

A Kairos Moment: The Door Is Open

27 Jun 2013

Kairos: "The appointed time in the purpose of God." The time when God acts.

We have entered a unique kairos moment. God has heard our cries for, "Why not now? Why not here?" Godly secrets of the heart will be manifested. Our moment to change history has arrived. It will explain why we haven't been heard from yet. I sense strongly a couple of those God moments taking place on the earth. For one: There will be those who will change history with a pen. An innocent pen will become the axis that will turn the world upside down and birth a nation in a day. ( Isaiah 66:8 )  And the other one: Many who have wept long lonely nights will discover that their tears were seeds of flowers that are now blooming for their wedding day. Many will discover their once-in-a-life time moment and why they were born. The door is open!

 "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written." St. John 21:25

I saw gold pens falling from heaven as though they were thrown by the angels. They were hurled like javelins into the hands of unknown people. These pens turned into spears and swords as they fell into these hands. As their fingers began to write; books, songs and poetry were becoming lethal weapons to war against the enemy! Psalm 144:1 was being activated throughout the earth! "Blessed be the Lord my strength, who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight!" Is there a book in you? A song stirring in your heart? Poetry that keeps coming to the surface? Perhaps the Lord is calling you this hour to pick up your pen!

Long awaited 'end-time' weddings will take place upon the earth, preceding the greatest wedding in the Universe.

I saw veils of singleness that had been covering many single men and women for years, in spite of their desire to marry. These veils were actually covering them to protect and hide them from wrong relationships. Many had thought, "What's wrong with me? No one seems to notice me or even look at me." But I saw the wisdom of God hard at work to preserve these chosen ones for the person whom the Lord was preparing and keeping separate for them. I sensed the Father saying to their guardian angels, "Begin to lift the veils of 'singleness' off of their faces. It's time for them to see and be seen by the ones whom I have ordained for them. As I sent an angel to direct the steps of Isaac's servant to find Rebecca for him, I am sending angels before them to guide them."

 I've noticed a pattern that weaves through my life. After seasons of living in obscurity a kairos moment thrusts me to a higher, more noble place. There I discover God had been using me all along, perhaps even most in those seasons when I felt like quitting.


Bill Yount

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Apostolic Grace by Sharon Luzzi from 2005

I received this in 2005.

Now for the Apostolic Grace………….Jesus’ Love or what I call True Love

This is what God has shown me about the Apostolic Grace………

It makes the things of God real in the heart of men.
They will be a direct hook up to God.
No more lying on of hands………God showed me this is like training wheels (lying on of hands)
No more patterns coming from man’s ways.
No more repeating of patterns, each one will be unique. Like in ministry.
Each person will be individually worked with.
We are to lose or let go of known patterns for instance three fast two slow.
We cannot transfer into the new with old mindsets.
The old will not work anymore.
Men and Women will walk in the Apostolic Grace. There is no gender in the supernatural.
The Apostolic Grace will be used for planting seeds of True Love.
I t will be Breathing Life. Leading People into the Glory, leading into the new land, knowing the plans of the new land and what I call “mass worship”.
Re-establishing of worshipping in spirit and truth.
Teaching will be without pride or payment.
The format will not be what we are used to.
We cannot be co-dependent in any form.
The hookup has to be fully to God himself as Father and Creator.
The Apostolic Grace will shatter the hard heart.
True Love will be irresistible.
The Apostolic Love will be the real expression of whom we are and what we were created to do not what others think we are supposed to do.
God had to have a Fatherless generation to imprint His image on them.
This includes anyone who’s Father did not affirm them and father them.
The Apostolic Grace breaks the religious spirit for good.
Worship will be a lifestyle.
All control in any form has to go!
No more control where there is control there is fear.
The Apostolic is Love Driven.
Love and Fear can not exist together it really is light and dark.
Love takes time. True Love.

I am seeing people who don't have the word in them and relationship with God right now being overtaken and over run with their needs and problems. Time is running out.

Sharon Luzzi

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Alaska His First Fruits


You are coming into your own.
You will see many people come and go, who will come into your midst.
Your own will establish themselves for your people and your state.
There are those who are called to stay home and those called out (sent ones)
Sent Out.
Out of the midst of you.
You will shine among the nations.
You will hold your own as a You are established.
Do not shrink back from this task.
You have become a light in the darkness.
You can not survive hidden under a rock.
Come out, Come out, Come out, Come out.

I have established a light in your midst.

Come out to be a light house among the nations.
You can choose to stay in your current situation or come out.

Choose Life!
Choose the path I have given you.
Stand in the ancient ways and all will be well with you.
All will be well with you.
You can't afford to stay in the dark.

Come out.

You have been hidden by me.
Now is the time to come out.

Be the standard.
Be the light.
Be the pattern.
Be the example.

In doing so you will lead the nations.
Lead the people to My Ways.
Come My people, whom I  have called to be my own.
Whom I have called unto myself.
Do not despair.
You will no longer be left in the dark.
No more.
My light will shine thru you.
Come be a light to the nations that I have called you to be.
My instruction is coming.
It is coming out of the supernatural into the natural.
Come take hold of it.
Take hold of all the manifestations of My word.
Come, let it take hold.
It will come and fully manifest in my name.
Come no more failures or shortcomings.
You will be brought out as a whole people.
A people who have been restored by My hand only.

You will not look like any other.
You will look like Me.
A people called by Me.
A people called to operate like Me and By Me.
Come do not doubt you will be a force to be reckoned with.
Come I will show them who you are.
A people who belong to Me.
Come, you are mine.
A people of My planting.
A people destined to carry My Glory.

Come you will be redeemed from the hand of the enemy.
Come from the hand of the enemy.

You shall walk in a deeper Grace, an Apostolic Grace.
Come don't think lightly of the task at hand that I have put before you.

It comes with great responsibilities.
A Grace to cover the people.
A Grace beyond belief.

Love covers, Grace is the glue.

Come Grace beyond measure for the task ahead.
No judgment.
 No judgment

Come start walking in it.

Start becoming like Yeshua


Grace abounding

Receive MY GRACE

You are My First Fruits



You are without spot or wrinkle.

You have all of my character imprinted on you.

Without or wrinkle